Can't hit bear with pistol


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Okay so i don't know if just suck or i'm encountering a bug.

This is the first game i've played past day 20 in a long time and it's the first i'm hunting a bear and actually using the distress pistol. I tried shooting the bear while it was in the cave entrance under Echo Peak West in TWM from inside it, tried and missed twice. I tried shooting it with me in the entrance and it inside and then with it outside, both missed. I then tried a few times in the flattish area in between Crystal Lake and Echo Peak West; twice from a ledge, once from behind, once head on with it down, once with it reared up, and once with almost on top of me, all missed. The last couple of shots i was aiming slightly down like i found suggested. This is on Stalker and i reloaded the game to when i woke up that morning every time it missed.

Is there something i'm missing or did i really just get unlucky and snagged a bug?

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I've now fired 2 flare shots at bears that were charging at me and the pistol shots DEFINITELY shot them square in the face, center of mass of oncoming bear. Both times the flare didn't stick and counted as a miss. I thought the first one was just weird but now with 2 I am also wondering.

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On 9/5/2018 at 2:03 PM, Kayosiv said:

I've now fired 2 flare shots at bears that were charging at me and the pistol shots DEFINITELY shot them square in the face, center of mass of oncoming bear. Both times the flare didn't stick and counted as a miss. I thought the first one was just weird but now with 2 I am also wondering.

Maybe it's a bug introduced in the last patch?

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On 9/3/2018 at 4:19 PM, codfish107 said:

it's the first i'm hunting a bear and actually using the distress pistol. I tried shooting the bear while it was in the cave entrance under Echo Peak West in TWM from inside it, tried and missed twice. I tried shooting it with me in the entrance and it inside and then with it outside, both missed.

Just as in real life, flare flight is a bit erratic.. which is pretty logical, they're not designed with aerodynamic characteristics in mind, nor for hitting things with. As such, they don't always go in exactly the direction they're aimed.

In other words, the closer you are to the target, the better your chances of actually hitting it...

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6 hours ago, TurkeySteam said:

Sometimes they stick and sometimes they just go through or bounce off.

Lately, I'm seeing a lot of not-sticks when I know from experience those particular hits should have stuck*. Either the odds calculation for sticking has changed, or it's a bug. Given the number of reported weird new bugs introduced by the latest patches, and the fact that the devs specifically worked on a bear-death related bug, I'm tipping that it's a bug.

* One incident was kinda funny.. the flare bounced off the bear and stuck to the player character.. didn't do any damage, thankfully, but it was weird (and entertaining) to watch, while it lasted.

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