The ability to create your own survivor


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On 05/01/2018 at 4:42 PM, AlexandraRussia said:

Hello, first of all, thank you for the opportunity to customize your survival mode, and secondly here is my idea.  that if you do so that you can create your own survivor, well, for example, a child, an adolescent, and so on, following the example of a survivalis

I would love to see this ingame

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I agree that survival mode should allow the player to tailor their avatar. I'm not so much interested in drastically changing the character models' architecture, but I would love to see a Dark Souls level of character customization. Some players may have an issue with not being able to customize the voices, but I would just assume turn them completely off in survival mode. No offence and mad respect to Jennifer Hale and David Hayter, but I KNOW I HAVE TO DROP SOME GEAR, SHUT UP!

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Yes, I in fact had this same idea. My idea is along the lines of creating a survival character and being able to choose his or her background. Backgrounds would include stuff like: GunSmither, Sword/Knife Smither, Medic and Carpenter. Each background would have it's own specialty skills & knowledge that make them unique.
A Sword/Knife Smither could make better knives that maybe are sharper, cut better or last longer.
A Medic could heal a sprained wrist without a painkiller.

A Carpenter could make an outdoor stash box for food or items. 

And different player voices to choose from.

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I don't so much mind the idea of customizable characters — I think it could add a lot to the game and I'd like to see it happen — but I balk when the suggested backgrounds are highly-specific ones that are very uncommon in real life.

Doctor?  Carpenter?  Sure.  But, Sword-smith?  Fletcher?  I can see why these skills would be useful in TLD, but how many of these people are out there?  To me, this takes away from the immersion of the game, which implies someone with little or no skill learning to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.

Lawyer.  Programmer.  Policeman.  Librarian.  Teacher.  Bus Driver.  Fast Food Worker.  Retail Cashier.  What about people like these?

I often compare TLD to This War of Mine.  They are very similar games in a lot of ways.  One thing I like about the characters is that they are varied and realistic.  And yes, some of them are better than others at surviving, and that makes persevering with the ill-suited ones that much more rewarding.

I'd rather see something like Tropico's way of creating "El Presidente", with a wide range of backgrounds, attributes, and flaws, each of which affects the game in small but noticeable ways.  That creates a lot of potential for immersion and story-making, without devolving into D&D-like character "classes" that don't reflect the realism the game strives for.

My two cents.

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