Storm Lantern: Adjusting light


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8 hours ago, pigbull320 said:

It would be cool if by use of pinwheel the player could adjust the Storm Lanterns brightness, (you can do it in real life) this would allow you to conserve fuel or make it brighter/dimmer when needed.

They should also increase the maximum brightness by 50%.

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5 hours ago, Muk_Pile said:

+1 for lantern brightness adjuster

Also, how about making the lantern's condition actually matter?  The better the condition it's in, the brighter it shines and the less fuel it consumes.


6 hours ago, nicko said:

+1 for a lantern fuel adjust thingy. this would be adjusting the wick height btw. burn out the wick, maybe we need to find more wicks. or create them.

This could be great, the condition goes down the more you use it, the condition being the wick, and using a tool box and finding some more wick you can repair the lantern.

Adjusting the flame would make the wick burn faster/the condition to worsen faster.

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7 hours ago, nicko said:

+1 for a lantern fuel adjust thingy. this would be adjusting the wick height btw. burn out the wick, maybe we need to find more wicks. or create them.

Depends on the type of lantern. From what I've seen in game, our lanterns likely burn naphtha gas and would use a sock (or mantle) instead of a wick. Creating a sock would understandably be much harder than making a simple wick.

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