Pleasant Valley is SOOO beautiful!


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Has anyone else EVER seen Pleasant Valley? I mean, in all it's glory? You know, when it isnt a blizzard, and you can actually see more than a few feet? Well, after over 400 hours of gameplay, I FINALLY DID, tonight! The blizzard finally stopped! No wind, no snow, it was gorgeous!  I instantly lost my bearing in the vastness of it, got lost, and froze to death. 

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wow you played over 400hrs and this is first time you been to PV? yes it's a stunning map. very large and easy to get lost in a blizzard :) if your not used to it, like any new map I guess. Look for the main house - great spot to setup.

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I haven't actually been to Timberwolf or Desolation Point yet. From what I can tell, TM is dangerous.

On ML I set up at the camp office and can fish for my main source of food and snare rabbits as extra. However, PV 's sudden blizzards make it lethal and the fact the only fishing hut is a bit of a treck away from the house. So you have to shoot deer which isn't that sustainable.


I've just moved to PV after spending 50 days on ML, where I started. ML is definately easy mode, CH isn't too bad either. I'm not sure i'm going to stay at PV very long, maybe stockpile some stuff then move to desolation.

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7 hours ago, Pegasus2 said:

I haven't actually been to Timberwolf or Desolation Point yet. From what I can tell, TM is dangerous.

How can you tell if you've not yet been there?

Timberwolf Mountain is actually not that dangerous once you understood the basics of surviving there. It does require a slightly different approach than the other regions, but that's about it.

Desolation Point is in fact dangerous. The wolf density seems to be higher than anywhere else (although there are some (outside) places which are safe, so it's much harder than e.g. in PV to avoid them.

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8 hours ago, Berniyh said:

How can you tell if you've not yet been there?

Timberwolf Mountain is actually not that dangerous once you understood the basics of surviving there. It does require a slightly different approach than the other regions, but that's about it.

Desolation Point is in fact dangerous. The wolf density seems to be higher than anywhere else (although there are some (outside) places which are safe, so it's much harder than e.g. in PV to avoid them.

Just from forum posts by people.

Wolves arn't the danger. The bigger danger is sudden blizzards and getting lost.

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If you get lucky with a particular prepper's cache spawn at Pleasant Valley, it is very, very easy to survive there for a very, very long time. By far the easiest location I've found on any map. 

You live in the bunker, have all the food and fuel you could ever need right on your doorstep, no wolves or bears, and a work bench just a short walk away. On clear days the views are spectacular, and on stormy days you can still go about most of your business without much hindrance because everything you need is in such close proximity anyway.

(Gets pretty boring after a while though.)

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Pleasant Valley is also my favourite map. Nice scenery, interesting challenges and lots of food. Everything a survivor needs ^_^

Although it was a lot easier when rabbits were right outside the farmhouse as opposed to across the field.

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yeah gotta say Pleasant Valley is my favourite, and at the moment I've started my current stalker play through on PV,on day 45ish, fully searched map got plenty supplies to stay a while longer /could go a run for arrows. Decisions,lol.


I like the challenge of having to carefully plan your looting trips around the crazy storm pattern(which I believe after a while you do learn there is a pattern, but at first does seem like just crazy ,random storms all the time) and usually takes a good amount of time/days to search such a vast expanse, then my trip for arrow heads becomes an expedition, and ML a holiday:), then finally , I have TWM for the last ditch stuggle for supplies.

that's the rough plan

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HAHAHAA!!!  I really only started this thread as a sarcastic dig at the constant blizzard conditions in PV, but its nice to see PV gettin' so much love! I personally prefer TWM and ML. 


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