Pilgrim • Voyageur • Stalker (differences)


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Pilgrim - Predators don't show aggression towards the player, though shooting a bear with a rifle at close range is an exception. I know this from experience. I thought the bear would flee after being shot considering it was on Pilgrim. Boy was I wrong. That bear kicked my ***. 


Voyageur - Animals attack players now. That's all I know lol. Currently 44 days in.


Stalker - ok all I know is predators do more damage here. Wolves are likely to kill you, and Bears will kill you guaranteed. But what other difference are there between the 3 difficulties? In stalker...

Is the weather harsher?

Are the loots less abundant?

Does our energy drop faster?

Do we get hunger or thirsty quicker?

Does injuries require more medicine?

Does it take longer to heal?

Are there less deer and more predators?

Do craftable items require more hide, more guts, etc?

What are the differences?

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10 hours ago, djb204 said:

Stalker - ok all I know is predators do more damage here. Wolves are likely to kill you, and Bears will kill you guaranteed.

Bear's don't kill you in stalker mode (they maul you down to 10% condition and then leave you be) and neither do wolves. Even if you don't fight back at all, wolves usually don't do more than 40-70% condition damage per attack. The precise damage varies quite a lot, even under the same conditions (e.g. starting clothes & no fighting back). I once tested it a few months ago and never got killed despite complete passiveness.


10 hours ago, djb204 said:

Is the weather harsher?  Are the loots less abundant?

Yes. Both weather and temperatures are mildest in Pilgrim and harshest in Stalker. Loot is most abundant in Pilgrim and scarcest in Stalker. Albeit "scarce" is a question of definition here. There's still plenty of loot in Stalker as well (at least in my opinion).


11 hours ago, djb204 said:

Does our energy drop faster?

Yes. Pilgrim < Voyager < Stalker. As above.


11 hours ago, djb204 said:

Do we get hunger or thirsty quicker?

Voyageur has the highest caloric requirements, followed by Stalker and finally Pilgrim. No idea about thirst, sorry.


11 hours ago, djb204 said:

Are there less deer and more predators?

Yes, the deer/wolf ratio is highest in Pilgrim (many deer, few wolves) and smallest in Stalker (few deer, many wolves).


11 hours ago, djb204 said:

Does injuries require more medicine?

Does it take longer to heal?

Do craftable items require more hide, more guts, etc?

Nope, no difference here (at least to my current knowledge).



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1 hour ago, Scyzara said:

Voyageur has the highest caloric requirements, followed by Stalker and finally Pilgrim. No idea about thirst, sorry.

Wait, what? Any idea why?

I might start playing Stalker, if this is true. It annoys me that I have to eat 4 whole wolves, 17 rabbits and half a bear every morning for breakfast, just to prevent starvation setting in by lunchtime in Voyageur.

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On Stalker there is supposedly less loot and like double amount of wolves, if not greater. At the same time wolves difficulty seems to remain the same. I had no problems fending them off with little to no effort(at average condition loss is around 15%, with like 50% chance of torn clothes/lacerations) on Voyager, nor i have on Stalker. They just annoy the shit out of me, since i have to dodge them all the time,  dont need that much hides/meat and hate to let resources go to waste.

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4 hours ago, Pillock said:

Wait, what? Any idea why?

I might start playing Stalker, if this is true. It annoys me that I have to eat 4 whole wolves, 17 rabbits and half a bear every morning for breakfast, just to prevent starvation setting in by lunchtime in Voyageur.

Sure it's true. Activities take more calories in voyageur, most likely to compensate the greater amount of canned food and deer, I guess. Only the Devs could tell us in detail why they decided to balance it this way. :winky:

The calorie difference isn't that big, but it's definitely noticeable. For sleeping, it's e.g. 60kcal/h in Stalker (upper screenshot) vs. 75kcal/h in Voyageur (lower screenshot). For breaking down a simple wooden crate barehanded, it's 50 kcal (Stalker) vs 62 kcal (Voyageur).

I did some more testing regarding thirst and didn't really notice a difference there. Seems to take exactly 12h in both modes to get dehydrated while sleeping.



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Wolves are harder to kill in Pilgrim than Voyager, but that's because they run away. You have to sneak up on them to kill them.  Scavenging deer on Pilgrim is incredibly easy, however.  Just walk up to a wolf while it is eating, and it will run away.  I have too many deer hides on Pilgrim and few wolf pelts, and too many wolf pelts and too few deer on Voyager.

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I pasted this awhile back in another thread.  These are some of the potential differences besides animal aggression.

Ambient Wild Life Spawn Scale

Calorie Burn Scale

Closest Spawn Distance After Transition Scale

Decay Scale

Fatigue Rate Scale

Freezing Rate Scale

Gear Spawn Chance Scale

Hostile Wild Life Spawn Scale

Reduce Max Items In Container

Spawn Region Chance Active Scale

Thirst Rate Scale

Time Of Day Scale

Weather Duration Scale



    Day Night Duration Scale;
    Smell Range Scale;
    Struggle Tap Strength Scale;

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On 15 April 2016 at 4:37 AM, Vhalkyrie said:

Wolves are harder to kill in Pilgrim than Voyager, but that's because they run away. You have to sneak up on them to kill them.  Scavenging deer on Pilgrim is incredibly easy, however.  Just walk up to a wolf while it is eating, and it will run away.  I have too many deer hides on Pilgrim and few wolf pelts, and too many wolf pelts and too few deer on Voyager.

Preach it sister.  My longest game in on voyager and I've wolf pelts coming out my ears.  

I could line a fur highway from camp office to trappers if I felt the desire.

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12 hours ago, Doc Gonzo said:

Preach it sister.  My longest game in on voyager and I've wolf pelts coming out my ears.  

I could line a fur highway from camp office to trappers if I felt the desire.

That may be useful for avoiding getting lost in blizzards :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The weather is worse on stalker, but I still think it isn't cold enough.  As soon as I have even just the pants and boots I hardly ever have to even light a fire if at all.  I actually wish it was much colder that way I could wear my crafted clothing and still get cold :)

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