Tea and coffee purpose


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I decided to make this topic after watching quite alot of playtroughs and videos,as well after reading some guides and tips for survival.I am surprised,that many very experienced players still put coffee and tea purpose in same basket,and even suggest newely players tips,how and when to use tea and coffee.So,let us make clear of main purpose of both of fluids. :)

Tea.Tea purpose is to make us warm boost and also give few calories,but main purpose is warmth bonus.Whenever we are freezing,we should make fire and cook tea,to get faster warmth bonus.We cannot rely only on fire,as we get warmth bonus very slow from it,especially in open place.Many times we need to combine our clothing bonus+warm tea warmth boost bonus+sleepig bag warmth bonus and compare sume of all three bonuses with actuall cold and winchild.

Tea gives only warmth bonus temporarly,helping our warmth bar to climb down from red,danger area.

Coffee.Coffee main purpose is to reduce our fatigue and give some calories.But,remember...main purpose of coffee is to REDUCE FATIGUE.In your game you will find more tea than coffee,so be aware,that coffee is very precious and you must use it only at really needed occassions.If you plan long term run,you will find coffee life savior many times.In Pleasant Valley you can run into bad weather and lose your orientation.Whille looking for your base in bad weather,you can lose strenght,you walk opposite wind and become tired very fast,so you may die coz of exhaustement,not abble to reach shelter.

So,take care of your coffee and don`t worry,if you won`t need to use it for 300,500 days.Sooner or later you will come to situation,where you will desperately need it and your run may be over just because of stupid coffee. :)

ChillPlayer already loooong time ago realised importance of both fluids and gave tips,which I,for myself,started to respect since recently,yet. :oops: So,let me give you some advices.Whenever you cook food or boil water,just cook some tea and coffe cups in advance.Keep always at least 4 cups of tea and coffee in your inventory.Never mind,if they are cold.They do not lose condition and they are very light,so they won`t take much place in your backpack.It can happen,that you will be in situation,when you will have lack of water and you will need fast way to warm up.So,if you will have already cooked tea in backpack,you will need only to heat it up and it will not consume additional water,as cup of tea you will have already made.Also,you may come into situation,when you will be exhausted in blizzard and there will be no place for you to make fire.So,having already made cup of coffee will not request from you to make fire,but simply just drink it from your backpack. :) Simple tips,but they may be life savior. :)

So,guys...always have at least three or four cooked cups of tea and coffee,each,in your backpack.And for warming up always use tea.When you will be off herbal tea,you can use rishi tea or rosehip tea as well.There is many rosehips and mushrooms in game,so you will still have enough of them left to use them as painkillers/antybiotics,when needed. :)

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already.

That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

In real life, I have two metal bottles strapped to the outside of my pack, and one inside. Combined, they hold about a gallon of liquid. Remember, and I actually like how this happens in-game: Water is HEAVY. It weighs a little more than 8 lbs /gallon, and you should be drinking about a gallon/day in strenuous environments, probably more. Don't bother carrying it with you.

I also carry a metal cup (I am working on carving a Kuksa) that I drink from. When I make tea (I am a big fan of herbal teas from plants I forage), I can't just throw it in my pack and save it for later, like how Denyo is describing above, because ..... well, it would get everywhere. These mugs don't have lids.

Also, in a real-world survival situation, you drink coffee as a last resort, because it has a dehydrating effect due to caffeine. Teas have much less caffeine than coffee, and herbal tea has none. Teas are infinitely more effective at warming up the "core", due to imparting heat via the same method, while not dehydrating you.

So, yes, coffee would keep you awake (due to caffeine) [it also doesn't actually "fix" exhaustion, merely treat the symptoms], but also dehydrate you (also due to caffeine). In a real-world situation, you don't care about exhaustion, you care about dehydration. I can sleep/rest whenever. I NEED water.

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already.

That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

In real life, I have two metal bottles strapped to the outside of my pack, and one inside. Combined, they hold about a gallon of liquid. Remember, and I actually like how this happens in-game: Water is HEAVY. It weighs a little more than 8 lbs /gallon, and you should be drinking about a gallon/day in strenuous environments, probably more. Don't bother carrying it with you.

I also carry a metal cup (I am working on carving a Kuksa) that I drink from. When I make tea (I am a big fan of herbal teas from plants I forage), I can't just throw it in my pack and save it for later, like how Denyo is describing above, because ..... well, it would get everywhere. These mugs don't have lids.

Also, in a real-world survival situation, you drink coffee as a last resort, because it has a dehydrating effect due to caffeine. Teas have much less caffeine than coffee, and herbal tea has none. Teas are infinitely more effective at warming up the "core", due to imparting heat via the same method, while not dehydrating you.

So, yes, coffee would keep you awake (due to caffeine) [it also doesn't actually "fix" exhaustion, merely treat the symptoms], but also dehydrate you (also due to caffeine). In a real-world situation, you don't care about exhaustion, you care about dehydration. I can sleep/rest whenever. I NEED water.

Just one simple,but very important note,my frend Boston123. :) Maybe you didn`t notice,but this is a game,not real world. ;) I think there is no need to compare every detail in game with real world.If we do that,then it will become real situation struggling,not a simple game,made for entertaining.

Developers gave us a game for entertain us,not a survival simulator,don`t you agree? ;) No hard feelings. :)

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already.

That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

In real life, I have two metal bottles strapped to the outside of my pack, and one inside. Combined, they hold about a gallon of liquid. Remember, and I actually like how this happens in-game: Water is HEAVY. It weighs a little more than 8 lbs /gallon, and you should be drinking about a gallon/day in strenuous environments, probably more. Don't bother carrying it with you.

I also carry a metal cup (I am working on carving a Kuksa) that I drink from. When I make tea (I am a big fan of herbal teas from plants I forage), I can't just throw it in my pack and save it for later, like how Denyo is describing above, because ..... well, it would get everywhere. These mugs don't have lids.

Also, in a real-world survival situation, you drink coffee as a last resort, because it has a dehydrating effect due to caffeine. Teas have much less caffeine than coffee, and herbal tea has none. Teas are infinitely more effective at warming up the "core", due to imparting heat via the same method, while not dehydrating you.

So, yes, coffee would keep you awake (due to caffeine) [it also doesn't actually "fix" exhaustion, merely treat the symptoms], but also dehydrate you (also due to caffeine). In a real-world situation, you don't care about exhaustion, you care about dehydration. I can sleep/rest whenever. I NEED water.

Just one simple,but very important note,my frend Boston123. :) Maybe you didn`t notice,but this is a game,not real world. ;) I think there is no need to compare every detail in game with real world.If we do that,then it will become real situation struggling,not a simple game,made for entertaining.

Developers gave us a game for entertain us,not a survival simulator,don`t you agree? ;) No hard feelings. :)

Maybe, but throwing an open cup of coffee or tea into my backpack and things not getting soaked is ..... well, stupid. Immersion-breaking at best, and infuriating at best.

Likewise, brewing multiple "items" of food and carrying them in your backpack for contingencies is metagaming. I HATE metagaming. Don't metagame. Metagaming includes "hibernation" (AKA abusing the hunger, starvation and health mechanics) and "wolf-fighting" (Where you go out and fight a wolf for food, knowing you are of high enough condition to be able to live with the damage)

Is it something that you would do in a real-world survival situation? No? Okay then. It either shouldn't be possible, or be heavily biased against.

And as for your last comment (survival simulator vs game), this is taken directly from the Steam Store page:

The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience

It is both. However, that doesn't mean that the game cannot be as "realistic" as possible. Keeping open mugs of beverage in your pack without them getting everywhere is both unrealistic and "game-y".

In my opinion, we already can carry to much weight, move far to fast, and don't sweat. Those need to change.

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already. That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

Even though they went to the trouble of making a Hinterland cup, +1.

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Boston123 and Octavian...this topic was meant to help other players and give some usefull tips in game mechanics as we have them currently.Nothing here is "metagaming" or calling out for abuse game mechanics.

If you two dissagree with mechanics as they stand atm,please,start another topic under Wishlist or Feedback section.Do not,please,do not try to start here flamable war,as your writting is off topic.

No offence,but this is friendly community and every constructive critics and replys are wellcome as long they are following the topic.Also,no need for accusing for no reason.

Peace,love& respect. :D

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already. That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

Even though they went to the trouble of making a Hinterland cup, +1.

Is there an online store where I can buy this cup? I kind of want one...

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I REALLY REALLY wish the devs would get rid of "containers" (that is, the plastic bottles and mugs that appear in your inventory when you carry water or coffee/tea) already. That way, metagaming like the above^ would stop.

Even though they went to the trouble of making a Hinterland cup, +1.

Is there an online store where I can buy this cup? I kind of want one...


We'll have a store on our official site (hinterlandgames.com) in July.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can use "any" of the hot beverages in the game to help increase your core warmth. While rose tip and mushroom concoctions have other medicinal benefits, they also contain some calories and warmth. It seems to take a bushel of rose tips to make a batch, mushrooms are easier to find and there are lots of them out there. If you need water or warmth, who cares what the "designed purpose" is... drink it.

However, the OP has a real point. I carry 6 of each pill type and 2-3 of every water concoction I can brew. Being able to get a quick fire going and heating up a drink could be the difference between life and death. Also the reason why I carry a roll of newspaper, a book and an accelerant. A cold shot of espresso can be the difference between walking back and crawling back to shelter. Not to mention when you are starving you eat what you can lay your hands on.

In so far as being anal about the cups... it is just an image. They could just as easily be in spill proof mugs, sports bottles, plastic water skins, plastic bottles, flasks or countless other spill proof containers. I take the devs depiction as tea with a grain of salt. At least they are not in same "plastic bottle or jug" water is depicted in.

[i say mine are all in flasks... with a little extra something something]

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[i say mine are all in flasks... with a little extra something something]

Now I want a craftable flask to carry my tea and/or coffee in, with fur insulation to keep it hot longer. :mrgreen:

Maybe the real reason the plane went down was to much moonshine in a hip flask. Geomagnetic event indeed! :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

We'll have a store on our official site (hinterlandgames.com) in July.

(looks at the calendar) Hey, hey! HEY!

Hinterland coffee mugs! When do we want them?

Sorry! That was the the timeframe I was given. I'll be sure to make a big announcement as soon as it's up and running (or when I have an official date). It's nice to know people are excited for it =)

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We'll have a store on our official site (hinterlandgames.com) in July.

(looks at the calendar) Hey, hey! HEY!

Hinterland coffee mugs! When do we want them?

Sorry! That was the the timeframe I was given. I'll be sure to make a big announcement as soon as it's up and running (or when I have an official date). It's nice to know people are excited for it =)

I'm just giving you folks a hard time, I know you've been busy what with the latest update and all. :)

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Tea purpose is to make us warm boost and also give few calories,but main purpose is warmth bonus.Whenever we are freezing,we should make fire and cook tea,to get faster warmth bonus.We cannot rely only on fire,as we get warmth bonus very slow from it,especially in open place.Many times we need to combine our clothing bonus+warm tea warmth boost bonus+sleepig bag warmth bonus and compare sume of all three bonuses with actuall cold and winchild.

Tea gives only warmth bonus temporarly,helping our warmth bar to climb down from red,danger area.

There is another effect that herbal tea has: It improves condition regeneration while sleeping. While you could check out the wiki page for proof, just boot up the game, drink some tea, then check the newly improved first aid screen, it will show "Improved Rest" as a current condition.

A lot of people don't know about this, it seems.

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There is another effect that herbal tea has: It improves condition regeneration while sleeping. While you could check out the wiki page for proof, just boot up the game, drink some tea, then check the newly improved first aid screen, it will show "Improved Rest" as a current condition.

A lot of people don't know about this, it seems.

Good to know! I believe the in-game description of herbal tea mentions this in some fashion, but I wasn't sure whether it was actually modeled.

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