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Everything posted by Moosemaster

  1. Well if we consider the time that this poroubly takes place along with what we know. At this point the island has already died but the outside world has had no effects whatsoever. Unless somehow the disease got off the island everyone else has no idea we exist. And until the release of episode 5 there really isn’t any evidence the rest of the world is effected
  2. cabin fever is a mental disease that comes from extended periods of time withought interaction with others. An enclosed vehicle means you are moving in the world and most likely seeing something at at the least seeing the outdoors. Even just moving around near a window can help with cabin fever. And how much of that 87% is completely alone not doing work and just sitting there? It’s much more complicated then “if ur inside for a while u get cabin fever”
  3. 🍕 What is favorite type of pizza topping 🍕 yes the spoiler tag was intentional
  4. It’s been 7 days and I’m out of food. we may have a problem on our hands ☕️
  5. With how toxic this community has been since the announcement of TFTFT half of the people who post things are being passive aggressive and I’d rather not start a fight. ☕️
  6. I mean I never said these were not bad ideas I never even commented on them, nor did I defend or attack cabin fever as a condition. Dunno why ur upset brother I just said the symptoms are realistic and have real world fixes.
  7. This please I’m tired of fighting we’re just going in circles at this point and obviously he is obviously backing off anytime soon
  8. No my roommates were all sick so I couldn’t leave my room. And at the time it was the summer and we didn’t have enough rooms in our apartment so one of us who will remain unnamed lived on the couch. This was like 2018 and I had nothing to do as a collage student who didn’t have much money in the first place. Managed to get my old as hell PS3 running on a shitty TV I moved into my room. I became a portal master pretty quickly
  9. No I cured it by spending time at my friends house and doing a lot of outside work. In a TLD situation the only way to get rid of cabin fever would be to spend time outside. We are lucky he has the symptoms he does, things could be a LOT worse that he gets. Life for one he could develop a need for more food or depression. Both of which are not as easily fixed.
  10. Much more realistic that you would think. I was stuck in a room for a week with a game console and I still developed cabin fever within 4 days
  11. What is the name of the song that plays in the scene where Astrid is in the boat in ep 4? I can’t find the name online
  12. Wait. There’s a Diary? How have I not known about this???
  13. Have not gotten this. I have however spent forever trying to get an aurora in FA for the last part of the tale but I can’t for the life of me get one. And I am yet to get the glimmer fog. People were complaining they are too common but I think they dialed it a bit to far back they may not exist anymore!
  14. It’s because you make improvised tools with them so they want to make it harder to get. Also seems like they did a good job balancing the loot. While it’s a lot more useful stuff none if it is very gamebreaking
  15. Yeah loot in ships is made to fit loper, best you will find is like fish as to not mess with the games balance in loper
  16. As a sufferer of actual cabin fever (yes) I can say it took 4 days so they aren’t that far off in game
  17. Prepped chaches provide survival help for exploring to find them. And in loper they are empty so not there to make you want to explore. Polaroids help newer players learn the map, however newer players won’t be in loper, not a reason for exploration. Things that provide survival help can only be achieved by finding them hidden in the world. AKA exploring. Goodbye