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Everything posted by conanjaguar

  1. You know you’ve been playing too much TLD when you start hearing in-game sounds in real life… For instance, my cat sounds exactly like a stove door closing after a fire is lit when he meows . And feel free to share any of your own experiences of this sort .
  2. The final stretch of the semester is starting to get to me, I haven’t had much time to play or write… Vincent 2 / Day 8 The entirety of the day is occupied in moving back to Thompson’s Crossing, first stopping at the Farmhouse to replenish my stocks of toilet water. It remains foggy all day, so fire is not an option. For supper, I risk eating sardines and moldy granola bars. I don’t get food poisoning, thankfully. That would have been a disaster, since I have no antibiotics or tea.
  3. Well, jumping between dimensions takes a lot of effort, doesn’t it? Or maybe the doors are just really heavy .
  4. Plot twist: that was the bunny talking .
  5. conanjaguar


    I don’t think this would work with existing creatures, except maybe rabbits and/or ptarmigans. As @ManicManiac said, the carnivores are hyper-aggressive and would sooner tear you limb from limb than go for the juicy steak you dropped as a decoy. However - and this is a bit of a stretch - what if there were domestic animals? Like a dog who’s owner died, and he’s wandering around Coastal Highway; a cat who scavenges off wolf kills in Milton… such animals could very well “miss” humans caring for and loving them and be able to fight off the influence of the Event. Again, it’s a long shot, but I’m no animal psychologist .
  6. Maybe that could work for a challenge… something like As The Dead Sleep? “It’s a cold and lonely world out there. Mommy is gone. Daddy is gone. They’re all gone. They’re asleep and won’t wake up. The only thing keeping you going is Teddy, and he’s starting to fall apart. Find a sewing kit and fix Teddy before the real bears find you.” EDIT: That actually doesn’t jive at all with the original idea .
  7. Yes… it just doesn’t feel right to leave them there.
  8. Vincent 2 / Day 7 I awake in the early afternoon and begin the plank parkour up to the loft in hopes of finding a rabbit hat. Nada, but I do find maple syrup and a granola bar (‘noller bar as I’ve come to call it), both of which are wolfed down. Outside, the weather is a steamy -10C with light fog to boot, and no wolves are in sight. I sprint across to the Farmhouse itself and begin searching. I find some ingredients, food, a can opener (useful), toilet water, and a second hockey jersey(!!) but NO MATCHES and NO COFFEE. Rrrrgh. I take a short nap and awake in the late afternoon to medium fog and warm-ish temperatures. I decide to head up to Signal Hill and try to find matches. Fortunately, the critters leave me alone, leaving me free to cut birch saplings, bop a bunny, and bop a ptarmigan before I duck inside the radio control hut. Oh, and I find a prybar as well, laying in the snow underneath the radio tower. Maybe someone was trying to get to the control box or something? I love these organically placed items. I find some food and a tin of coffee, but NO MATCHES. I begin to tear out fistfuls of my hair as I repair clothes and harvest my fluffy friends well into the night, then induce food poisoning by eating all the raw meat. I chug Reishi tea and doze off.
  9. Finding a single rose hip in a trash can: ”Ah… someone’s stash!”
  10. Vincent 2 / Day 6 I awake in the afternoon to high winds and sunny skies. I finish searching the town, taking a short break to repair my boots up to 100%. I still haven’t found any matches, so I take all the toilet water I can. When I’m done, the weather has calmed down somewhat to -12C temperatures. That’s as good as it is likely to get, so I head out to the Barn. I find some food, but nothing special, so I sleep for four hours in the truck to warm up. Guess what PV has in store for me… a lovely opaque wall of snow. I grumble and repair clothes for as long as I can, poking my head back out as the sun begins to set. It’s still snowing heavily, but at least I can see where I’m going. And wouldn’t ya know it, the glowing snow gives me a headache and complicates navigation. I somehow get completely lost and end up at the Barnhouse instead of the Farmhouse. It’s too dark to do anything, so I fumble around to find a pile of hay in which to snooze.
  11. Between CH and PV, there’s plenty of toilet water . I think that just the Farmhouse itself has three or four toilets…
  12. It’s Friday the 13th… the Darkwalker demands us all to post pictures of Crystal Lake…
  13. While it’s true that this is something that you’re supposed to make sure that you do, it does seem more than a little odd that it’s even possible to sleep when you’re bleeding out… or suffering from any other untreated affliction, for that matter. So yeah, this suggestion seems fair .
  14. Whoops, accidentally posted day 6 before day 5 . Vincent 2 / Day 5 My pictures for today got deleted somehow, so you’ll have to make do with plain ol’ text… The weather is clear but a bit on the chilly side. A wolf notices me right from the get-go, but I’m able to “walk” him all the way up to the lookout, where I take shelter and listen aghast as he climbs up the stairs after me and pounds on the door. Something about sprain and bruising insurance. I hide under the covers of the bed and he goes away. From there, it’s a fairly straightforward hike to the Cinder Hills Mine, so I take it slow to conserve energy. Once inside, I vacuum up 37 pieces of coal and find a stim and another hacksaw, but no matches! Rrrrgh. Pleasant Valley is actually pleasant, with clear skies and single-digit temperatures. I make my way down to Thompson’s Crossing after rejecting the call of the summit. Attempting it without bedroll or even coffee would be suicidal. Anyway, I search the community hall and find a sweet new simple parka as well as some food, then duck into another house, where I cook potatoes well into the night.
  15. I’m actually pretty sure you can... I’ll check when I get home.
  16. I think the buff/debuff system would be much improved by either… The buffs should be small, long-lasting, and stackable. So eating a ptarmigan pie would give you a .5 kg carry bonus for 24 hours, with each ptarmigan pie you eat increased the carry bonus by another .5 kg and extends the duration by another 24 hours, and once you hit the maximum bonus, it slowly decays by .5 kg every day you don’t eat a ptarmigan pie. OR The buffs should affect other attributes and skills, like Firestarting, struggle bonus, movement speed, etc.