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Everything posted by APixelatedLemon

  1. Uhhh... Just have a thing in the in the surveyed location menu that tells you how much the region needs to be completed? Not much utility in having the whole map complete once you marked all the named locations either. This is about 'having the map look nice' at the end of the day. It actually is, most intermediate players can do it within one in-game day. Only regions it likely wouldn't be feasible is on climbing rope heavy regions. Also you don't have to find the polaroid's, you just have to go the vista.
  2. I like this idea, but I would add one requirement. Instead of just map every named location and vista, I think you should also have to map out a certain percentage of the map so you couldn't just "speedrun" your way around the map getting to all the P.O.I. and that's that. That percent amount would depend on what the region was, so maps like Mystery Lake, a map you can map most of would require 80%. Maps like Desolation Point that are more "incompletable" would be a bit lower to make it possible.
  3. If I had to take a stab in the dark, I would say that a TLD 2 is not going to happen as the next project, maybe some time after that however. I think the next likely logical step would be a story driven exploration game. Something akin to 'Firewatch' but perhaps a bit more player involved, like you have to solve a mystery or something. Maybe something more like 'Outer Wilds' where it's just exploration and solving smaller puzzles to break a larger mystery. Hinterland seems to be focused on atmosphere, immersion, art direction, and story, so I doubt it would be anything too action focused.
  4. Good point. I didn't think about that.
  5. I wouldn't be against it, but adding a feature that would only really benefit content creators (and not by a whole lot really) seems a little too 'niche'. but I doubt it would be all that hard to add, so it gets an 'eh' from me.
  6. Sneaky Beaky Unlocked by successfully hunting 200 animals that were unaware of you presence. Effect would be animals are 20% less aware of you, making sneaking up to them easier.
  7. Honestly I would be down for ANY new animals being added. Don't get me wrong, I love TLD, it's my second favorite survival game, but one are area I feel kinda lacking is wildlife variation. I think even having more types of deer would be a huge step to making wildlife feel more varied.
  8. It is possible some of them were inspired by books or other works of fiction, or heck even non-fiction. But if they were just ripped right from books, then it would be copyright infringement. Unless they were taken from VERY obscure books that nobody was able to notice.
  9. I disagree with time stopping while looking in inventory. Looking in your inventory is essentially like looking into your characters backpack, and why would looking in your bag for what you need cause time to magically stop? Time management is one of the challenges in most survival games, and TLD is no different. And apart of that is managing your inventory, which should ideally be done while your in a safe area. If you are in a sticky situation and need to go into your inventory for something, then the game still going on in the background adds the the tension, and challenge. As for pausing while writing notes I can kinda agree that something should be in place for console players due to writing notes with the controller and the "on-screen keyboard" is much slower than a PC players keyboard. Maybe having it so the game slows down to like quarter of the speed to make up for it?
  10. I certainty wouldn't mind having some sort way to combine food if there was a reason to do so. Maybe have a 'Breath of the Wild' cooking system where combining foods can give your character some sort of buff if you make a good combination. Or a debuff if you decide to commit a cooking war crime and make a awful combination like adding peaches on venison. Also maybe make it so if you do the same combination over and over would lead to the buff affect being less affective/ last less time to encourage experimenting. Also add pancake making.
  11. I'm of course not the Admin or a staff member at Hinterlands. But I can say with pretty much 100% certainty that Darkwalker is not going to be making any sort of physical appearance is Wintermute (maybe an easter egg mention at most). Darkwalker is some sort of cosmic horror/supernatural entity that is completely separate from TLD's more grounded survival scenarios. It was only released originally because Hinterland wanted a fun Halloween event in 2020, and wanted something other than the 4 Days of Night they done in the past. It was only because of fans demanding it to be a permanent feature that it was turned into a challenge with an actually win goal. As for it being apart of some DLC/new challenge I think that is just as unlikely to happen, because Darkwalker was likely intended a one off/seasonal Halloween event. The most I can see happening is an updated version of the challenge to include new region that have been added since the challenge was released, such as Blackrock and the Perseverance Mills region when/if that gets added.
  12. Thematically yes it would make sense for shotguns to be more accessible than revolvers with Canadian laws stance on them. However gameplay wise I think it's a poor idea. The main purpose for revolvers in-game is a self defense weapon, and it's very underpowered for actual hunting (aside from rabbits and maybe wolves). A shotgun on the other hand would be a powerful tool for both hunting and self defense, which would cause it too be overpowered. The only way I could see it being balanced is if using a shotgun for hunting would ruin the carcass in some way, like maybe the hide would get ruined and some of the meat would get too damaged to be edible. If that were the case then MAYBE I could see the shotgun having a place in the game. But I would much rather stick with just having a revolver either way.
  13. I remember back when I was growing up there was this local business that me and my parents went to frequently to do our grocery shopping, and it had a table exactly like that. Fortunately while my parents at the time were by no means rich, we were able to avoid taking stuff off that table. Even as a kid I always questioned how that was legal... Every couple of years I would pass by that store by some chance, and to my surprise it stayed open a lot longer than I expected. It finally shut it's doors sometime in 2020 or early 2021 I believe (I imagine Covid played a role in that). Part of me wishes I went inside to see if it still had that "Mystery can table" before it closed down. Anyways back on topic, another line I found funny was the "Can you eat trees?" line Astrid has when hungry. My response is sometimes "Well no, but we can in a way DRINK trees... Because birch bark tea exists"
  14. Y'know I honestly don't even know. I been playing the game without survivor voice-over in custom mode since custom mode was first released. I guess it would be "Is it food or...?" when picking up any food item. Like yes William, the can of peaches is indeed food. What else would it be?
  15. Huh, somehow never noticed that cars never have bodies in them, but come to think of it you're correct. I guess it's rather likely that at least one person has died in a crash when the power to their car suddenly shut off. Or someone wanted to take shelter inside a car from Wildlife/weather but ended up creating their own tomb from injuries or the biting cold.
  16. In the north yes that is very true. But hypothetically if TLD 2 were to take place in the south (Which is something else I would like for a sequel) with a new set of characters than summer could very much be the worst threat. But given that TLD character is build off of Canadian culture is relatively unlikely that would be the case. And I'm glad you agree with me on pancakes, only a madman couldn't.
  17. While winter does have it's dangers, I wouldn't go as far to say that it's the most dangerous season. Summer could have something like overheating and new and more dangerous animals that come out (Mountain lions, brown bears). As for winter being the only season left, that's still kind of up in the air for me. Unless Episode 5 comes out and some new information is revealed that "Yes it's now permanent winter" then I still hold onto hope that different seasons could be a thing. Nothing will take away my hope of pancakes though...
  18. * More seasons than winter * Much more animals * Pancakes
  19. It would be nice to have a more portable shelter, instead of making snow shelters dotting across many regions. That 10 kg would make it a harder pick however... Better get well fed, and a moose satchel.
  20. I do agree yeah, it would have been nice to see a few more people around the place, even if they were little more than statues (The crash survivors are already much like that), just to give the place a sense of community coming together in these trying times. At the same time I can also see why the devs wanted to try and keep it to a minimum with just having Father Thomas being the "representation" of Thompson's Crossing, as he's was likely all that was needed in their eyes. Another thing I just noticed is that Thomson's Crossing is the first and so far the only time in Wintermute that there was a supposed large gathering of people (not counting the gang of convicts in Blackrock as the prisons interior is mostly unexplorable) so Hinterland may have not really considered adding a few more NPCs. With Perseverance Mills likely being the main location for Episode 5, and it being possibly being the largest settlement on Great Bear, hopefully Hinterland can make the town populated with some NPCs.
  21. I fee like I need to say that my original was trying to look from the perspective of the devs and try and understand why they decided not to have any town residents aside from Father Thomas. I do understand both perspectives however in that yeah there should have been at least a few more residents, even inside the houses.
  22. It's just a game design thing. Not only would you need to have a interior to house both the plane crash survivor, AND the remaining Thomsosn's Crossing residents. But you also have to give the Thomsosn's Crossing residents a purpose, weather it be to give some dialogue, or a side quest attached to them, or whatever. Also it wouldn't really make much sense to have all of the town residents to just hang about inside the community hall, because that would just bring up the question of "how are these people still alive?" with nobody going outside to get supplies. With the residents being off camera, you can at least use your imagination to tell yourself that they're just outside getting food and firewood and you never get the chance to meet them. One last point I would like to bring up is that TLD has sort of prided itself as being an isolating survival experience. Even in Wintermute you're for the most part on your own, with only one or two NPC's that you return to rapidity per episode. If you had an community hall that was filled to the brim with survivors that are for the most part alive and well, that would just take a huge stomp on that isolating experience.
  23. Timberwolves for sure. Normal wolves are only really a threat if you get caught off guard and bump into one because of uneven terrain and didn't see them in time. Bears are brutes, but can be taken down with good positioning, or a lucky critical arrow in the face. Moose are easily stun locked when shot, and also rare, so you won't be bumping into the much. Rabbits can be taken care of with holy hand grenades. Humans... well I only tripped on one of their corpses and broke my neck that ONE time.. But other than that I been okay with dealing with them. Timberwolves are always a pain since I'm typically a custom loper player and can't use a revolver, so my only options are to use up the finite marine flares or noise grenades.
  24. While I certainly would be all for seasons being added, sadly it's a bit of an unrealistic dream at this point in time. as @UTC-10said, seasons have been considered long in the past, but they have almost certainly been discarded by this point. The game has been focusing on it's winter survival for years now, and if new seasons were added then it would take several more years to get them to the point where winter is at currently in terms of features. And as it stands, I think that we are at the very least in the latter half of the games development as Wintermute is currently nearly done, and modding is now in the works, which in a way could indicate that Hinterland might be getting ready to "Hand the games development to the fans" so to speak (Not literally of course) Also I doubt Hinterland would limit new seasons to only Wintermute as right now we only have episode 5 to go, and by the end of episode 4 it was still winter. Unless there is some sort of large time skip between episodes 4 and 5, or partway through episode 5, then there would be no reason for it to be spring, or any other season. The only way for seasons to be a thing at this point is if TLD 2 becomes a thing, a hefty DLC comes out, or a team of talented mod devs decide to work on a mod for seasons.