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Everything posted by Dancewithknives

  1. I just had a thought, why hasn’t bear spray or mace been added to the game? it could be a really unique niche weapon to add, it has little to no use for hunting as well as a very limited range, but could deter predators without killing them. I haven't played on interloper, but it could be a way to add in a way to protect the player from predators without using it to hunt.
  2. Yes, but if it is an asset thats only available later in the game it could have a longer lifespan after flares are out. I think it would be nice to have a redundancy in animal deterrents than guns. Plus, I do like the aesthetic if the improvised weapons.
  3. Yeah, but flares are rather finite. They were my go to for deterring bears and now I’m down to my last 3.
  4. For those who do not know, a Molotov Cocktail or Molotov, is an improvised weapon designed from taking a glass bottle, filling it with a flammable liquid (gas, high proof liquor, alcohol derivative, etc ) and using a burning cloth or rag to ignite it when thrown. Honestly, I’m not necessarily advocating for it to be in the game, but I would like to hear if anyone has a case for molotovs to be added in the game. On one hand, i think its somewhat fitting as a molotov is as improvised of a weapon as making a pointy stick. Otherwise, I think it would be interesting in some regards to adding in the components to the game, glass bottles as loot, liquor as a low quality food or disinfectant, lighters or matches to ignite the wick, or possibly add in a moonshine station to make these as a unique gimmick to a new area. But i do agree with those that think it would possibly be too combat oriented for the game. although I do think that it may be too combat heavy of a tool, there also could be a case for it to be used strictly as a defensive weapon, much like how I use the flare pistol, the molotov can be awful as a hunting weapon but works well to deter wolves, timberwolves, and immediately scare off bears. lastly, although this could be a pain to program, i think it could be used as a means to burn scrub bushes if they are in the way rather than taking the time to clear them. As for justification to not allow buildings to burn down, i suppose you could say that the snow makes things so wet that the buildings don’t catch fire.
  5. I personally havent gotten to DP yet. But I don’t really think that the size of the map is very important if there’s nothing really going on in it. I mean, Pleasant Valley is huge but theres nothing to do in much of it. Costal Highway is also large, but the ice shelf makes it quite unique. Like I said, I havent played in DP before, but if its like Broken Railroad, the. i agree that it may feel i complete and in need of another asset or another connecting region to it.
  6. Sorry, I was just watching Trailer Park Boys and I think it would be hilarious to combine it with this game. it’s just a dumb easter egg, but in the middle of nowhere you can find a shed in the middle of the woods thats fully equipped to live and theres a note from the owner who was trying to start “Kittyland 2” but the wolves ate all his customers.
  7. I like the idea. Kind of like Crampons. add it in the inventory and then you can store large amounts of hot beverages for long mer periods of time in one space rather than 100 cups of coffee. Kind of like how water and jerry cans work.
  8. Cool idea, but if i could make an addition, i’d make it a degenerate tech mogols private island. The dude owns the entire island, the “settlements” are his worker’s quarters, and the different sub areas are just monuments to affluence and ego; things like a private mansion, rec areas, hunting grounds etc. I think it would be an interesting idea to have a large amount of animals on this island, but are super attentive being that they were hunted for sport so their AI is sharper. Also, the vast amount of stuff on the island is impressive but ultimately useless in TLD ( IE, a gold statue of yourself is cool... but you can’t eat it if you’re starving.) finally, one think i would actually like to see is that the Mansion has a ton of loot in it, but is locked tight and the only access is through the frozen oceanside grotto.
  9. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but that the only time i’ve used the tabs is when I go out of my way to use them. To me, if ive already got a fire going, i’m just going to add a stick to purify the water. Otherwise, i don’t see big need to purify a ton of water at once, but then again ive never played the timed challenges.
  10. With all the waterfalls in the game, you’d think you could bottle some of it up as nonpotable and purify it with tabs or boiling it.
  11. Tangentially related: when i crafted Birch Bark tea, in my mind i imagine it tastes like Birch Beer Soda pop.
  12. Yeah, it feels like BR is incomplete. Like there needs to be another region or maybe a shortcut to somewhere else. It just seems really strange how 2/3 forges in the game are located right next to each other in the same corner of the map.
  13. @Old Hermit I agree the weather in Pleasant Valley is very nasty. (I kept books to pass the time i was caught in blizzards) but from what I have read, I do not play the game very optimally, choosing to raid locations and congregate it at a base, and when I was playing in PV, it felt so boring because it felt like I was just walking across open fields all day.
  14. Now, i actually like Broken Railroad a ton (ive heard many people say the easiest moose in the game spawn by the lodge). I like the style, buildings, atmosphere, etc. (the maintenance yard during an auora is like something out of Jurassic Park) and you can find some good loot there, but there is almost no reason to go there at all! Im on my first successful survival run, and my route was to start in forlorn, canvas half the map, get to BR, get the best loot there, and then head out to ML because i would never go back to BR. i think the strangest thing is that the Devs did the map dirty by really making it unappealing. Theres only 1 way in and out, theres a forge, but although it may be safer, its quicker to go to the Spence homestead, and theres nothing else there once the food decays to junk. Also, i nearly died in the ravine once because I didn’t have a bedroll and lost my strength. The only way I got out was to jack myself with a emergency stim. I feel like BR needs to be redone or have something added because it feels... incomplete. Dead end, one long trek in and out, lots of wolves, and for as much fun as I have searching the pimped out hunting lodge, its not worth the trip. Now, i know y’all were talking about transition regions, and I have to say that I really like The Ravine. Such a cool and detailed area with some really cool scenery and tons of birch bark as well as the sneaky rope climb to slide into Bleak Inlet.
  15. This has probably been done before, but I want to hear what your least favorite region is and why. No judgements here, any reason goes, even if its stupid like you hate Milton because the kid that gave you a swirly in the 5th grade had the same name. for me, its Forlorn Muskeg. i’m not experienced in survival in any way, but I died so many times trying to start the game off that I began to name my save files after the profanity that I spouted after I died because of this region. i suppose what makes it so bad is that theres a lot of good loot in it, but only a few ways to traverse it. Add in all of the predators, weak ice, and it will feel like theres only 3 ways to get through the area. I started my games there and would try to make my way to the north radio tower, to broken railroad, loot the region, then circle back to the Spence homestead and get to mystery lake, but i was constantly getting killed near the homestead by my own stupidity. Runner up is Pleasant Valley. Lot of good loot, but very large and kind if boring. Storms will ruin your fun if you’re not careful.
  16. I’ve had a lot of stupid deaths, but i will recall some really intense moments while playing that stick with me. I died shortly after, but i was just starting survival and was going from Broken Railroad to Spence family homestead, trying to stay away from wolves, when I get near the last island and I walk up on a GD bear! I had 7 shots in my rifle and I blow its head off. I started gutting it, because I only had a low quality knife, and I soon realized my quick trek to the homestead was impossible in the dark and a light snow set in. I spent all night nursing a fire to stay warm and survive till morning.
  17. I think there should be more fine tuning options as well, like possibly add in a “spawn with X” option for people who want to do specific runs? Of course achievements would be disabled, but i think that spawning with a rifle, or spawning with a sprain, or spawning with map fully revealed could be fun for some people.
  18. I think what we should be asking what redundancies do the bolt cutters have? They can cut chains, but what else would they do? I suppose they could be used for cutting up some tree limbs, but thats rather limited in that they can only reach so far.
  19. I disagree, I think the timberwolf fights are much better than the old bear fights. The morale system is explained and isn’t dependent on stamina and hoping you dont sprain your wrist as much as the timberwolf which relies more on landing shots and using the most of your marine flares. i haven't read all of the comments, but i think the bear fight could be much better than what we currently have.
  20. Instead of having a new gun, I had an idea to add a different round. so, i’ve seen some conflicting reports that the revolver is (and as I eyeball it) a SW Model 27, but the bullets are modeled look to look like .32 or something like that. My request is to make the revolver a .357 magnum, and we as the player can swap between two ammo types, .38 special and .357 mag, either Full Metal Jacket or Hollowpoint. for those who don’t know, .357 mag and .38 spl are the same diameter, but .357 mag is longer. Meaning that in a revolver chambered for .357 mag, you can use .38 spl without a malfunction. The mag will have greater velocity and power, and if the bullet itself is a hollowpoint, it could do more damage to its target on contact. the reason why I think a different round could be used is that I find it fun to use the revolver to pick off rabbits for fun, and one thing that I think is odd is that you should lose a portion of meat or skin condition based on what they are shot with (a rifle kill on a bunny should give you near nothing). .38 could be loaded and used for hunting, while .357 magnum/ hollowpoints could be used for predator protection or to take down larger game.
  21. I agree insofar as the spear fight against the old bear is kinda horses#it. Its not super hard, but its just kinda boring i wish they could figure out something else instead of praying that you have the stamina and can tap the button fast enough. if they do bring the spear back, they need to improve the fight mechanics for sure.
  22. Although there are times I just want to save and retry in Survival, it does make the game much more interesting
  23. It was mainly in wintermute, but i think i found a key once, mittens, and pain pills