Semple Fi

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Everything posted by Semple Fi

  1. Agreed! Perhaps it’s unlocked after clearing 1000 days or something further.
  2. And furthermore!!…. 😂 It sure would be nice if we could come across a wrecked freightliner with a trailer full of groceries bound for the stores on great bear and the prison.
  3. Could be like any other harvestable object. Not every patch near oak trees contains acorns. Not every patch of cattails in the lake is harvestable. Likewise, not every bale of hay would be harvestable.
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of this type of barnyard grass…
  5. I think the cattail stalks could be harvested for flour after drying them out, or the grass could begin to be used as a low grade “wheat”. Barnyard grass does grow stalks of grain like wheat. Bear fat could be harvested for cooking oil after rendering it down.
  6. To be fair, which would draw YOU more? A piece of raw meat, or a fat cooked steak slathered in butter and salt and…. Anyways… 🤤 IRL the scent of meat cooking will fill a room and be detectable faster than a raw steak on the counter.
  7. Activated Charcoal: Activated Charcoal Process (at home) Powder the charcoal. ... Make a 25% solution (by weight) of calcium chloride. ... Make a paste with the calcium chloride solution and your powdered charcoal. Spread the paste to dry. Rinse with clean water. Bake at 225 degrees F for 30 minutes For poisoning however, this is for INGESTED substances. The idea at the mines is absorption I would assume. In this case it could be more like a biological agent- causing SLUDGEM. Salivation, lacrimation, Urination, etc. If that’s the case, it would potentially be a very rapid onset requiring something along the lines of atropine. I would think a healthy supply of emergency Stims, heavy water consumption, and rest would be the treatment. Also as mentioned previously, inability to keep food/water down would cause steady condition reduction that would require management like food poisoning, parasites, etc. The far territory has a lot of military overtones, possibly an addition of an IFAK kit (found in a a bunker) with a poison antidote supply?
  8. We’ve also been hearing loons in the evening, another huntable bird with high fat content.
  9. I’d like to see skunks and porcupines. Skunk musk would be a great bear and wolf deterrent, but would give a headache/vision problems in return. Porcupines would be good for meat and an added clothing extra for protection. Similar to the body armor from the prison. The balance would be that it only fits in the extra clothing section, forcing a choice between the rifle holster, crampons, etc.
  10. The only thing I saw in stock were 2 women’s Tshirts, all of the men’s and unisex is gone. Pretty burnt about it actually 😕
  11. I’d like to see anything in stock 2 hours after opening.
  12. Might as well close the store now instead of December 1st if they have nothing in stock after 24 hours. It’s just adding insult to injury for what sounds like most of the people on this forum.
  13. Hello there I’m pretty sure HtL and TLD would’ve been out of business without the DLC. Point is, they ran out of money and I highly doubt Episode 5 would’ve been finished this decade without the additional revenue. Cost of doing business during a world wide shut down and small business culling… Just the way it is. I bought the DLC for the cheaper entry price, knowing full well it would end up delayed. I have confidence that @Raphael van Lierop will deliver on the finished product, he appears to be a man of his word and he takes pride in his company’s success… I know everyone is their own adult with the right to make their decisions but I would say…. But the DLC while it’s at a discount. There will be features of it you enjoy that will be worth the ~$15. @Admin has been paying attention to these threads and likely is taking into account EVERY suggestion from EVERY player. Try suggesting some features on the wish list you would like to see incorporated. You may end up pleasantly surprised. Just my…
  14. Or the pointer…. 1990’s I’ve had to restart for the curators rifle twice now. And I’ve had some items fall through the floor when dropping them. Ptarmigan’s halfway in the snow in an overlap. Some rock transitions show the matrix under them then become like a ledge when it should be smooth. honestly quite a few bugs but I’m guilty of not submitting tickets diligently…. I have since restarted in Ash Canyon and I’ve found the rifle, and a well hidden recipe card (but visible) as well as a bunker with Prepper’s Pie… hopefully this one works out better. My last run the curators WOULD NOT SPAWN. Triple checked all locations.
  15. Interestingly, I would prefer to obtain any meat that I eat from hunting. I don’t like the torture facilities that our meats are processed in commercially these days. A Hunter should only take what he needs
  16. Exactly my point! Need a vegetarian option! 😅😊
  17. For the same reason I shouldn't have to wear hunter orange to walk around my property….
  18. LOL haha 😆 I think a drunk moose might actually be easier to deal with….. Gets caught on his own hooves while charging!
  19. I still haven’t tried Custom, not until I get all the badges anyway. The mods look really cool, but it’ll require me learning how to program on something other than windows 95…. I assume there is a specific site with download files and read me’s and placing it into different program files, etc. So yeah, eventually 🥲