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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 1 hour ago, Mistral said:

    I almost never make fires "just to make water", as I said for me water production merely functions as simultaneous byproduct of having fires for other reasons. And no I won't use water purs "as I find them", because why would I carry or store non-boiled water with me just in case I happen to find those tablets somewhere... 

    Birch bark tea isn't on my list since it doesn't even exist on Deadman so why put it there... just as is the case with guns, they don't exist. Now, I did put flashlight on the list even though it's just Stalker loot but that's my bad... it's very useless for other players anyway so I forgive myself :P

    As for water production while sleeping... If I'm outdoors while sleeping next to the fire, I usually sleep in one hour intervals. Water in 2x half liter cans, put to boil just before sleeping won't vaporize during that time, there's couple minutes left before it is burned when you wake up.

    One thing I will say is that if the toilets were to give you unclean water, then I might consider the tablets to be kinda handy because dragging that spoiled water with you for boiling sonewhere would be very annoying. But alas, right now toilet water is just a free bonus (or livesafer before you have matches...) and water tablets are useless. For me anyway

    I still don't see why you won't use them if you find them someplace and then turn around and make your fire (for heat) and boil some water and some extra water to leave behind... Why leave them in the cabinet to deteriorate?  They're there, handy... and don't cost you anything to use them.  It makes no sense to me, but you can certainly play your game your way.  It still doesn't make the tablets "useless."  They have a use... your choice whether you use them or not... and difficulty level makes no difference at all.  As I said Birch Bark Teas are useless in Dead man mode (actually they would be too useful/OP and that's why there is the option in custom to turn them off).  The flashlight doesn't spawn in interloper, but then neither does the revolver.  We still find casings in interloper which are, in those cases, more useless than the water tablets.

    Overall, for me, the flashlight is the most useless item in the game.  It only does anything during an aurora and it weighs too much for me to pack it around on the off chance that an aurora will happen when I want to scare off wolves.  Is it completely useless... no.  If I find one near a forge, I can use it as scrap.  I suppose, if I find one in the cannery and now the prison, I can use it to scare off wolves there since I'll be there during an aurora to forge ammo (on the runs I do where I do use rifles and revolvers).

    ETA:  If the thought of doing up 1L of water the issue here... also note that the tablets will purify "up to 1L" of water.  That means you can pull your can off the fire after melting the snow and use up a tablet to purify that 0.5 L right away... you don't have to carry around "unboiled" water to use them up.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, mfuegemann said:

    Maybe the decay-despawn works different or the vanished moose was only moved to another location, taking the arrows with it.

    No way to know for sure though since the player would have to get to whatever the next active moose spawn location is and witness a moose walking around with those arrows in him... don't think anyone has seen that yet.  I do remember that a lot of players recovered a lot of lost arrows when Pleasant Valley was changed and the red tool boxes were created to prevent players from losing items they had left lying around in the snow on on the floors of the building.  I don't think their (i.e. the arrows) presence is necessarily fully deleted from the save file, but it's more likely that they'll just reappear some day lying in the snow where the moose first despawned.

  3. 38 minutes ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    I have encountered unbroken arrows suspended in midair, presumably because the animal they were sticking out of despawned.  I don't know what set of circumstances leads to this rather than the arrows disappearing as well.

    I've seen arrows suspended in midair with the corpse of the animal lying in the snow underneath it.  I don't think it's related to the problem of wounded animals suddenly despawning.

  4. 11 hours ago, turtle777 said:

    It's possible to go from ML to Spences w/o crossing wolves.

    • Wolves close to the tunnel are rare. If they appear, back off into the tunnel, and try again.
    • Wolves patrolling the tracks between Poacher's and BR can be circumvented by alternate route over the ice.
    • Wolves patrolling close to Spences can be circumvented as well.

    I almost never get into a wolf encounter when going to Spences.

    The only unpredictable area is between Spences and the caves.


    It is also possible to get into and out of Broken Railroad without tangling with any of the wolves... I've seen videos of many players accomplishing this repeatedly on interloper and during their dead man runs.  Going in during a blizzard will almost assuredly mean you see no wolves en route to the maintenance shed.  I prefer to take them all out on my way into the zone.

    For some reason, players like to complain about the wolves in Broken Railroad; but they are no more difficult to deal with than wolves anywhere else on the map and certainly not more difficult than the wolves in the similar narrow stretch that Crumbling Highway is (and it's necessary to get through that section to get to Desolation Point)... and they aren't T-wolves either.

    My only point over several posts here has been that the wolves in Broken Railroad are no more "unpredictable" or "scary" than the wolves anywhere else.  They can be dealt with on any level of difficulty by a variety of different strategies.  The terrain around the maintenance yard can make them more difficult to see... but there are also strategies that can enable the player to overcome that issue as well.

    Of course, people can choose anyone of the 3 as their favorite... that's just personal taste.  I like staying in the hunting lodge better than the lighthouse or at Spence's.  So that is probably my main reason for preferring Broken Railroad over the others.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Mistral said:

    As Deadman player I'm constantly making fires for travelling/buffs/harvesting/whatever, and simultaneously almost always producing water. And that is even if I don't need it (around 2 liters on the packpack is optimal) and decide to leave it behind. Because why not. There's always excess water and excess waiting besides fires, I have never felt the need to try to fasten the boiling process for just regular water. As for teas, one should always have few of them on the go warming up besides the fire anyway.

    Besides even if I accidentally pick up those tablets, they always seem to detoriate to 0% before I remember to ditch em =P

    I'll put it another way... why not use the water purification tablets as you find them so that you can leave 2x the water behind at those locations whenever you return to them later in the game with better closing so that you don't have to make more fires just to have water then?  Just because you don't use them doesn't make them useless even in dead man.  By your reasoning, birch bark teas should be on the this list because dead man runs don't take advantage of their health regeneration feature and you can get the same calories from reshi, rose hips or any other teas.

    The bottom line is that water purification tablets take no time to use and making drinkable water takes less fuel and time when you use them.  Even from the weight perspective they are more efficient.  Making 0.5L of boiled water takes 40 mins (starting cooking level) and 4 sticks (which weigh 0.1 kg each).  Therefore, making 1L takes 80 minutes and 8 sticks.  Total fuel weight burden is 0.8 kg

    Conversely, each water tablet weighs 0.06 kg... making 1L of purified water is then reduced to 40 mins, 4 sticks of fuel and a total weight of resources of 0.406 kg.

    ETA:  It also means I can start my warm nap 40 minutes sooner without having to worry about my water boiling away as I sleep.


  6. 10 minutes ago, Shadox said:

    I wasnt in HRV yet on my Loper run i still get lost there from time to time :D After looting milton and killing that Bear, i returned to CH. Honestly, the Bear in Milton is freekill because of all those cars and that alone is worth a trip from time to time!

    I dont know how to quote (yet) but Jimmy, thats surprising to hear. Are there really no possible Longjohn spawns in the Clothing Containers on Loper? Im very sure that i found some Wool Longjohns there in my Stalker run. Because of that, i thought every Clothing allowed on Loper can spawn there as well, and its completely random what one gets. Except for the one guaranteed ear wrap.

    I've been trying to remember if I've ever gotten underwear up at the Summit on Loper settings.  I don't think I ever have.  There are far fewer containers that spawn up there on Loper, so it could be that the particular container that may contain underwear just doesn't spawn at all.

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  7. 45 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I was practicing my bow skills  on a moose when an aurora turned up and the moose despawned  with three arrows in him. Will he respawn and will he still have the arrows in him. I've never been in this situation so I'm just wondering if any one has an answer to this?  Any help would be appreciated.

    Likely not.  This is similar to what I call the "reset bug;" where the player going through a loading screen causes an animal who is bleeding out to reappear/respawn at full health. 

    A good way to practice/level up bow skills is by shooting rabbits from varying distances.  They always die on the spot if hit and you shouldn't lose any arrows.  It does use up the condition of the arrow, so you'll eventually still need more shafts and feathers anyways.  If staying in a single region, the shafts are in limited supply (unless you can beachcomb for more after depleting the saplings in that area)... and as mentioned on the other thread, the feathers can be in really short supply after the various corpses have despawned in the region and you're down to just getting them only around your own kills (if the corpses lay around long enough for the crows to congregate over them).

  8. On 1/29/2022 at 5:15 PM, turtle777 said:

    Well, if they can't fix the bug, they should just make it a band-aid fix and leave the door unlocked.

    Not being able to enter the house can be quite annoying on IL.


    I agree.  I'm speculating, but I think they're trying to change things so that all corpses eventually despawn potentially somewhat at the encouragement of fans who kept requesting that corpses like the one inside the Camp Office disappear after being looted.  While I don't love sharing by bedroom/bed with a corpses, I'd prefer they go back to as it was before Perilous Constraint (i.e. persistent corpses)... at least temporarily.  It's really annoying that this whole location has become inaccessible to many and I'm also having sudden issues with a severe shortage of crow feathers.

  9. On 1/30/2022 at 2:24 PM, RandomPlayer said:

    I just recently launched a fresh loper run and spawned into HRV at night during a blizzard...
    That's a tough map if you don't know your way around.

    It's a tough map to start in and try to stay in for any length of time.  Regardless of difficulty, there is no crafting bench and limited cloth/clothing.  Spawning on Loper with the intention of staying there for the duration of the run is just brutal - no knife, no hatchet... with no hatchet, no cutting down scrub brush to open certain paths.  Possibly no bedroll and limited cloth to make a snow shelter and the need to maintain it frequently.  Thankfully, my attempts are usually blessedly short.

  10. Custom... and variety.  I like to keep my runs short (manually deleting most of my save files after 30 - 100 days in-game days).  I also using start and stay within a single region.  I'm just not into traversing large areas of the map to get to this or that piece of specific gear.  Whatever I find in the zone I'm in is what I have to work with for that run.  Baseline Resources range from Low to Very High.  Animals range from none (deadworld) to as high as they'll go.  Animal aggression ranges from passive to as agressive as they can get.  I do usually set my starting gear such to give me a bedroll and matches.


  11. Perhaps the town was built a distance from the mine itself and the mine workers were transported to the various mine sites o the map.  The main mine was probably Cinder Hills and the road ran from Milton through Perseverance Mills and through Pleasant Valley.  Looking at the map of the island (Choose Your Region), the most obvious "gap" for a new region is the dead area between Hushed River Valley and Blackrock and we know the road in Blackrock did connect to Milton at one time.  I really wouldn't blame the islanders for not wanting to live right on top of the mine area if they had the option of living a little distance away where the air and water weren't being polluted by the mine itself.  It's not like the distances are huge... Will/Astrid walks the length and breadth of the region several times a run after all.

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  12. 13 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    That's odd. I've never had one near the rickety bridge, the last two runs I've had none between FM exit and the road above the maintenance yard. There's one round the back of the yard, one on each of the lakes/ponds and that's it for wolves. The bear is always there but the moose I've only seen once before it vanished in a blizzard and never came back.

    As I mentioned, I'm not expecting that wolf to be there on Pilgrim.  He's usually there on Stalker and on Interloper though.  I expect the moose will have despawned now that the blizzard has hit and won't be there anymore when I exit the hunting lodge.  I'm kicking myself for that because the rifle and 6 rounds did spawn in the hunting lodge and I could have had an early shot at him if I hadn't taken time to loot the entire lodge before trying to go back outside.  However, since that spawn point for the moose is active, he should reappear in a few days if I spend some time down below in the maintenance shed or if I head out to Forlorn Muskeg for a bit.

    The heavy hammer didn't spawn in Broken Railroad this time, so I'll have to head to FM to forge and, if I find two near that forge (which is common when Baseline Resources are set to "very high" as in Pilgrim), bring one back to Broken Railroad... however, I really don't plan to play this save for that long anyways.

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  13. 10 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Well I did wonder about that but I hardly see any wolves to be certain.  For example in coastal on this run I have seen only 3 wolves, one that covers the gas station/pier area ,one on the island and one near the PV mine exit. 

    Im sure there should be more spawn  areas  than that,Or am I wrong?

    Out of curiosity, I've started a run in Broken Railroad on Pilgrim today.  I spawned at the end of the pond beyond the bridge and, as I walked towards the bridge, there were two wolves patroling on the pond.  I encountered another one near the rope mount to get into the ravine and a fourth at the fence entrance to the maintenance yard.  There was also one patrolling and killing off all the rabbits around the hunting lodge (which is where I am currently riding out the first blizzard of the save).  The moose was also up by the hunting lodge and I could see the bear patrolling on the pond below.

    It's been awhile since I booted up a standard Pilgrim setting, but it seemed pretty normal to my recollections.  I expect to encounter another two as I work my way towards Forlorn Muskeg.  Before I leave the zone, I'll also make a loop over the Rickety Footbridge to collect the birch saplings there, but I don't really expect to find that wolf up there on Pilgrim.  IIRC, that area on Pilgrim has usually just had rabbits. 

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  14. 19 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    I see myself using water purification tablets early on quite a bit. When time is a constraining factor (technically it always is, just sometimes more, sometimes less) they can actually save you quite a bit of time.

    I also pretty much like the stone caches. They serve a rather well defined niche purpose. Yes, they are optional, but they do serve a purpose. Yes, you can just throw things on the ground, but don't tell me you enjoy picking up 384 rose hips individually.

    Even the flashlight isn't useless as it provides a rather useful difficulty offset to dealing with wolves in an aurora. It's just that it's hard to justify carrying it around, so you never have it when you need it.

    Painkillers definitely aren't useless as you need them to treat being moose'd, and also getting rid of the pain re-enables normal health generation. They just aren't "required" to have on hand.

    Antibiotics after Cooking V (which is OP as heck) aren't totally useless as @stratvoxexplained, plus you actually just might bite into raw meat accidentally, and then what?

    The vest ... yeah, early-midgame I see that thing have its upsides.

    So I guess what I am trying to say: there really isn't any truly useless item in the game. It's just that a lot of things aren't really required. But they still provide a bit of depth to the game. I mean..... food variety isn't necessary either. The world could just be populated with arbitrary protein bars. Same goes for clothing. But it would be pretty dull. I guess it's not easy to put variety into a game and have everything have at least some purpose, and so far ...they actually have succeeded at that pretty impressively. So .... I think my vote is: there is no useless item in the game. (Maybe ... maybe blue tool boxes ...)

    Well said.  Even tinder after Firestarting Level 3 can be used to mark trails or previously visited areas if the player wants... Heck, even car visors (which never yield us anything) can be used in that way.  The unused flashlight can still be turned into scrap metal (particularly useful if you're find one near a forge and you happen to be 1 metal short to make what you need).  Blue simple tools are useful... until you find a quality set.  I usually take the ones I find to the nearest workbench and leave them sitting on top of it.  That way, I'm almost never very far away from being able to repair my hacksaw.

  15. 7 hours ago, Strelok said:

    I like water purification tables. But i would call them "fast water". The time aspect is more to me when i go for expeditions and want to save time.

    That's another good name for them.  I honestly don't understand why they are making this "useless" list.  Starting with 0 water in my inventory, I can have a nice cup of hot tea in less time than it takes to boil 0.50L of water.  If I have two cans, I can double that in the same amount of time and get the full 1L use out of a water purification tablet... and they aren't near as heavy as a flashlight or a ballistic vest... or even a can of spray paint (IIRC).

  16. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    This is a definite bug. The bear had nowhere to hide or bump into apart from a small pile of snow outside PV farmhouse (front side)  and I was about 5foot away from it too!

    Was a blizzard starting up?  This sometimes causes animals to suddenly despawn (but I've not noted one actually despawning when only 5 feet away).  Agree, it's a bug for sure.  One to add to the long list related to Perilous Constraint.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Thanks for the info. 

    But I meant they're disappearing while alive and the tracks too! I've shot several and tried to track them only for them to vanish completely. 

    Interesting.. The tracks and blood trails often just vanish, particularly if you're following a ways behind them.  Sometimes they just deviate 10 feet or so to the side of the path you're following.... usually this happens if the bear was on track to run right into a tree (but the tracks don't reflect him actually going around the tree).  My questions about this were answered in part in Bleak Inlet, when I saw a bear actually climb up the tree and then climb down on the far side of it.  I posted a video of it here on this site sometime last year.

    The bear itself disappearing while alive is something I've not noted... reset bug on steroids, perhaps?  In Broken Railroad, he usually spawns in his cave and starts walking towards the lake.  You can often spot his tracks right at the entrance to his cave leading off towards the lake and those tracks usually disappear fairly quickly... since they just let you know there is a bear in the area.

  18. Just now, Leeanda said:

    Im having issues with the bears disappearing ,I have since the update. It has been reported but when it gets fixed is anyone's guess.

    I've only had one bear disappear in Broken Railroad and that was before Perilous Constraint.  I did eventually find him - he had fallen beneath the ice on the pond such that I could not see it.  I only found him because, on walking across the pond, I happened to get a flash of the text as my cursor happened to scroll over that exact spot.  Right now, lots of things are despawning or not spawning as they should.  On three of my loot runs, the corpse that spawns in with the knife and usually a backpack didn't spawn (even though I was getting to all 3 of his possible locations in the zone on Day 1).  What I would find is just the knife lying by itself in the snow.  To explain, I've done maybe 50 runs in Broken Railroad since this is the zone I use to test various aspects of the Custom sliders, so I have several of the loot patterns well memorized.  The guy with the knife (on all difficulties below interloper) will spawn in 1 of three locations:  sitting against the rock near the place you deploy the rope to get to down into the ravine; in the hunting blind, or in the cave behind the hunting blind.  This is a guaranteed knife in the zone on those difficulties.  Similarly, the hatchet will always spawn loose next to the campfire, which will always spawn in the zone but in three possible locations.  Of course, you can get more knives or hatchets to spawn randomly in containers in the zone, but 1 of each is always guaranteed.  On interloper, that corpse usually doesn't spawn.  The campfire often does spawn, but there will usually only be a food item or a clothing item beside it (provided you get there before the decay rate takes it out of the picture).

  19. 6 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    There are  obviously more wolves than on pilgrim then. I'm lucky to find 4 on the entire map!  I didn't even know that you could get up on that "pipe" btw🙂  

    The only thing I can do is try either voyager or a custom run to see how I go with it. Then I might change  forges from Broken Railroad but only if there's a better all round option. Taking into consideration the food, safety and sleeping situations. I already use the bear roll but it's a lot easier to get on pilgrim !🙂 

    But I might wait to do that until some of the bugs have been fixed. Especially after watching the bear hunt at the hide,!

    The hide works at little, but the bear can decide to path up steps on occasion.  I like to shoot the bears once from range and then get out of their patrol zone and let them bleed out on their own.  As long as they're leaving a blood trail after you shoot them once, they will eventually die (unless you trigger a reset bug by going through a loading zone).  As I said before, if left on his own to calm down (i.e. go back to a walk and resume his patrol) as he bleeds out, he will usually die either out on the pond or on the path he takes to his den or in his den... and you don't have any problem finding him since his patrol range is quite small.  By comparison, the bear that patrols around the PV farmhouse actually has a very large patrol area and can die, for example, near the falls on the way to Pensive Pond just as easily as he can die in the woods closer to PV Barn or in the yard next to the Farmhouse.  I still use the same strategy, allowing him to calm down and resume his patrol as he bleeds and never repeatedly shooting the bear (which is, to me, basically a waste of ammo).  However, in PV, I often need the aid of the crows to find his corpse.  In Broken Railroad, I always find him quickly without worrying about the crow sounds.

  20. 2 hours ago, Strelok said:

    There is a mod which has an option that actually sets the decay rate particularely when you find the item and another option which sets the item decay before you find them. When you find them is defined by the pick up or inspection of that item. Could be a hint that your belief could be actually true. But not exaclty like you said that its about entering a region. So, still not certain what is exaclty the case.

    Possibly a combination... thing is, the items in the random containers aren't determined until that area of your map is "created" the first time.  Some items are tied to specific loot tables, but the question becomes when do they actually "exist" in the world.  They have to exist before they can start to decay in a linear fashion.  There has to be a formula that controls the "chance" of what condition the item will start at when it forms... which is also at least somewhat random because if you loot a building, exit and reload, the containers that don't become empty (as being discussed on another thread) will contain the same item, but the condition of it can vary greatly.  Currently, we know the dear corpses are despawning/decaying based on when you first enter the region... not based on inspection as they used to be.  So, I strongly suspect that's the case with at least some of the items in each region as well... probably the ones that are loose in the outdoor areas of each zone.

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  21. 3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Well I did wonder about that but I hardly see any wolves to be certain.  For example in coastal on this run I have seen only 3 wolves, one that covers the gas station/pier area ,one on the island and one near the PV mine exit. 

    Im sure there should be more spawn  areas  than that,Or am I wrong?

    There are more of the spawn points active at one time on stalker, especially.  So, you will, for example, more frequently encounter a wolf or two after the Rickety Footbridge on the higher difficulties than on Pilgrim... but that doesn't mean you'll never see him there on Pilgrim.  He's usually not an issue for anyone since he will not cross the Rickety Footbridge and he can't navigate his way down the cliff.  I've never seen a wolf near that cave on top, so it's a great place to sleep off cabin fever.

    Also, the higher difficulties have a chance of having more wolves spawn in the pack... so, more frequently, there will be 4 wolves running around the maintenance shed and out to towards pond rather than 2-3 on Pilgrim.  Also, they can spawn at a closer distance to you on Stalker and they will track you from farther away. Overall though, the spawn points are set for each map.  Since Broken Railroad is a small zone with fewer spawn points than the larger zones to start with, they almost all are active even on Pilgrim.  The hills and dips in the terrain can make it difficult to spot wolves that spawn in the woods past the Maintenance Yard.  That's why the person in the video took steps to draw the wolves out of that area and made sure to kill them from a point in the yard where he could see them coming for him.  Getting up on the pipe or the log makes seeing them easier... as does getting up on the rocks on either side of the path that leads down to the maintenance yard.  The running in place glitch is irrelevant to my point... and no, that part doesn't really work anymore.

  22. 5 hours ago, RandomPlayer said:

    I pretty much just play Stalker level difficulty mostly because I like using the guns in the game and let me say that I consider myself to be intimately familiar with all the maps, with the exception of the newly added region and maybe HRV, both of which I haven't spent hundreds of hours playing on as compared to the rest of the regions that make up GBI.  That being said, I don't find navigating FM to be overly difficult provided a player does not try to cross the extremely wide patches of ice which almost always result in breaking through and getting wet!  ouch!   I also find that there seems to be ample deer nearby Spencer's and that ole bear does like to come fairly close as apparently he can cross the thin ice with impunity!  

    The one thing I find intriguing is your ability to bring the forge to temp with only 4 lumps of coal.  I don't think I've ever been able to do that without using a minimum of 6 lumps of coal and most often for me it's at least 7 pieces.  I suppose laying a better base using fir as the primary heating source before adding coal makes the difference?  

    I do like Broken Railroad and all the amenities it has to offer, but still don't think it will ever become my first or even second choice as my favorite forge.  For all the reasons you mentioned, ie map size, two-fers, the bear and the moose, DP in my opinion still beats out BR.  I do like that fact that BR has the workbench right next to the forge.  That in itself is a handy feature!

    You have to add each piece of wood making sure to let the temperature climb until it stops before adding the next piece.  Depending on what wood you're using, you may have to let the time of the fire burn down a little so you don't max out on time before you max out on temp.  After you reach max wood temp (80C), then each piece of coal will raise the fire by 20C.  Adding each coal one at and time and waiting for the temperature to climb those 20C before adding the next piece will get the fire above 150C in 4 pieces.

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  23. 1 hour ago, turtle777 said:

    Are you sure this still works ?

    video is from 3 years ago. 
    Pathfinding for wolves has been improved a lot, they will follow you on some tree trunks. 

    Then just throw a torch down at the base of that trunk and they won't be following you up it through the fire.  There are also a number of other choke points where you can line up shots as they run towards you.  You can also sometimes pick them off from the rock faces above the maintenance yard.  The main point is to kill them as you work your way into the zone, leave the carcasses to decay over the next 3-4 days and you'll have enough time to forge and get back out of the zone without being unduly harassed.

  24. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    I do use it but very rarely and depends on the weather and what mood I'm in at the time. But I do like broken railroad  ,it's one of my favourite maps . 

    Yes I do play on pilgrim but if I played on a harder level then I would be more likely to pick desolation point I think.

    And the reason for the doubt is that I don't really know the specific spawn sites of wolves on those levels.

    To get to Desolation Point, you still have to run a bit of a wolf gauntlet through Crumbling Highway, along with getting by some wolves by the lighthouse and avoiding the bear, who regularly patrols right close to the Riken.  There's also a lot of really foggy days where you can find yourself exiting the Riken right into that bear's arms.

    One thing I give to Forlorn Muskeg is that the workbench and the forge are both outdoors - making cabin fever of no concern there.  DP really doesn't have a great cave to sleep outdoors.  The stone church is about the best, but it's a little too open for me.

    ETA:  Link to a video that shows just how easy it can be to kill off all the wolves circling the maintenance shed:


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  25. 1 hour ago, RandomPlayer said:

    Ok, that makes sense, but if you go all the way to the BI/FM transition cave to collect coal, why dont you just use the forge in FM?  
    I mean your practically right on top of Spencer's when you exit the transition cave?  why hump all that coal back to Broken Railroad?  

    No disrespect intended, But I think as Pilgrim player, since you don't have to worry about being jumped by predatory wildlife, you are able to indulge yourself by making the long journey.  You do primarily play Pilgrim difficulty, right?  Obviously nothing wrong with that, but I am wondering if your opinion would be different were that not the case?

    It's not a lot of coal.  To bring the forge up to heat after you've hit the max temp with wood takes only 4 pieces, which can easily be carried from anywhere.  It's just a matter of not using those 4 pieces up when lighting your other fires along the way.  At FM, you have to contend with the crappy weather, the weak ice, and, most recently, the lack of deer and there really isn't a lot of scrap metal to be had on the way there.  If you're getting it at the Carter Dam, you're hauling it all the way across the ML map and the FM map to get it to the forge... and scrap metal weighs more than coal.

    In Broken Railroad, once you've cleared out the wolves, you often have an easy shot at a moose and a bear and several deer and rabbits.  There's also a great lodge (with a ton of reclaimed wood and cloth available) and a great cave up top, if you don't like sleeping in the maintenance shed or office just outside it.

    The wolves are not a problem... just kill them all on your way into the zone, along with the 3-4 on the pond and the pair up top and then leave the carcasses to rot.  You'll get about 4 days before they respawn to do whatever you like.  Also, there is very little chance of ever losing your arrows since they really can't run very far before they drop.  The same goes for the bear.  He usually winds up dying right in his cave or in clear view in the middle of the pond.

    ETA:  Because it is a small map, it's also one of the best maps in the game to get "twofers" - that is, to shoot wolves just after they've taken down a deer, allowing you to harvest both, if you wish.

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