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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 13 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Did you mean the skeeters ridge? I couldn't watch the other video it kept cutting me off. But if so then yes it was unprovoked. I saw nothing to explain that at all.  Very odd indeed. 

    Yes, that's the one.

  2. How much space is left on your hard drive?  In general, on Xbox (i.e. not just with this game), a hard drive that is more than 75% full can cause issues with the system being able to properly swap files/save.  Once you've explored a bit, TLD file saves take up more and more space and you mention that you save frequently... might be time to delete some of those older saves (Wintermute) or older characters (Survival).

  3. 20 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Sorry. Is it on ytube cos I can't seem to find it?  

    Sorry, I should have specified.  It's on Twitch in his past broadcasts videos.  It won't stay there forever, but I think it should still be there today.  It was there yesterday when I checked by doing a search for his channel name - Quinoasaurus.

  4. 6 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

    I have now encountered the "car battery that wasn't" in several vehicles in Blackrock.   One on the road to the prison and one in the prison parking area.  The image is of the one on the road to the prison. I put the cursor (the dot) on the "battery" and nothing. 


    Yes, there are several vehicles in Blackrock affected by this.  So far, though, I've not found any affected in any other region.

  5. 5 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Thanks!   Yes I've been watching one of the tournaments  on ytube ,looks like a good challenge!  

    One in particular I think might be pertinent to your cause is Quinoasaurus's last VOD.  It was a wolf attack that caused him to die (ending his tournament run).  That attack seemed very sudden and unprovoked to me, but you might want to check it out for yourself (you wouldn't have to watch the whole stream, of course, just the last 10 minutes or so.  Maybe you could pick up on what he did to get attacked like that.

  6. On 2/12/2022 at 4:09 AM, Leeanda said:

    After nearly 3 years of playing custom and pilgrim I finally had my first wolf mauling!  ! 🙂 

    My problem is I'm not sure if it was a bug as it seemed kind of glitchy. 

    This run is a custom pilgrim with Max wolves ,close detection range, and even though it shouldn't make a difference on passive I took the fear off just to see if it does indeed make some differences.  I also don't have any crafted clothes on and no bear roll and as yet no moose satchel either. The only things I intend to wear are the bunny hat and gloves . But I can't see them making a difference to this little experiment.

    I'm only a few weeks into the run and I started it solely for the purpose of getting mauled !🙂 Yes I am mad, but I might finally have a use for all that unused medicine .  Which ironically I didn't need on the mauling I had this morning! 

    I will keep you up to date if or when it happens again but considering how long I had to wait for this one, it might be quite a while before I can write again! 🙂

    Congrats.  Sorry I haven't been around much to congratulate you earlier.  Your persistence paid off.  I've been absorbed with the All Your Bases tournament, which has pilgrim settings (i.e. passive animals) in all divisions.  I've seen a few wolf maulings there as well.

  7. Has anyone done any science on this stat to determine when exactly it triggers?  I've been recently playing along at home with the All Your Bases tournament and I just noticed that my journal has counted 1 wolf distracted by a decoy.  The only problem is that the only place I have dropped any meat at all is right in front of my base and I wasn't hunted wolves at the time at all.  I've not even thrown any stones as this is against the tournament rules.  The only thing I can think of was that a wolf was somewhere nearby when I dropped/placed the meat in front of my base (which is in Broken Railroad), but I'm wondering what the science says about it.  BTW, animals are all passive per the tournament rules.

  8. I'm going to put my vote in for the lowly stick... what player doesn't go about picking up almost every stick that lies on their path of travel... and with good reason... without something to light, matches aren't very effective at keeping you warm or making water or cooking your dinner.

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  9. 57 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    If you look carefully you will see that there are two designs for the battery. One has a little less blue on it.  That one does not remove.

    Or is it that the battery has simply sunk down and some of that blue top is now not visible?  I'd like to see some confirmation from HL that this is indeed an intentional different design for batteries that are not removable.  The colorful items in this game are normally ones with which the players can interact and more muted colors and/or visible damage are used on items that are not interact-able.  So far, the only region I'm seeing this in is Blackrock (which is also the only zone I'm finding the other mentioned items of "unobtainium."  Also of note is that the floor in the prison workshop has not been totally fixed.  Just yesterday, I had a gut drop below the floor and almost completely disappear.  I also accidentally dropped a can of food on the door at Bricklayer's Retreat and it disappeared (presumeably underneath it).  I did manage to retrieve the gut by crouching and eventually picking up on the label; but, so far, I haven't been able to even a flicker of label where the can should be.

  10. 2 hours ago, Alpenwolf said:

    A dilemma that could add difficulty.
    Get rid of my sled and choose what gear to keep, or keep my sled and find another way.


    I'm obviously not understanding you on this.  The technical backpack is always equipped once found and the player always has the buff.  The moosehide sachel, conversely, can be unequipped and the carry weight buff is lost only at that point.  For the player to be unable to take everything in the sled up the rope, the sled would have to use a different mechanic than the technical backpack... i.e. a way of determining when and when not the player is using it.

  11. 16 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    I have just been trekking around HRV in a straight Stalker game that recently started.  I'm probably around day 270.  I have high skill levels and good clothing.

    I have found HRV very easy this time.  I have had so little trouble I am puzzled.  I had very few wolf attacks, killing one or two bears was easy, and the weather wasn't too bad.

    I can't work why.  The only reasons I can think of is that it was under 300 days, perhaps the things become much more hostile beyond 500 or 1,000 days which I am more used to.  Alternatively it could be that I am so familiar with the map that I subconciously avoid the problems.

    @Leeanda  has noted a similar drop in wolf presence in Pilgrim mode.  So far, my custom games (with increased wolf spawns) seem to have about the same number of wolves spawning as before the update; but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't some sort of bug in the standard settings or on the lower wolf-spawn custom settings.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Alpenwolf said:

    Not necessarily. Like the technical backpack found in the Ash Canyon, it could be implemented implicitly and guarantee a higher payload (+45lb for example). The only difference is that instead of finding it, we make it.


    That seems to me to be a rather "cheap" way to implement it... just another arbitrary increase in carry weight.  How would you justify (lore-wise) Will's or Astrid's sudden ability to wrangle a sledful of supplies up a rope?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

    Yeah that's a good idea, I like the sound of that. I think it'd be nice if you could use stone mounds to mark their graves after you've buried them, could also double up as storage spaces. Beats stuffing dead fish in corpses' pockets which I admit to having done a few times 😬😄

    That's a great idea - perhaps a smaller rock cairn where you could tie a bandage as a ribbon (similar to the kickstarter message rock cairns we find scattered in the earlier regions but that are not being added to the new regions).  In a way, I would feel like we would be honoring the people to contributed to starting this great game every time we erected one then.

    • Upvote 2
  14. Yes, I've seen about 3 or 4 vehicles in Blackrock that have this issue... along with a few other items of "unobtainium." (e.g. a sewing kit in Forager's Retreat, a piece of coal in one of the caves) where no label is coming up to enable collecting them regardless of where I move my cursor or whether I stand or crouch.

  15. 3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Theres a thought, not sure my writing skills are up to par with the other ones I've read though. 

    I have had a couple of moose stampings on pilgrim already. And I would've had a few bear attacks too if I hadn't quit and reloaded first! I really do hate that bear cutscene, stresses me out!🙂  I could try custom pilgrim without yogi in though , and adding more wolves to up the chances ?  

    But I will try BlackRock and see if I fair any better there. 

    I wonder if the wolfskin coat I'm wearing makes a difference?

    Good thought about the custom pilgrim settings... and yeah, the coat could be making the difference, too.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

    Yeah that sucks if you'd stored things on them, theft from beyond the grave. I know they're a good source of crow feathers, but I've been wanting an option to bury them for a while so I don't mind them vanishing really. If it was real life I wouldn't have the heart to just leave them lying around; I'd at least cook a few ... Joking, of course 😄


    Twyn1 - Well at least I'm not alone in discovering new corpses, kind of creepy at Desolation Point. You sure he was dead and not just snoozing, surrounded by his pet crows? 😜 Least he left you some goodies, you obviously got the generous undead unlike UpUpAway95. One at Mystery Lake actually had a new rifle with 1 bullet in, wondering if the wolves got him before he took care of himself 😫

    There's a Wish List thread going about have them vanish only after they are looted/investigated by the player... much like the deer carcasses used to work.  I'm OK with that even though it means I'd have to adapt my "storage" habits.

    • Like 1
  17. Too much added mechancis required... e.g. new character dialogue/animations within game to handle interactions with "tamed" wildlife.  A new AI for that "tamed" wildlife.  Also, our character can't currently hop over a curb in a parking lot, let alone drag a sled over any sort of uneven terrain and sleds in areas with ropes would be useless.  I think this is one best left for the modders.

  18. 7 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Since the feat progression takes place in any standard difficulty, I see no reason why Custom difficulties should be arbitrarily excluded from this.  It's a dumb rule for a dumb, grindy mechanic overall.

    Adding some food for thought - A lot has changed in the last year or so since this topic was last brought forth.  I see a lot more streamers playing custom games and custom challenges... even custom tournaments... and not so many saying that the standard difficulties are the only way to play the game.  More people have discovered that one of the best features about TLD is the ability to customize the gameplay and to share those custom codes with their friends.  Why not allow newer players to progress their "walk 1,000 km in blizzards" type feats within a NOGOA (or other) custom game... especially when watching such tournaments and challenges on Twitch might be what draws them towards TLD in the first place? 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Still no joy! I just can't get mauled.  🙂

    13 times in 2 days and they all ran off. Even unarmed was the same.

    This is now my new challenge on pilgrim.

    Lol - I honestly didn't think it would be that tough.  I don't know whether to wish you good luck with that or hope that they never do maul you. 😀

    • Like 1
  20. 10 hours ago, Matt Lomax said:

    I've recently come across three new corpses on my travels. Is this normal? I'm okay with them disappearing to be honest, but after 1300 days it's kind of disturbing to find new ones on well-trodden paths. Especially within the last couple of in-game weeks. Two in Mystery Lake and one in the Coastal Highway region. Makes me think that maybe I'm not so alone out there ... 😱😄

    Well, maybe there's hope that the missing corpses in my saves might one day reappear... doubt they'll have my spare tin cans on them though.

  21. 2 hours ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    @UpUpAway95I don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other.  Just saying it might be an interesting element of this or a future game.

    Fair enough.  I'm fine the way it is, but if they really want to change it, I'm just popping out some ideas myself.

  22. 53 minutes ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    The right tool for this job is a brush axe.  Or a machete, I guess.  It could easily be a "forge-able" item.

    Do you really want them to add another tool into the game just to deal with the brush in HRV (and the little bit of it that is also in Bleak Inlet)?  Or would you prefer they do away with the natural looking bushes and put up man-made wooden barricades that we chop down with the hatchet? 

    Or would you prefer they just let open the trail up and let us pass?