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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    The only place on my standard pilgrim run that hasn't been completely searched is BlackRock, Except HRV which obviously doesn't count in this instance.but a large part of that was places unlikely to have cars!   So I wouldn't rate my chances of a possible missed car having anything in it!  The odds would be overwhelming .  

    Still, as the picture shows and my Broken Railroad tests show, things are still appearing in the back seats of vehicles.  What is your "loose item availability" setting?  I believe that items in the back seat and on the dashboard are controlled by that setting to some degree.  As I said, my tests are run with loot availability on all fronts pushed to the max... so perhaps the issue appears only with a lower "loose item availability" setting.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Catlover said:

    Haha Matt has loads of good ideas it seems. Bit suspicious really lol, wonder how he found out about boiling wolves gets rid of their breath. I'll have to try it out and see if it works. Boiled wolves and cattails anyone? 

    I think I'd rather have a tin of nicely warmed peaches, thank you.

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  3. There are numerous notes we can find in the game that relate to the lore.  A few are only found in story mode, but others are also found in survival mode.  We have the option to read the text when we first pick them up and they can be reread in the journal.  A first step would be tying the reading of these items to the passage of time (but how much time should pass when a certain amount of text is read is potentially an issue).

  4. 47 minutes ago, Catlover said:

    Ah I'm glad you were able to get a moose, even if you lost an arrow in the process. I'll be sure to never go hunt a large animal when it looks like there is going to be a blizzard 

    That's the safe way to play it.  On the other side of fate though... I might have gotten a critical hit with that one shot and the moose would have gone down instead of running off.  With a bear, a good solid hit will cause it to bleed out... but the tricky part there is what I call the "reset bug."  If the player goes inside as the blizzard hits and he's still bleeding, he can reset and not bleed out.  Sleeping outside or passing a full hour of time before going in can sometimes trigger a "sudden bleed out" such that he goes down before the blizzard hits (in which case he won't despawn, but will be lying dead somewhere after the blizzard clears).  Same applies for wounded deer or wolves.  Without the sleep or passing of time, it can sometimes take hours and hours for them to bleed out. 

    I once followed a wounded wolf in Mystery Lake for 20 mins (IRL time).  He kept limping and bleeding but apparently wasn't about to drop any time soon... so, I decided to pass an hour's of time... and I heard him die before that hour ran out.

    Part of my fascination in this game is that the RNG is wonky enough to make it a really interesting challenge to try to figure it out... and after probably more than 2,000 hours in this game now, I'm still learning lots every day.

    ... and at my age... a touch of memory loss means that I can also learn somehting, forget, and have fun learning it all again. 😀


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  5. 4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

    Ah yes, that would make sense. I was not saying they hadn't been mauled (though looking back it does sound like it), it was just going kind of against my tests. Them staying when they're only in your line of sight does make sense, though must have been annoying to lose that moose, lol

    I eventually got him (or his newly spawned twin).  I just left the area after the blizzard died down and went into an adjacent region for a few days and then came back.  He spawned again... but, yeah, my arrow was gone for good.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    But in every car in all areas?   Thought it was everyone seeing that!  But it's not an issue really, more just curious. Thought he'd used the place anywhere mod! Obviously not then! 

    The odds of probably extremely low of such an event occurring, but it still would not likely be 0.  With probability math, the extremely unlikely is still possible.  Other factors are what percently of the total cars in the game is the player actually checking.  From watching Youtube and Twitch, what I see is a tendency for those players to be less than thorough in clearing entire regions of the map.  They check the same "popular" sites, but seldom go way out of their way to check the more obscure sites in each region.  I know the only time I bother to check everything is when I'm running these "loot distribution" tests and I generally limit those tests to Broken Railroad because to do them in more regions becomes completely overwhelming very quickly.  Imagine how long it would take me to run in even one such test in a large region like Blackrock.

  7. 4 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Did you use a mod for that? I haven't had anything in the back of a car since the update!

    My recent run of Broken Railroad tests have had the pistol spawn in the back seat of that car a couple of times.  It has also spawned in the plant pot in the office once and on a shelf in the basement of the hunting lodge a couple of times.  The one possible spawn location in that zone for it that I haven't seen happen since the update is under the one bed in the Hunting Lodge.  I don't think there is a bug.  Rather RNG is RNG... and people have been mentioning that they want more randomness in this game.  As new possible spawn locations are being added (i.e. everything in Blackrock), the distribution of items across all those possible spawn points can get more erratic.  (The custom sets I use for these sorts of "loot distribution" tests push the amount of loot possible in the game to it's maximum - i.e. there's more loot overall than in Pilgrim).

  8. 37 minutes ago, Catlover said:

    Haha yeah the only things I've seen during blizzards are bunnies. One guy claims to have been attacked by a bear in a blizzard but I'm yet to see them out in one. I think deer are also hanging around but I don't see many of those even in clear weather, lol. 

    And haha I doubt you expected your thread to have something like 7 pages, lol :)

    Edit- actually it's nine pages, wow lol


    It seems to depend a bit on proximity as the blizzard strikes.  If you can keep the animal in your direct sight, it will stay spawned as the blizzard hits.  I recently began hunting a moose by the hunting lodge in Broken Railroad as a blizzard started.  It stayed spawned, allowing me to take a shot at it.  It was clearly hit, but ran off and I was unable to follow it... assuming it despawned once it left my direct line of sight.  (Broken Railraod is nice for running tests like this since there are lots of animals in a small area and they have a limited area in which they can patrol or run). 

    The bear will also stay spawned as a blizzard hits as long as the player can keep eyes on it.  If the player gets close enough to initiate an attack, then it's entirely possible to be attacked by a bear in a blizzard.

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  9. 24 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Actually wondering about Timberwolves and how they  act! Has anyone got any advice on them in relation to feeding/ hunting techniques!  If one gets a kill and I try to intervene will the entire pack go for me as well ? Stupid question I know but I'm not sure with them ! 

    Any advice greatly appreciated!

    I honestly don't know on pilgrim.  Something I have yet to check out for myself... whether or not the morale bar comes up if you attack one of the pack.  I would imagine that if it does come up, breaking the pack morale would not be as difficult as on the more difficult settings.  Advice, build a campfire nearby where you intend to attack the first T-wolf and be ready to start pulling torches out of the fire and flinging them at the other members of the pack if they start into a group attack frenzy (i.e. the morale bar appears).  Any time you hit a T-wolf with a torch the morale bar should deplete a bit.  When it's gone, the pack should leave you alone.  (Again, I don't know if it will even appear on pilgrim).

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  10. Perhaps the issue here is how you've worded your title - beginning with "I'm done with this game."  At this point, I think HL is focused on finished what they promised 8 years ago.  At this point, they aren't going to redraft the game world to accommodate things like building tents and chopping down entire trees or adding in a slew of new animations to show the character actually doing things that were covered off by the "passing time" mechanic.  They are going to finish the story mode, which will likely add another, final new region to the game.  After that, they are going to leave it to modders to add the sort of features you're asking for in the OP.

    Will they do a Long Dark #2 with refined mechanics on a more advanced engine?  I don't know.  Part of me would like to see them move onto a different game.  HL is a talented and creative team.  After 8 years, they deserve to move onto something that stretches their own creativity and imagination further than a Long Dark #2 would.  However, I would also love to see a newer version of TLD, i.e. Long Dark #2.  I know I'd buy it in a minute.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Lol! Thanks. Its pretty hard to get in that situation though. I've spent more time trying to herd them all to the right places than anything else!  

    And they can all run faster than me by a long way! 🙂  

    Just got lucky with the damage  I suppose! 

    Isn't RNG the bain of doing good science on any of this stuff? 😀Congrats on doing some really great and informative research - despite the odds.  Keep up the great work!

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  12. 7 hours ago, mayaknife said:

    Four blizzards in five days. I've harvested all of the cloth, scrap metal and reclaimed wood that my base has to offer. I've boiled up enough potable water to fill a swimming pool. I've made enough charcoal to map all of Asia. What is there left to do but play cards and sleep? And so I sit for five minutes watching progress bars advance until the game decides that it's going to let me do something interesting.

    At last, a sunny day! Let's go map the western half of Pleasant Valley! I tromp over there under blue skies but then fog rolls in making mapping impossible. Tromp home. Next morning it's sunny but by the time I get to the area I want to map the fog has again descended.

    I'm holed up in a barn, warming up by a fire. Fifteen more minutes before my clothing is dry. Not much else I can do so I'll just skip time until it's done. But wait, no, I can only skip time in increments of one hour. So once again I am stuck sitting on my hands, waiting for the game.

    The Long Dark is excellent at evoking a sense of solitude and desolation. Alas it is also far too often excellent at evoking a sense of boredom.

    Hunt... craft clothing.  Climb a mountain.  In general, go outside and play! 😀

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  13. 2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Day 47 . Managed to get mauled ,twice.  Took no clothes damage or needed  any medicine! This time I was carrying a lit torch again but tried to approach more from the side but couldn't really get that far round.  It seems that if you approach from behind the chances of being mauled are almost guaranteed!   

    I should have been attacked a third time but the wolf got stuck on a snow mound on the edge of the broken bridge. So I put him out of his misery. I left him dangling half off the edge looking very odd! 😁 

    I decided to leave broken  railroad after making some arrowheads cos most of the wolves there were now dead or dying anyway.  Just made it to forlorn before the blizzard hit!  I'm now holed up in the cave in the north east  ,heading back to PV so I can craft some arrows and put the revolver away , it's a dead weight for me anyway!  Will also make the moose sack and check round the farm area for wolves! And the big barn has yet to be explored!  

    My... twice in one day.  You're getting good at this.

    Clothing damage and struggle damage are separate sliders in the custom menu.  They are set higher in Stalker and higher again in Interloper than they are in Pilgrim.  In custom, you can set the clothing damage to "none" although I have noted that clothing damage does still occur on occasion despite that setting.

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  14. 11 hours ago, turtle777 said:

    Perhaps it's evenly distributed, but in this thread, all reported instances of Interloper had the issue, and multiple people playing other difficulties repeatedly reported not having the issue. It's of course not a perfect sample size.

    In reality, it's "an issue mostly FOR Interloper players", regardless of whether it effects it more, or the severity of when it appears making things worse.


    What I'm saying is I ran tests on several different settings related to difficulty, respawn rates, etc. and found that, specifically, the Paradise Meadows corpse would 1) be present IF I a) did not spawn indoors inside Mountain Region AND b) if I did not go inside prior to going to the farmhouse.  In all cases, the corpse would despawn immediately upon my going inside.  The corpse will also despawn right before the player's eyes if the player passes time to create a save point and then reloads the save.  This occurs regardless of setting.  In addition, some of the other corpses in the zone will also despawn in the player goes inside and some of the others will not.  I determined this by going around the zone before going inside and locating other corpses.  After coming back outside, some (not all) of those corpses were missing. 

    If the player spawns indoors (which is not something allowed in Loper), the corpse at the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse (and several other random ones in the zone) do not appear to spawn at all.  This particular situation was also noted in Broken Railroad where a corpse with a knife beside it is a guaranteed spawn in 1 of 3 possible locations on stalker and lower difficulties.  This corpse failed to spawn on all tests where I spawned inside and the knife was found just lying in the snow by itself.  The corpse (and backpack) never failed to spawn on tests where I spawned outdoors and did not go inside before going to those 3 known locations.

    I've never said it's not a problem in Loper, but the nature of the bug is not related to a specific difficulty setting.  The bug is repeat-able and you're welcome to run your own tests if you wish.

    I have also noted corpses disappearing in Broken Railroad, Ash Canyon, HRV, Pleasant Valley and Blackrock.  Also, on my "play along" of the All Your Bases Tournament, the corpse inside the camp office in Mystery Lake despawned after I left the zone and returned about a week later.  That tournament is being run on a custom pilgrim setting with variable player condition recovery across all divisions (information is available online).

  15. 7 hours ago, turtle777 said:

    I completely stoped using decoys, after Hinterland futzed with the mechanic, and it didn't reliably work anymore in Stalker and Interloper.

    The problem as I see it is that a stinky decoy works, but it also attracts wolves from afar.

    If you just drop non-stinky, cooked meat, it doesn't work. So why would I carry decoy meat to distract wolves that otherwise wouldn't have noticed me ?


    What I was mostly wondering about is what triggers the game to apply the use of a decoy in the stats page, not whether or not the decoy works... mostly because in this case, I wasn't intentionally using a decoy, but the game credited me with having used one on the stats page.  So, if a decoy attracts a wolf from way far away, does the stat increases?... even if the player doesn't actually take a shot at said wolf?

  16. 48 minutes ago, SpitzerFX said:

    I don't like traveling during Auroras on Interloper either, but if I have to, I make sure to have a flashlight with me. I've had too many runs ended by trying to scare off wolves with gunshots or flares only to have them keep charging while under the effect. Flashlights have always seemed to stop them.

    See page 2, 4th post down from the top - Not everyone has the same degree of success as you in fending off aurora wolves with a flashlight. 

    The rifle/revolver/bow/flare/torch are all more useful to me simply because I'm more likely to be carrying them (or at least one of them) in the effect I'm caught out when an aurora starts.  I can think of very few instances where I've been forced to leave the safety of my base (or a sub-base) where I might store a flashlight in order to deliberately travel during an aurora. 

    Also, I don't generally carry a rifle around either.  The bow and revolver are better weapons for traveling.  I do like using the rifle on bears and moose, but I generally just leave the rifle in the most likely place where I might do this within the region where I find them.

  17. 2 hours ago, SpitzerFX said:

    A flashlight is very useful on Interloper, as Aurora-affected wolves are a huge danger and you don't have the benefit of a rifle. That also means I don't have an extra 4kg to carry at all times, so fitting the flashlight into my inventory is much easier. Revolvers and the distress pistol can be very hard to attain, flashlights are generally an easier find, and they're more reliable to scare off the more aggressive Aurora wolves than bullets or flares anyway.

    Do you actually carry one around with you?  I've yet to see a streamer in loper who does.  I don't... even in loper.  Easier just to avoid travelling during auroras.

  18. At my age and with health issues, I'm already living on "borrowed time" - and enjoying every minute I can of it.  Whether or not humanity survives pandemic viruses long term is not really my problem... I'll leave that to the research scientists... after all, they are the ones who have given me my "borrowed time" in the first place.

    A friend once told me - "Every day you wake up and you're looking down at the grass instead of up at the dirt is a good day."

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  19. 56 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

    Yes, the issue is mostly on Interloper.

    Some crucial spawns (storm lantern, heavy hammer, mag lease) are in the farm house. Not being able to get to these could make or break a game.


    That sort of implies that it occurs more frequently on Loper - not the case.  The bug occurs on all difficulties... it's just that Lopers rely on getting into that specific building more because the rare loot doesn't occur randomly as frequently in the world due to differences in loot-related settings.

  20. 7 hours ago, SpitzerFX said:

    I'd definitely say my least used item in a lot of Stalker and Interloper playthroughs has been the water purification tablets. Stones and snares would be a close second since rabbits are never really worth the effort of hunting unless very desperate for food.

    When do you use a flashlight?  Do you carry it with you just to have it handy if an aurora hits when you're travelling across the map?  At least the water purifications tablets don't weight near as much... and I can always use them if an untimely wind shift blows my fire out before my water boils.

    Stones are very useful for distracting wolves.  Snares are great when you set enough of them overnight near your base... passive food capture while you sleep.

  21. 43 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

    Haha! Least you'd be toasty warm 🔥 The wolves would come running to the fragrance of barbecued human.


    That makes me feel better 😄 I was enjoying hitting that bullseye, had my own score system going and everything 😂 Gotta think long term. I've ditched my balaclava and a pair of socks actually. Dropped a couple of degrees but that slight change should extend the life of my cloth supply a tad. On the off-chance I come across clothing, I'm lucky if it isn't totally ruined. Those snow pants were on 3%, first thing I've found in years that hadn't completely degraded. Least ruined stuff can be harvested.

    Where did you ditch your balaclava?  I wish I could pick it up.  Right now I'm running around in a nearly ruined cotton toque I just found (25%).  Wish  could also find some sort of jacket.  (To be fair though - this particular run is in its early stages.  Some days I hate Ash Canyon... so cold up top.

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  22. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    I saw nothing, no carcasses that were visible or anything like that. It's definitely custom pilgrim though isn't it?

    Yes.  I'm pretty sure he was participating in the beginner division... which means the only difference between his setting and standard pilgrim is that Bear and Moose Spawns are set to High (per the rules sheet).  The intermediate division has pilgrim settings with the elevated bear and moose spawns and stalker weather and medium condition recovery.  The pro division has the same pilgrim and bear and moose settings, but interloper weather and low condition recovery.  The animals, therefore, are set to be passive in all divisions and all the loot settings are as they are in pilgrim mode.

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