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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 21 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

    I was thinking of adding a torch to the list, but since it initially has to be lit by a match or firestarter, I figured it's the middleman.

    I kinda like matches because I have so many of them and I dont light fires every day. When I'm outside nd its sunny, then it's mag lens, but the always go to method has been a match.

    There are a handful of fire starters in my bases, but I dont like to use them up since they don't go bad.

    So...a match for me. Time to vote I guess.

    Not necessarily.  I often use a torch pulled from a fire lit from a mag lens indoors or farther into a cave where there is insufficient light to use the mag lens directly.  Also, if it's not windy, I'll torch walk the fire some distance so that I can light a new one when I reach my destination.

  2. Torch.  If or once I have Firestarting 3, this becomes less important since there is a 100% chance of the match working as long as I use a book.

    Alternatively (since a torch is not on the survey), a mag lens when conditions allow for it.

  3. 5 hours ago, Omnijack said:

    I think +50% to average weight is too strong, perhaps +20% would be more appropriate.

    If not added as a badge, I'd be happy with a steam achievement. More steam achievements would be nice just to have.

    There already is the "It Was This Big!" achievement for catching a fish over 5kg.  Instead of grinding 1,000 fish, why not make a feat also associated with catching a single big fish over 5kg, although I almost fail to see the point then of a +50% to fish weight.  If they make it another 1,000 grind, I'd almost prefer if the feat worked more like Firestarting and start the player out a Fishing Level 3... at least then giving the player a greater chance of not breaking their fishing tackle as frequently at the start of the game, when tackle may be in short supply (depending on your starting zone... e.g. TWM and Ash Canyon where scrap metal is in short supply).

  4. 5 hours ago, stratvox said:

    I'm pretty sure that this is a bug, and that liquids left next to a fire are not supposed to get burnt dry, but that liquids left on a fire are.


    I agree.  I've noticed a few things with the teas that started with Hesitant Prospect.  The first thing I noticed was that if I had left teas by a burned out fire from before the update and then relit the fire after the update, none of the teas would indicate that they were warming up, but when I picked them up after several minutes by the fire, they would be "hot" in my inventory.  If left by the fire before this hotfix though, they would not burn up.  Now they burn up... I think in trying to correct the first bug, they've introduced a new one.  (I'm having a hard time breaking my habit of placing teacups on the mantels of the various fireplaces as a quick way of determining what I have in the way of medicinal teas when I come back to those areas.)

  5. On 3/11/2021 at 12:02 PM, Dr. S. said:

    This is exactly why I've never attempted to do this.

    With regards to the original suggestion, I think that having some indication that we've visited a cairn would be nice too. What I would like to see is the ability to add a stone to the top of the cairn. Alternatively, being able to use a piece of charcoal to mark the cairn would work. But I like the idea of having our survivor be able to interact with the cairn in some way to create the marking/indicator.

    As an alternative (although it's rather unelegant), one could spray paint next to the cairn, I suppose... which would plot the symbol used on the map.  I do think it would be very nice to be able to take the ribbon, perhaps even be able to use it as a bandage...  Alternatively, adding a stone would work too.

  6. On 3/11/2021 at 6:56 AM, Dr. S. said:

    I wish the list of cairns were sorted by region in the journal, so I would know when I’ve found all the cairns in a given region. 

    Yes, this would be very, very nice.

  7. 9 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

    Yes the game would be way too easy otherwise. By the time you complete your forge run if you already had 60 feathers the game would be way too easy. 
     However you can “force” feathers to drop if you harvest a carcass. On bodies just give it a few days and eventually they generate. 

    Feathers can drop after harvesting a kill regardless of weather or not crows actually appear.  Feathers can also respawn by corpses that have no crows flying over them.  The two types of spawns/respawns are not exactly contingent on each other.  Furthermore, some corpses will not have feathers around them despite there being crows flying over them.

  8. No, the rabbits do not actually have to walk through the snares.  In fact, I've never actually seen a rabbit snared in the game.  The catches most frequently occur overnight, as long as you've placed the snares in an active raibbit grove (i.e. one that is spawning rabbits).  These active groves migrate around a little bit in the game... that is, some will deactivate and others will become active as you move through the area.  The number of active groves in the world may also diminish over time (depending on your settings), but the snaring apparently is not what causes the grove to become inactive.  It appears that the snares cause extra rabbits to spawn in the grove rather than depleting the rabbits that have spawned.  I believe there is a thread reporting the results of experiments people have done regarding the snares.  It's probably in the archives.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I think I'd prefer do without another flashing notification popping up on the screen (which some people do find immersion breaking) and take the time to periodically check my inventory for the amount (if the actual count is important... which it usually isn't).  There would also be an issue with items that don't stack vs. items that do... e.g. matches of differing condition vs. matches of the same condition; teas (which never stack), etc.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, LumiStylesTTV said:

    I haven't worked up the nerve to play interloper. I do a custom that is close to it. But I doubt it would be feasible to try. On the other ones though. I tried it last  night and going well so far. I was able to get one thing on my wishlist. Now I am at Trappers killing rabbits for a hatlol.

    No worries... just weighing in with one of my lists of priorities.  I'm absolutely not an elitist when it comes to difficulty levels, although some people here do seem to be.  My list of priorities changes with each run.  If, say, I start a custom with no animals, the heavy hammer is not a priority at all, since there is 0 use for arrowheads in that "vegetarian" type of game regardless of what baseline resources and starting gear are in play.  It can still be a fairly hard challenge... setting the weather to brutal (with no possibility for a bear skin anything) and the plants to Low and it makes the world feel much lonelier.  In that case... sewing kits easily make the 5-item list.  They're like gold because there is a very limited supply of guts in the game (just what's available from the prop deer/wolf carcasses).

    That's what I love about this game... by changing individual parameters, it is possible to completely change the nature of the challenges involved and change the list of priority items needed for survival.

  11. 30 minutes ago, Dr. S. said:

    I was talking about how I thought TLD worked, not what would be realistic in a hypothetical post-apocalyptic world. Sorry if I was unclear.

    Maybe I'm not observant enough, but I always thought that if the crows were out then every outdoor corpse/carcass had crows. Apparently that's not true? If so, that makes me wonder which corpses or carcasses might not have crows, and under what conditions. In particular, is it possible for the carcass of an animal that I've hunted to not have crows, even if the crows are out around other carcasses? That would affect the way that I search for them.

    From my observations, again in Broken Railroad, it is possible that a kill will not have crows... at least initially.  I do believe the game does give some priority to kills over the prop corpses... causing crows that had been previously flying over a prop corpse to migrate to the kill for a period of time at least.  As for which prop corpses have crows and which do not... as far as I can tell, it's mostly random and, again, the crows will migrate to different corpses over time... much like the active rabbit groves can change to different locations on the map over time.

    My observations, however, are not from specific testing of this particular feature... just observations based on spending a number of runs that I intentionally limited to the small zone of Broken Railroad.

  12. Yes, although I'm not sure it's an issue.  While doing my Broken Railroad Only runs, I found that there were always some of the corpses that were without crows.  Which ones changed over the course of the run... that is, the crows would migrate to different corpses.  Also, when I had a kill on the ground, the crows would leave the prop corpses in order to circle over my kill.  I think there is a limitation as to how many groups of crows can be found in an area at any one time... and that's sometimes less than the number of corpses in that area.

  13. It depends a lot of Starting Gear and Baseline Resources.  The standard interloper run usually focuses on acquiring matches first, then a toque and gloves, then a bedroll, then a heavy hammer (all the while just trying to keep enough food, water, and wood on hand to stay alive).  I would put the No. 5 item in as a hacksaw.

  14. On 5/7/2021 at 10:11 AM, hozz1235 said:

    The one-way, brown arrow path appears to be a risky goating shortcut.  Not sure why you would take the risk when you can easily take the normal path and end up at the same spot.

    The only reason I can think of is if you can't use a rope, since you do need to navigate a rope to get down using any of the normal paths (including the cave).  However, the shortcut path down from Miner's Folly is much, much easier to navigate, so it would still be an unwise choice (IMO)... better to cross the bridges to get to Miner's Folly and head down that way.

  15. 5 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

    Why would you even bother with cattails on voyager or even stalker? If you are losing your well fed bonus in those levels to the point you need cattails you are doing something woefully wrong. You should be throwing food away because you can’t even carry it all in those levels.  I honestly don’t see why you would even bother with cattails or teas. 

    Maybe they're doing a vegetarian run.  There's no "woefully wrong" way to play this game.

    ETA:  I wouldn't mind an option to eat multiple cattails at once (similar to the UI that allows us to craft multiple teas at once, etc.).  It would have to be optional in that the counter would default to 1 (again, similar to how the teas default to 1).  It's not a priority though because I'm seldom eating enough of them at a time that I find eating them individually annoying.  It's the same with the teas.  I don't often have enough supplies on me to craft more than 2 or 3 anyways.  The more annoying feature is having to pick up sticks I've dropped by my fire one at a time and put them on the fire one at a time.

    Also, consider that, on the consoles, using this sort of option doesn't save clicks.  That is, the console user still has to click to increase the amount of teas to be crafted by 1 with each click (with the RB on the Xbox) and then initiate the action by pressing the action button anyways to begin crafting the group (X button on the Xbox)... as opposed to just pressing X once for each tea to craft it directly one at a time.

  16. 38 minutes ago, Gun Tech. said:

    I cut here because I talk a lot when streaming sharing advice, and most Youtubers like short and to the point videos. (Or maybe it's a vocal minority?) In either case, I went to the cave and warmed up and then got to the plane safely. The Interloper challenge condition, though, is to climb the rope and be able to warm up before getting an affliction from cold (Frostbite or Hypothermia). So for the day 1 summit challenge, any way to do this is accepted.

    Hacksaw spawn at the summit is 50%, so I recommend against day 1 summits as per the title. But you can use this route from the Hut too if you find the hacksaw there, to save the same amount of energy. As for this spawn, the slightest delay (to avoid afflictions from the cold) may leave you at the base of the final rope with not enough energy, and you have to (try to) make it to safety.

    With no means of sleeping, loss of energy translates into health loss. More energy left leaves you with more health to spend goating down from the plane to the nearest bed - Mountaineer's Hut.

    I know the odds and the risks.  I was just asking if you found the hacksaw there or even if you bothered looking for it (again, knowing that it was acceptable to the interloper challenge types to collapse the run after establishing yourself on the summit.  The safe/sensible route is to go to the mountaineer's hut and then book out of the zone to PV... coming back when the player has more clothing and other supplies.  I don't do my summits on Day 1 for challenge purposes nor do I do them for sense and safety.  I do them... well, because it's there.  Thanks for the advice anyways.

  17. Don't like this idea.  It's a sandbox game and there shouldn't be time limits that would cause entire areas of the map to be closed off.  If added, I would like to see the ability to craft rope at any workbench added.  It could be made difficult by requiring large amounts of gut and a long period of time to craft.

    There are no restrictions on custom sliders... so no custom options that are or "interloper+" and I would hate to see this sort of trend where certain "sliders" are not available unless other sliders are set a certain way (which would be pretty much the only way to make sliders related to "interloper+" difficulties as suggested.  Currently, if I want, people can turn off all healing (as in deadman) in a run where all animals are passive (as in PIlgrim) or when Baseline Resources are set to Medium (as in Stalker)... and this is how it should remain.  All custom options available to all custom players to mix and match as they desire.  If decaying ropes are implemented as a custom option, then a custom run with pilgrim parameters with decaying ropes should be possible.

  18. I'd like to see the waterfalls inside caves (e.g. cave in Ash Canyon) converted into hot springs.  Rather than cause the player to become chilled, they instead give them a warmth bonus.  A trade-off could be that, if entered with clothing on or if the player spends a certain amount of time within the "spray" area wearing clothes, the clothing is damaged.  The "electrification" of the waters in the caves by the aurora could then be associated with the minerals in the waters... which also causes them to glow with eerie colors (essentially lighting up the caves during auroras without the need of electric lights).  Any water obtained from the springs could be flagged as not potable due to its mineral content.  It could then be boiled and filtered (with a new loot item - coffee filters) to make it potable.  A second by-product of the filtering process could be "dusting sulfur"

    Another side effect, if shoes are worn into the water or wet shoes are worn for long periods of time, could be the risk of contracting a foot fungal infections (e.g. athlete's foot) which could be painful and prevent sprinting.  It could be treated with doses of antibiotics or a topical cream could be craftable using the "dusting sulfur" as one of the ingredients.

  19. 3 hours ago, stratvox said:

    I found it necessary to go straight across that cliff quite a ways before going down. However, if you pick the right spot to do it, it'll turn into a very steep snow-covered slope pretty quick.

    Thanks.  I'll check it out again.  Does the snow covered slope go all the way to the bottom (like the path near Miner's Folly).  If it does, then I definitely was not on the path at all.

  20. 2 hours ago, stratvox said:

    I tried it out. Not too bad; I've certainly done worse, that said I don't think you're very likely to traverse it without sprains... though to be fair I didn't go for getting the crampons before doing that particular run; maybe with the crampons it could be done.

    Don't think it was really designed as a path, but yep... it's doable. If you do a lot of goating, you come around to the idea that sprains are a fact of life. This is not particularly bad, even if some of those sheer drops make certain passages seem pretty fraught.

    I think I may have gotten of course a bit then.  I'll certainly keep trying it though to see if I can't shorten some of the shear drops I took.

  21. Well... I decided to take the leap of faith.  I survived, but just barely.  I'd hardly call it a path.  It looked promising at the start, but then there was a rather long freefall drop that I don't think I could have avoided.  It will, however, take a few more attempts to decide whether I actually followed the route shown on the map.  I bottomed out in the canyon that runs from the Angler's Den to the Stone Shelf cave, but never saw anything like a plateau (where the map shows the deer carcass).  I wish the maker of the map had done a video of it.

  22. 35 minutes ago, gotmilkanot said:

    No worries, Whiteberry's maps may not be 100% accurate but I think they're pretty reliable for those that want to use them.

    Anyway, I went to check the spot that OP mentioned since my Interloper survivor just happens to be in Ash Canyon.

    From the looks of it, it's a pretty steep drop (as in TWM-level) but it does seem goatable with some caution. Didn't try it though, since I didn't really want to risk my run on it.

    Thanks for checking.  That's the same position I"m in... I don't want to risk this character just yet trying it out.

  23. OK guys, now I'm confused... the arrows I'm referring to on the map are clearly blue not brown (and, no, I'm not colorblind).  I wish I could figure out how to link a portion of the Wiki map I'm referencing to this thread.

    I agree the Wiki maps can be confusing... and I think this error (if it is one) could cause a new player to just walk off the end of Wolf's Jaw Overlook and fall.

    Scouting around, I did find what I think is the new location for the polaroid... in a blue container overlooking the cliff above the climbing vines.  The path I'm seeing on the map suggests that if coming from the Gold Mine direction, once you go down the vines and turn right (so that the Wolf's Jaw Overlook location pops) and then just keep walking, you'll hit a one-way path down to the valley floor.  However, the drop I'm seeing when I get to the edge of the Overlook area (over a little snow hill) seems to be rather steep and rather long (i.e. can't see where it bottoms out).