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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. Everything in my first aid training was telling me that it would be pulling the knife out that would also actually be a death sentence by hastening the blood loss.   I wanted the option to tell him that just leaving it alone was probably what was keeping him alive, and then have him ask me again to pull it out in order to end his miserable life.  I wanted saving him to involve actively bandaging the wound with the knife still in place to stop the bleeding.  In my mind, pushing it in or pulling it out was the same choice - to kill him.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tetrs said:

    @vargata I think that there's just a lack of interaction with the environment, as you said, IRL you could easily grab a bigger branch a take it near the fire, etc. but I don't think that TLD is an illogical game. It has logic, but it's own logic. It's different from irl, yes, however it's not illogical.


    I still disagree with this... dragging anything through deep snow is a monumental task.  Moving a large branch that has sat frozen into deep snow for any length of time is a monumental task.  What is not realistic is how, in this game, you easily walk across the top of the snow without the benefit of snowshoes or skis; particularly when large amounts of fresh snow is falling every couple of days.  IRL, we'd be sinking to our knees and waists with every single step.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, vargata said:

    yes, they are not stupid, but if he was alone, it could end pretty differently... in Transylvania the govt ordered shooting hundreds of wolves and bears as they were attacking the villages and the villagers.

    You're still cherry picking what you choose to see as illogical and what you're willing to accept for the sake of gameplay.  Wolves attacking the player at every moment he/she steps outside a door in the game is every bit as illogical as a full-grown buck dressing out at only 10 kg of food and eating 2 kg of venison to fill one's food bar from a nearly empty state.  The game is situated in Canada and wolves here have historically been far more timid than they have been reported to be in Europe.  They are, in fact, rarely even seen by the hundreds of thousands of visitors that come to the National Park in the Canadian Rockies each year.

  4. 2 minutes ago, vargata said:

    true in normal situation when food is abundant, not at all true when its scarce. wolves will happily attack you if there is no others stuff available and the game is all about an event when wildlife is acting up.

    Then, if you want realism, you'd have to remove all those rabbits from the game because I'm quite certain the wolves in the game are quite well fed.  In addition, the place where my son was encamped was on an island in the far north of Canada (neighboring landmass belongs to Russia).  Food was most likely not abundant and the reason why the wolves were encircling the camp.  Even in that extreme circumstance, no wolves attacked the camp... no wolves had to be shot to protect the work party.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, vargata said:

    who burns individual sticks? you make a campfire from them and they can last many hours, i mean the sticks you collect simply by picking them up and yes, i did drag many big branches to the fire, not complete trees but in the game you dont touch the cut down trees either, those are limbs that you can easily drag to the fire, also the branches...

    The game mechanic allows you to start a fire with an individual stick and that fire will last about 10 minutes.  IRL, you would probably start the fire with half a dozen and tinder and feed a few sticks onto the fire at frequent intervals to keep it going longer.  If you didn't feed it additional fuel, however, it would (with the soft woods you collect in the BC Rockies) only last a few minutes and never reach a high enough temperature to cook.  Fallen limbs can range in size and easily weigh 100 to 200 pounds.  Frozen in place, you would never drag them anywhere yourself.  Even a 50 lb limb for Astrid would be an nearly impossible drag through snow and not unreasonable to think it would take her an hour to break it up with a little camp hatchet (not an axe or a log splitter).

    I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that what you're sizing a limbs in your mind are labeled as branches in the game and the sticks you're collecting are of a largish variety, not the little ones I used to collect from the forest floor as a child to feed into our camp fires.

    If you want realism, then also you'd only ever play on Pilgrim.  In all the time I've spent in the Canadian wilderness, I've only ever seen two wolves and both ran rather than attack me.  In the far north, my son was in a camp where there was a pack of wolves moving about the outskirts of their camp in a threatening manner, but they also never attacked (having never spotted a weak individual apart from the group that they would feel comfortable taking out)  In our area, coyotes are far more common, but are generally only a danger to small dogs (when people are foolish enough to have them in their party).  I've seen several black bears (treed one or two from horseback)  and a few grizzlies and never been mauled by a single one.  Moose can be dangerous if a person gets close enough to cause them to feel threatened, but generally mind there own business otherwise.  Healthy wildlife simply don't stalk and attack people normally.  (PS.  I don't hunt - I've never even owned a gun... and even without one, I've felt perfectly safe camping for my entire life.)

  6. 25 minutes ago, vargata said:

    did you ever make an outdoor fire from sticks? sticks that you can just pick up and throw on the fire WILL burn for hours for you, branches that you can break down by hand can be broken down in seconds, especially small ones that only gives you 3 sticks and limbs that gives you wood like in the game can be cut up with an axe in 10-15 min, the difference is that in real life you dont just throw it all in the stove, you need to feed the fire. if it would work like this, true, the collecting wood would be less challenging but keeping the fire alive and a house warm would be a bigger challenge, especially if you could freeze in the house. this would give more reasons to go out but each run would be more doable, instead of going out to get a single limb but freezing to death while you cut it up :D dragging it closer to the fire would also make it more interesting. back in the old time somebody noted that collecting sticks in the arms could also be done and that would again be more interesting than just handling it as an item in your pocket. but i see you dont understand the topic itself. its not about the game being hard, its about being illogical...

    I grew up camping and trail riding in the mountains between Alberta and BC and have made many campfires from sticks there.  The soft woods you normally collect there burn very rapidly and the little sticks you just pick up do not last "for hours" each stick.  You are lucky if individual sticks give you a few minutes of fire... and certainly not a fire hot enough to cook on.  You would simply not dray a large tree to a fire through snow to chop it up... my ancestors uses horses to do that job and in the snow it was often all the team could do to get the thing moving at all.  You see, they freeze into the snow and are essentially immovable.

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  7. 1 hour ago, vargata said:

    yes, this is a point, but finding food shouldnt be the drive to go out, it should be exploration, hunting for resources and primarily heat, whenever I was out in the nature that was the most pressing matter. get enough wood to have a fire all night but in this game even that is ridiculous, chopping a piece of wood with an axe takes hours and you cant even drag it close to the fire :D:D:D really? Hunting also should be much more challenging, having less animal and running further away on an unsuccessful attempt or straight away hiding, for now its just ridiculously simple. go there, shoot miss wait while calms down rinse and repeat...

    The availability of sticks is also something that can be set ranging from low to high in custom mode.  If you feel that chopping a log takes too long, increase the availability of sticks and use only those on your fires.  I sincerely doubt that, IRL, you're going to drag a 100-200 lb tree to your fire in deep snow and freezing cold so you can chop it up.  Realistically, you'd find something smaller, so making fires out of sticks only replicates that scenario.  IRL, little sticks don't burn for 10 whole minutes either.  If you just size things up in your mind a bit, the game makes logical sense - Just call the current sticks you just pick up branches, the branches that take 10 minutes to break down by hand limbs, and the current limbs large limbs or even small fallen trees.  Sure, if you take the time to chop up a large limb, you would get more wood IRL, but the game has adjusted those amounts downward just the same as they've adjusted carcass dressed weight downward.

    If your reason for going outdoors is truly exploration, then just don't hunt so much while you're exploring and, as was suggested, set both animal spawns to low and your calorie usage also to low.  If you want to make hunting easier to you are swimming in food, then set deer and moose spawns to high and you'll have soon have more meat in your larder than you'll know what to do with.  You can always pretend that each 1 kg steak is only 1/4 of that size so eating so much doesn't offend your IRL sensibilities.  What's nice about this game is that you do have the ability to balance the game mechanics as you wish without mods (more than any other game I've played).  Part of what enables this adjustment range by the player is that the weights and sizes of things are not necessarily realistic.  Sure, refinements are still likely in the works, but I applaud the devs for what they've accomplished so far.

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  8. 1 minute ago, vargata said:

    3 kg will feed you once from zero to full if its a deer, a rabbit has 500/kg, just in this moment ate 3.5kg rabbit and it took me from near starving to 2/3 of the meter, thats just eating at the beginning of the day after a long sleep. anything you do after this will rapidly burn that calorie and will need to eat again... the other poorly done thing is that you can cook only 1 or 2 piece at a time depending on the fire, cooking 8 kg meat will take at least 4 hours, thats enough to get hungry again so no, 2-3 venisons on stalker wont feed you for a day

    I've watched players on interloper eating a lot less than 2-3 pieces of venison per day and surviving just fine in the game; so I'm pretty sure it can be done on stalker as well.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, vargata said:

    hard? noobs can only come with this all the time? this game is not hard, its easy, very easy, its just illogical and boring as you don't do anything but fishing hunting eating it all. i hate snares, they are cruel. did you ever leave your basement? i mean in real life, i was a traditionalist bowhunter in a country where winter is really cold (i still have 4 of my 6 bows), no, nobody eats 12 kilos of fishes or a whole deer, not once, not even a whole day, ffs not even in 3 days, not even out hunting in -15. Lions eat around 3.5 kg meat a day in captivity, slightly more in wild and lions are a lot bigger than men. I can go out fishing a few hours catching enough fish for a whole family. Did you ever kill a pig? you know, cut it up putting in the freezer? or you just buy them in the supermarket? even one gives an insane amount of meet, a deer gives FAR FAR more. the challenge in the game shouldnt come from just getting food. wood, heating the cabins (that gives you now automatic above zero safeplace) would be much more logical... no house in -30 would be a safe place without constant heating. also, climbing a cliff makes you tired, not sleepy. nobody gets sleepy right after sleeping 12 hours just because had a little activity... these stupid things can come only from someone never ever done anything like this. i used to wander the mountains for days, actually slept a lot less than at home. you get more tired but will have a much better sleep...

    I think you're exaggerating how much you're actually eating.  I've never been able to eat a whole deer in this game to fill the hunger meter.  Each pieces of venison (1 kg) provides around 900 calories; so 2 to 3 pieces a day is easily keeping me well fed.

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  10. I generally leave my cooking pots on the wooden stove in whatever place I'm using as a main base for that region of the map.  For example, I now have 3 cooking pots on the 3 back burners of the stove in the Pleasant Valley farmhouse.  If I find more pots, I'll bring them to that location as well.  I have 5 pots sitting on the stove in Gray Mother's house and two sitting on the fire barrel in Quincy's Quonset.  That way, I don't have to mess with finding a can or pot if I want to boil water or make tea but I can still cook meat and fish without removing them from the burner.  I haven't verified the math, but I have noticed that 1 kg of meat will cook faster in the pot than on the bare burner and the game tells me that it won't burn as fast as well.

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  11. 7 hours ago, codfish107 said:

    Thats all very quite observant of you, never noticed myself. I did know about the last one, just not that the direction was east.

    Thanks.  I wish it was more consistent though.  I've since found that the cat tails can appear turned around in the game.  It may be somewhat dependent on prevailing winds or, more likely, just coincidence in however the programmer places stuff when drawing up the map.

    I did spot another that I think is pretty consistent within each area of the map.  The rivers seem to flow the same way, which probably represents them flowing from the generally highest points of land on the island towares the seashores.  I've haven't yet explored all the map zones, so I could still get shot down on this theory.  IRL in Canada at least, it holds some truth.  Rivers west of the Great Divide (which forms part of the boundary between BC and Alberta) flow generally (that is, bends in the river aside) west towards the Pacific and rivers east of the Great Divide flow east towards the Atlantic.  Rivers north of the North/South Great Dvide (which is a marked location in Northern Ontario) flow north towards the Arctic Ocean.

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  12. Navigating an unfamiliar map?  Here are a few "natural" things I've notices:

    1) Reishi mushrooms generally grow on the south side of cut logs. (Oops - Edit:  Wouldn't you know it... Just after I decided this was sound enough to post, I find a group of Reishi's on the north side of a cut log... so, scratch this one.)

    2) Rose Hip Bushes frequently mark climbable rocks.

    3) Old Man's Beard Lichen frequently grows near the entrances to caves or along paths that will lead you to them.

    4) Not absolutely certain yet; but I think the tallest cat tail head is always south of the other one on the plant.

    5) This last one is more of an exploit (IMO) rather than being a natural form of navigation and it has been mentioned before; but I'll put it here for completeness:  Items dropped by the player with always orient themselves in the same direction (e.g. torch heads and knife points will always point east).

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  13. 2 hours ago, Ice Hole said:

    It usually vanishes instantaneously when using other containers.  Not certain why the trashcan did not consume the ruined item.  Try to confirm. That could be a bug.


    Sorry, no can do now - just died... again... in the Forlorn Muskeg.  Back to square 1.  I did make it to 50 days this time though.

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  14. 42 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

    There are times when I have three lantern fuel containers just to add up to .30 l for accelerant,


    Is the item decay the reason the fuel cannot be combined?  If so just then average them when combing.

    If theses Jerry cans would be refillable.

    Then why not make it an option to dispense x amount of fuel from the Jerry can into a lantern fuel containers?

    Place ruined items into a container and just like magic.  Poof!  Vanished.



    The original fire was super.



    How long do ruined items placed in containers take to fully vanish from the world?  It seems to me I placed a ruined sewing kit in a trash can at Paradise Meadows Farm and it was still there when I went to place more items in the container a little while later (and was still using up space in that container).  I'm no longer in that zone, so I can't check right now.  My expectation was that it would still be there whenever I returned to that location, along with all the other items I placed in the various containers in that house (e.g. spare clothes in the bedroom drawers and such)... I'm a little worried now about losing all that stuff.

  15. I would love a means to refill the jerry cans from the smaller lantern fuel containers; however, as long as that option is unavailable I prefer to have them just disappear from the inventory.   Ditto applies to the lantern fuel containers.  I would also like to see other ruined items (like the sewing kits, rifle cleaning kits, whetstones, cans, etc.) have some sort of means of refilling or truly recycling them or else have them also completely vanish from the inventory.  At least used torches can be burned so they don't wind up just as litter on a cabin floor somewhere.

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