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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 25 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    All mine looked like that at bleak  the other day. 

    After an aurora had finished and normal wolves had started to reappear?  To my eye, regular aurora wolves are more a patchy green, not the all over translucent white... but my vision has gotten pretty bad in this last year (cataracts and such), so it could be that I'm just not seeing these things correctly anymore.

  2. On 2/19/2022 at 10:14 AM, Bearimpaler101 said:

    I'm stuck in ravine I started in dp  and I got the Hibernia processing bedroom and made it to the ravine and went to get distress pistol had to use a stim but now I'm tired freezing and I used all my firewood what do I do (and if I survive where can I find a bow?)

    Bows don't spawn on interloper... you have to make them.  If you've found a hacksaw, you can use that to chop down maple saplings and then leave them on the floor of an indoor location, along with 2 gut, to cure for 5 days.  You'll also want to chop down a few birch saplings for arrow shafts. During that time, you'll need to head to a forge (in DP, FM, or BR) to forge an improvised knife and arrowheads from scrap metal.  You'll also need to collect feathers for the arrows.

    If you haven't found a hacksaw, you'll also need to forge an improvised hatchet before you can chop down saplings.

    There is no regular for in either Bleak Inlet or in Blackrock.  Those regions have ammo forges for crafting rifle and revolver ammo only.

    The distress pistol (which you found in the ravine) only has a total of 12 flare shells available in interloper. 

    If you are unable to climb the rope to get out of the ravine into Mystery Lake, you only option is to go into Bleak Inlet... where you can get to a cave that will take you into Forlorn Muskeg. OR, once in Bleak Inlet, there is a bed in the lookout tower (with a stove) where you can warm up and rest... and stock up on wood to make another attempt at the rope climb to get to Mystery Lake.  There are T-Wolves in that area, however.


    2022-02-20_6-35-00_AM-euudundu (2).png

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  4. 13 hours ago, Kranium said:

    This is still the correct answer.


    Flashlights: I stash them when I find them, along corridors I travel frequently. Mostly transition caves. Handy.

    The question, however, does not provide for the condition of it being "after reaching a certain level in the game.  Tinder is essential in the early game (unless the player uses the Fire Master feat), so it cannot be the most useless item in the game overall.  Consider also that the can opener becomes completely useless after you've eaten all the canned goods in the game world (and it starts out being less useful than tinder).  Also, the flare pistol, which becomes completely useless after only 12 shots on Interloper.

    Since people keep insisting the flashlight is useful (even though the odds of my ever using it are slim to none), I'll propose a different item - the snow shelter (even though I've continually used the one along the 3-rope climb to the gold mine in Ash Canyon).

  5. 3 hours ago, twyn1 said:

    As posted on another thread -- I've encountered a disappearing corpse in Desolation Point, on a ledge just below Lighthouse.

    No doubt.  It's probably occurring in all regions.  It's a mystery why it affects some corpses but not all of them.  There was one theory that it had to do with the new model corpses vs. the old ones; but, for example, the Paradise Meadows corpse is a new model one (more colorful clothing) and the DP one you've noted going missing is an old model one.  So that theory doesn't seem to work now either.

    Another theory was the indoor spawn one, but... One indoor spawn in Mountain Town results in there being absolutely no corpses on the map (and I carefully searched the entire map) and the next results in my finding three of them almost immediately.  One indoor pilgrim start in PV will produce 0 corpses at the plane crash and the next will have 2 or 3 and then outdoor spawns will have 15 or so until I go inside Skeeter's basement... and then they all instantly disappear.  It's just bizarre.

  6. 1 hour ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    What wolves there are on Interloper can hurt you really badly, and they seem to come from miles around.  That last part might just be my imagination though.

    This might help:

    Pilgrim:  Wolf spawn chance is set to low and time to respawn is set to medium and their spawn distance is medium.  There is no reduction in animal population over time.  There smell range is low and detection range is medium.  Your smelliness increase is also medium.

    Stalker: Wolf spawn chance is very high and their spawn distance is close.  The time time to respawn is still medium, but the population reduction over time is medium (so the longer you go in a stalker file, the fewer wolves you should encounter).  Their smell range and detection range and your smelliness increase are all the same as in pilgrim.

    Interloper: Wolf spawn chance is only high (not very high), but the spawn distance is still close and time to respawn is still medium.  Population reduction over time is high (which is higher than stalker), so the population reduction is more severe as well as not being as high as stalker to start with.  However, the smell range is high (so they can smell you from farther away than in stalker).  However, your smelliness and their detection range are still both at medium (same as in pilgrim).

    As you can see, there is plenty of room to make a custom run with wolves that are much more numerous throughout the duration of the run and much more able to detect you than in stalker or even in interloper.

    Set wolf spawn chance to Very High, Time to respawn to Low, Reduce Population over time to None, Spawn Distance to Close, Smell Range to Very High, Scent Increase to High, and Detection Range to Far.

    ETA:   I should add that, on Xbox at least, there appears to be an overall "animal cap" such that if you set all the animal spawns to very high, you wind up with fewer animals of each type than if you just push one setting to very high.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

    Yeah cuz I like stuff like have bears and moose very high for hunting saves and like have stalker without guns or even something small like 4 hour days instead of 2

    Exactly.  Even just turning off the survivor monologue can only be done in the custom menu... and doing that actually increases the difficulty over the standard settings since you don't get the verbal cues that your character is hungry or thirsty or freezing.

  8. 8 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:





    If you like custom but I think that it's annoying cuz it needs doesn't work towards your feats

    The thing is, once a person has acquired all the feats, it doesn't matter that their custom runs don't count towards it.  Still, some of us have been asking HL to change this and allow custom runs to count towards feats for years now.

  9. 2 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

    Weird cuz I never carry can opener and it doesn't say it loses any food unless I have to smash it witch I've been doing recently cuz I started interloper in desolation point went to Hibernia processing got the secret bedroll  and the secret food in cans and survived on that and I beat my record of 1 day survival on interloper to 3 in the quonset garage but I used my ☝ flare so if wolf sees me outside the garage I have to rock it in the face hopefully

    In Loper, the can opener becomes exceedingly useful for a period of time if you happen to find one before making your forge run to make an improvised knife and hatchet, since smashing a can without having either loses calories and the recycled can.  Having a can opener also saves condition loss on your knife or hatchet, which is 2% per opening at Level 1 if you don't have a can opener in your inventory.  There used to be calorie loss when opening with a hatchet, IIRC; but that no longer appears to be the case.  (I just ran a test today opening the same can of peaches three times right after entering a building and reloading the save... once with only a can opener in inventory, once with only a hatchet in inventory, and once with only a knife in inventory.  My hunger meter arrived at the same point on the circle regardless of the tool used.  The character's cooking skill was at Level 1.)

  10. 43 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    It's not really a problem just a bit odd. But I'm sure they'll read this anyway !  So I'll leave it to them if they want to do anything! But thanks for the time and effort ! Much appreciated! 

    Run #3 - Makes both this back seat issue and the corpse issue more interesting:

    Standard pilgrim run, spawned indoors - 0 items found on the back seat, 2 newspapers and a prybar found on the floor of the back seat.  However, despite an indoor spawn - 3 random corpses spawned along the route to Spruce Falls bridge, one near the fallen logs below the trailer, 1 in the cave on the right near the moose pond, and 1 by the car under the Spruce Falls bridge.  This is the first time I've had any random corpses spawn in MT Region when I've spawned indoors there since the update.  No corpse and Paradise Meadows farm, but the key was on the floor of the tractor this time around.

    RNG - the BANE of doing any real scientific testing.  Many more runs required really to determine true correlations.

  11. 23 hours ago, Razum said:

    My problem is the following: Why should goating be superior to using a rope? Ingame it's because you don't waste hunger and fatique. The question is, why do you need so much more of it when just sliding down the rope in contrast to a complex climbing act?

    In my opinion the consumption of hunger and fatique should be drastically reduced.

    The primary function of the crampons is that it drastically reduces the consumption of energy while both climbing and descending a rope.  It also decreases the likelihood of sprains when "goating down" terrain and not using a rope.  Goating down already consumes less energy than descending a rope without crampons, but consumes about the same amount of energy when using crampons.  Why should they all of a sudden make the crampons worthless?

  12. 1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

    Does sound rather random ,as it should , is the spawning point a possible factor maybe.?  

    And Even though that explains  my situation ,there is still a bug  in the cars.. unfortunately.

    Still if this game was that predictable  then it'd get boring quite quickly I fear! 

    Thanks for testing it and the information! 

    I can try a few more runs, which might reveal some consistency regarding whether or not I spawn indoors or outdoors and whether the new file comes from the standard Pilgrim or Custom menues.  Perhaps report it as a bug anyways since HL probably has some means to test whether the RNG is within or not within reasonable limits considering the various ways in which they do "stack the odds" in this game.

  13. 1 hour ago, kopo79 said:

    yes,notes are nice addition.
    but these encyclopedia books would be just for info,some lore and some collectibles.
    there would be not time passaging other than how much game goes on when you read...so no skipping time.
    i forgot one book that would be useful,it would be book about mountain climping and maybe if read carefully,you could find few tips here and there what you need to know when start to climp.
    i just want that i could have some info to gather in gameworld other than take my phone and seek the answer from long dark wikipedia or reddit.:)

    if you go look reddit,steam discussion,hinterland forums,there are hundreds of questions about items,mechanics,cave systems,animals,meat decoys...
    -not sure how it would work that there would be no-more info in workbench that how much ingredients you need to make something.
    all info would be in books and you just have to remembering it.

    it would be just awesome to find out info ingame.
    also community could also take part via books like poetry,jokes,food recipes,old photoalbum.
    thanks.got to go sauna.


    You're asking for a codex and a player manual right within the game then.  One thing that set this game apart was its commitment to not "hand-holding" the player within the game.  That's what the initial fan base wanted... and game that let the player learn from trial and error rather than stepping them through a "tutorial."  There have been comments I've read here that have suggested that even story mode is too much of a tutorial for the survival aspects of the game.

    At any rate, it was be a significant increase in the file size of each run of the game... which, as a console player, I really don't want to see the game wind up becoming almost unplayable on my system due to file bloat (which is already a problem on my system with Fallout 4)/.  Sorry, I can't support it.

  14. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Well I'd be interested to see what you get!

    Second run - PIlgrim template from Custom menu (unaltered) - 1 toque found on the back seat of a car.  However, 5 pieces of cloth and a prybar were found on the floor of the back seat; whereas there were no items found on the floor of the back seat in any cars in the first run.

    Notable regarding corpses - 1st run spawned outside and the Paradise Meadows corpse (and key) and several others were present in the region; whereas, 2nd run, spawned indoors and absolutely 0 corpses were found.  The Paradise Meadows corpse was not found, although pieces of wood behind the house indicate it should have been there.  No key was found.  This is consistent with previous corpse tests in Mountain Town in Pilgrim mode.

  15. 1 minute ago, piddy3825 said:

    @UpUpAway95, location confirmed!
    didn't find any rifles in the lodge, but did find another revolver in the lodge's basement.
    Now I'm packing dual heaters!

    That's rarer - that two revolvers spawn in Broken Railroad at the same time... but I've seen some oddities after this last update.  For example, I had 2 heavy hammers spawn in Broken Railroad when I spawned there during one of my "empty container density"  tests in January... and I don't think that had ever happened to me before.

  16. 5 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    @Leeandanope no mods.  Newly launched stalker game.  Find that gun here every so often but not always.  
    came in handy as when I got out ole wolfy was waiting me for me outside...

    Assuming that is the back seat of the car outside the Hunting Lodge... Yes, it is a frequent, but not guaranteed spawn on all difficulties that allow the pistol to spawn.  I've never found the rifle there.  It generally spawns inside the hunting lodge, either on the gun rack or next to the cabinet in the room with the rocking chair... or next to a corpse down in the ravine (although that corpse is sometimes missing right now if the player spawns indoors in the region).  It is generally still down there if the player spawns outdoors, even though they have to go inside to get the rope to go down into the ravine.  This is different than the Paradise Meadows corpse, which will be gone if the player spawns indoors or even if they go indoors before checking for it.

  17. 37 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Well I'd be interested to see what you get!

    Standard PIlgrim run, Mountain Town start yielded 5 items (4 toques and 1 knife) in the back seats of vehicles.  AFAIK, the only car I failed to check was the one under the Spruce Falls Bridge.  I will not rerun the test selecting the pIlgrim template from the custom menu (without altering it).

  18. 1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

    It's just the preset pilgrim so I'm not sure which loot setting it is!  I'm still getting things in the front of the cars and the glove box, though just not in the back.

    OK, I'll try a few tests to see what I come up with. 

    ETA:  Checking in the custom menu, the Pilgrim template has "Loose Item Availability" set to "Very High" - which is the max.  So that theory is probably out the window, but I'll still run some tests.