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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. 22 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    I find that 2-3 hour naps work well for me.  It allows for a reasonable amount of rest while still giving me a decent safely margin if it gets too cold during one of my naps.

    Personally, I don't really see a need for Hinterland to change this.  If anything, I think it's a case of sometimes a video game, just has to "video game." 

    Personally I like that we can easily die in our sleep by essentially "freezing to death."  I think it both encourages the player to have to play more carefully and make deliberate choices...  and is also in line with their stated desire for the game to not hold the player's hand.  Allowing us to suffer the consequences of our choices/mistakes.

    To be clear, I understand why folks feel the way they do about it... and I'm not judging anyone's opinion, I'm just sharing mine.  :) 


    Well said.  I agree.

    OP - It is different than other mechanics in the game; but once you're aware of the mechanics of the game, it's really not a problem and is in keeping with the philosophy @ManicManiachas so eloquently stated above. 

    The player can make deliberate choices that matter.   If one goes to sleep outdoors longer than an hour or two, they risk the weather changing randomly as they sleep and potentially changing enough that they start losing condition to the cold as they sleep.  Sleep for long enough to lose all of your condition and you don't wake up.  The player, as a result, can weigh the benefit of possible condition gain over longer periods of sleep against the possibility of a weather change in the location in which they themselves have chosen to sleep

    There are ample caves and locations in the game where even a lightly dressed player can sleep for entire nights in safety.  If the player does not want to risk dying in their sleep, they can also choose to push onward to one of those safer locations.  There are even many outdoor locations where the player can be assured their fire will not go out even if the wind direction changes.  If tired, the player can also choose to not sleep, but rather consume coffee or Go or a stim. 

    Death in this case is the direct result of the player choosing a poor location to fall asleep... not due to the game mechanic failing to hold the player's hand by waking them up every time the temperature drops by a degree (or however many arbitrary degrees you think would be fair).


    • Upvote 4
  2. Definitely one human... me, myself, and I.  Between all the various "test" runs I do and my general lack of interest in doing any run over 500 days, Will/Astrid tend to get deleted quite frequently... however, I don't bother often to actually kill them off in game much anymore... just reset the stats and delete the save and start over.  In-game actual "fades into the long dark" probably go to the weather... after an untimely wolf or bear attack.

    ETA:  I just noticed this thread is in the Wintermute section, not survival... sorry, I answered as though it was referring to survival.  In Wintermute, I don't think, story-wise, anything has killed either Will or Astrid yet. 😀

    • Upvote 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    New save ,still not found any in PV and I've scoured most of it already.🙂  Even had the weapon cane again too! 

    Thanks for your advice too  by the way,forgot to put it in on the last comment!   Old age  creeping in I guess🙂

    I'm starting to believe the Xbox has a memory leak and moose and flare gun shells get rarer with each start (joking... maybe).

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

    Yeah craft shells with gunpowder (ammo workbench ) and scrap metal forged into a shell (without gunpowder ) at a forge

    Not flare gun shells, which is what @Leeanda is looking for right now.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Couldn't find the wolf this morning and I went everywhere!  Plenty of carcasses  gave me a good sized amount of feathers too. Unfortunately not a single shell on the map!  No moose and the bear turned up briefly on the third day only to disappear.  So I made use of the forge  and crafted  some arrowheads. . 

    Sadly ,I decided to leave  desolation and head back to Coastal, checking the Arch on the way ,as it's the only place I hadn't checked last time I passed through. Sadly nothing. 

    I'm now back at the Quonset getting ready to craft some more arrows. Hoping I can finally kill the bear or wolf that hangs around there at some point . My bedroll is in some need of repair.

    I did briefly think of crafting some noisemakers because of the lack of shells but it's not part of the challenge,so thought I'd wait and hope that bleak and keepers pass has enough to make this challenge worth continuing with. 

    I certainly hope so.


    You're sounding frustrated.  Perhaps pack it in and start fresh with a new batch of flare guns with shells.  Giving you an opportunity to perhaps have better luck with moose spawns/rubbings as well.  It's really sad how few flare gun shells there are in the game world and that we've never been given an opportunity to craft or remake them in some way.  In Interloper, the number of flare shells is fixed at 12.  Kimiota's moose challenge is to kill 5 moose with those 12 shells.  I'm not sure he's ever been able to quite complete it.

  6. 7 hours ago, dmp717200 said:

    I guess I must have completed on Custom. Like everything else.... frustrating.

    What baffles me is why, then, you thought you had unlocked them.  What you should be seeing when you go to the feats screen is a progress bar below each feat that only advances, percentage-wise, when you're not playing in a custom game.

  7. 2 hours ago, SpanishMoss said:

    Actually, if you walk far enough from a packs spawn point, the packs morale will break instantly. Basicly, if you are found by a pack, light a flare/torch, and keep on walking, once you are far enough away, the morale will break, but some will still be following you, to get rid of them, scare them off with any method. However, just by walking at the with the flare, is enough to scare them off.

    Honestly, I don't see the difference between what you're saying here and what I said - i.e. morale bar just disappearing and pack morale breaking instantly.  Same thing as far as I can see... the trigger being pulling them out of their designated pursuit range, not the holding of a torch.  To lower the moral bar while still within their range, you still have to actually hit them with the torch.  Just holding it may (repeat MAY) keep them from getting close enough to you to nip you, but I have recently seen some streamers take nips from T-wolves while holding a torch, so it doesn't make one completely immune from that.

  8. 2 hours ago, SpanishMoss said:

    You've never dealed with timberwolves then lol. The are easier to thwart than a normal wolf.  Just by holding a lot flare or torch, you become immune to their attacks. You are completely safe with your torch/flare (unless it's windy, then a torch won't help you). This really need to be changed, since it's too cheesy 

    However, to break the pack morale, you must hit a wolf with a thrown torch or lit flare or bullet or arrow.  From what I've seen, merely holding a torch or throwing a torch at a T-wolf that doesn't hit it does not actually lower the morale bar (in Interloper or Stalker).  I have seen players that have taken nips while holding a lit torch... so I wouldn't say that merely holding one makes you immune from their attacks either.  They are more afraid of the marine flares, but that's specifically why the marine flares were introduced into the game.

    Of course, a valid strategy is to hold the torch or lit flare and back away until you can enter a building or other place of safety.  This does not break pack morale, but the attack can cease if the player stays indoors for a long enough period of time.  In Blackrock, if you enter a building without breaking pack morale first, the wolves will scratch at the door and resume the attack if the player leaves the safety of the building.

    ETA:  I also forgot to mention that the T-wolves in Blackrock appear to be restricted to various segments of the map.  If the player moves outside of that particular pack's area, the attack will cease and the morale bar will simply disappear without the pack's morale being broken.  This has nothing to do with the player holding a lit torch or flare, but rather the player moving out of the designated range for that particular pack engaged in the attack.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

    Here's another one!

    I once travelled from Carter Hydro Dam to Trapper's Homestead with a wolf trailing behind me. This is kinda weird, right? Why would it slowly follow me throughout the whole region? Of course, I know "why"! The wolf wanted to kill me, but... It wasn't really in a hurry

    I think, there should be a timer of sorts. If a wolf or a bear has been following you for, say, 3 minutes, it starts running. Like, "that's it, I'm out of patience! I'm NOT gonna follow you for another 10 kilometers! Prepare to die!".

    A stalking predator is, however, very patient IRL.  On a cross-country ski excursion, I and my group of friends were stalked by a cougar for about 6 miles.  it even waited just out side view while we stopped for lunch and continued following us for an additional few miles until we made it back to the safety of our vehicles... clearly waiting for the weakest member of the "herd" to fall behind so it could attack.

    In game, i do think wolves tend to only maintain a long following distance if the player is carrying a flare or a torch.  Otherwise, I do think they will tend to charge and attack the moment the player slows down or stops even briefly.  It use to be the would break off pursuit if the player managed to move out of their direct line of sight.  However I don't think that is the case anymore.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Glflegolas said:

    This is kind of what I was thinking. The Collector's Edition could be incorporated as a DLC for existing players, and added into the price of the base game for anyone new purchasing the game.

    I see your point. I also would like to see Episode 5 released sooner rather than later. However, once that's done, I think we need to do some serious thinking about the future of the game. Hinterland could keep adding new regions almost indefinitely as DLC, but is that really the best future for the game? I think -- and this is my opinion only -- that once Episode 5 is released, that Hinterland should make mod support a priority. Then, they should focus on improving what's already in the game, instead of adding more stuff. 

    At some point post-Episode 5 release, it's time for Hinterland to change gears, IMO, and start working on an entirely new product. However, because they were proactive and have incorporated mod support, TLD is by no means coming to an end. New regions will be added for some time to come by the community -- I'm really excited by Kai's work in The Long Development, and I'm sure all kinds of new gear will be added too.

    Personally, I think TLD will remain at least somewhat popular for ~5-7 years after Hinterland releases its last update to the game (in ~3 years from now). Keep in mind that the game is already about 7.5 years old (since its Alpha release), and ~15-17 years is a pretty good lifespan for any computer game.

    I probably wouldn't call it a "Collector's Edition."  When Minecraft found itself outstripping the capabilities of the Xbox 360 with the Xbox 360 Edition, they basically forced players on the Xbox One to buy a new edition (Legacy Edition) with a discount available to owners of the Xbox 360 Edition (That is, the Xbox 360 Edition was deliberately not compatible with the Xbox One with no option for even backwards compatibility).  They carried support for both for editions for a time and then sequentially pulled support and basically forced players to buy into the Bedrock Edition (which was, of course, not made available on the Xbox 360).  Conversely, Java Edition (the PC) version just carried on as it always had.  This wasn't originally the most popular move by the devs, but it does make sense in hindsight for a game that was, as I said, outstripping the capabilities of the older consoles.  Still, I would have loved to be able to have played the Xbox 360 Edition on the Xbox One (since there are still some things I like better about it than the two newer editions I was basically forced to purchase).

    That said, HL does have an implied commitment to console players to complete the story in such a way that the game is still playable on the original consoles for which it was purchased since the game was sold with, basically, a promise to complete the story "at no additional cost" to the player.  After that, a remastered edition seems very likely.  To what extent they'll go in remastering it is anyone's guess.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

    Well, I don't think they should wait for you to come out forever. Rocks, flares, even just aiming with a gun (loaded or not) should scare the wolves away. And if you don't have any of those, they would still lose interest eventually

    I just think it's weird that predators run away in fear once they realise you're out of reach.

    Yeah, of course! But only on the easier difficulties.

    I mean, have you seen those hunting blinds? They don't have any doors! irl anything would be able to enter them.

    It may be weird that they just run away (for a very short time) once they realize you're out of reach, but I don't see how the game overall would be improved by having the player have to wait a long time for animals to lose interest.  Also, as I said, I have been mauled by bears while trying to hide in hunting blinds.  I don't consider them to be safe.  The animation for the bear pulling the player out of the blind may not be there, but in my experience, they can still reach you (unless what I experienced was a total glitch).

    Right now, wolf fear does, to some extent, control how long wolves will scare from stones, torches, etc.  This setting could easily be tweaked to apply to other animals (e.g. deer). 

    An issue I see is how the game would have to adapt to those animals frequently leaving their patrol zones.  It would also affect how far away from the place where the deer was shot, the player would have to look for the carcass.  Currently, if the player shoots, say, a bear and does not pursued it, it will return to its patrol and the player can later fairly reliably locate the carcass (after it bleeds out) somewhere within that patrol area.  It could be a huge annoyance to players to have to track that bear across entire large regions like Pleasant Valley because of the "scare" duration being greatly increased.  It would also increase the system processing load because things like blood trails would have to stay in place longer and exist over longer distances.

  12. 1)  Agree with the concept, except the duration animals are frightened should be scaled with difficulty (i.e. they scare for a longer period of time, if not permanently, in Voyageur; but only scare for a brief period of time, if at all, in Interloper).  An option should also be added to custom to allow the player to control this parameter separately for all different animals (replacing the current "wolf fear" setting, which is what appears to control this in wolves right now).

    2) I have been mauled by bears while trying to take cover in hunting blinds.  I don't consider them safe.  I don't think the game would be improved by having long stand-offs with large animals not running away if they have the player cornered.  The only choice then for the player to make would be to just leave their safe area and be immediately mauled.  Boring, since it gives the player no option to out smart the predator.  Cover areas designed into the game world (like hunting blinds) should be safe... at least on the easier difficulties.  If implemented, turning off "safe" places and being cornered by an animal that won't eventually give up and run away should be an optional custom slider.

    Bottom line, give me a custom  option to control how I play my game and I'm happy.

    • Upvote 2
  13. I'm fine with them the way they are actually.  Overall, it gives the island some variety and tells a developmental history of the game, of sorts.  There are some things found in the old areas that I miss having in the new ones (e.g. the cairns and buffer memories).  Yes, I'm old and nostalgic, but new and shinier isn't universally better IMO.

    Mostly, I agree with @Hozz1235 that their time right now is better spent finishing up Episode 5, including adding Perseverence Mills eventually to Survival Mode.

    • Upvote 2
  14. If the notifications showed up when you achieved them, then they should be unlocked.  The notifications don't appear on Custom since feats cannot be unlocked in a custom game.  They can be unlocked while playing any of the standard difficulties, in Wintermute, and even during challenges... just not on any level of custom game - A decision by HL that, personally, baffles me, since some custom games, like NOGOA (no one gets out alive) are even more difficult than interloper and there are very few custom setting combinations that would be easier than Pilgrim.

    Another thing that may have happened is a reset bug if you played any of the time capsules.  You may want to send a support ticket to HL if you think this is what has happened to you.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

    @Leeanda you misunderstand me was it a headline bed roll or a normal one

    I'm sure it was a bear roll, not a normal bedroll.  In Bleak Inlet, a bear roll can spawn in the Pensive Lookout tower (upper portion that you enter from through the Ravine (after climbing down the rope from Mystery Lake).  I believe it can even spawn on Interloper, although I don't often go to that part of the map on Loper.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Thanks ! Might just try them tomorrow 😁

    You're welcome.  I'm also beginning to think the rubbings may be somewhat meaningless right now.  I started yet another test run in Ash Canyon... no rubbings, but definitely a moose present (no stomping this time).  This moose is the one that can spawn near Bitter Marsh, but the usual markings for it are no where around.  In short, I wouldn't totally count out any of those locations where you didn't see rubbings.

  17. 1 hour ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

    I've never seen a moose there only rubbing and it never came even after 12 days in the maintenance shed

    There are a couple of things you can try when you have moose rubbings but no moose.

    1) It sounds silly, but spin around in a circle a few times (This is a trick I recently learned from a very experienced streamer - TheWonzandOnly.  I tried it and, for whatever reason, it does sometimes work.)

    2) Leave the region to an adjacent region and come back.

    3) In BR, it sometimes helps to kill the bear.  This often triggers the moose to spawn, particularly if your rubbings are near the bridge rather than by the Hunting Lodge.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Has anyone seen my moose?  6 maps and all I've had is 1 rubbing on 1 tree in mystery lake. 

    I know I put the settings on very high, and the bears seem to be very scarce too!  

    I spent a couple of  days in forlorn crafting arrowheads and looking for signs of life. Apart from 1 wolf halfway down the tracks I saw nothing! No bears ,moose  or deer! Forced to leave as I had no desire to wander round the ice in fog looking for cat tails, I headed to Broken Railroad hoping to find the moose there and maybe some flare shells. But again no rubbings and no moose! Only one flare shell in the maintenance shed. I managed to make a  few arrows but ran out of feathers!  There aren't many corpses on this run either so finding feathers is proving a bit tricky.  I now have just  6 arrows  and 12 flare shells. Just hoping that I have enough food to last me until I can afford to waste arrows hunting! 

    I'm now in trappers cabin, passing a bit of time to see if the random moose there will turn up!  I'm not getting my hopes up! But in this run anything can happen! 😁

    Ah... The best laid plans of moose and men oft go astray.  Hopefully, things get moosing soon! 😀

    Honest, this is a fun challenge... normally, but things with spawns right now don't seem very normal.

    • Like 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    I once got myself into such dire straits that I pinned my last hopes on a fishing expedition for food.  I used up my last bits of wood sitting over a fishing hole.  No fish for ten hours straight.  I thought level 3 fishing would guarantee me something to keep me from starving any further, but no luck.  I died out on the ice starving and freezing to death.

    Lol - It's the same reason some people will spend their very last dollar on a Lotto ticket.  RIP The Gambler Will/Astrid.

    • Upvote 1
  20. Just now, Leeanda said:

    Oh I am daft! 😁  What is RNG?  Kept meaning to ask before! 🙂 

    But I suppose it is   the one thing you can't physically check in the game.  Disregarding the current bugs etc ,you're bound to notice there are less wolves etc.

    My last run I spent about 20 hrs fishing and caught only one fish,that's the worst I've ever had.

    RNG stands for "random number generation"; which is the equivalent of "dice rolls" in many video games.