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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. Hmm, I just found that the cave system near Spruce Falls Bridge was perhaps too well lit! It feels a bit wrong to me to not have to use even a torch at all to make it through. 🤔 Granted this is only one cave, and many of them have different light levels... but this one feels like perhaps there's a bit too much "natural light" especially for being so late in the day.
  2. How odd... (and I don't mean to be argumentative, just that I'm not yet able to find a way to replicate what you suggest) I just looked at my options again today. I first confirmed that the sky was clear enough for the Mag-Lens to be useful. Then I tried lighting my torch. There was just no option I can find for the Mag-Lens for that task. Is it a "hidden" option then? I'd never heard of such a thing. I suppose I could try to dropping all ignition sources except my Mag-Lense the next sunny day... but as of now I know of no way to actually use the mag-lens to light a torch directly. ...start a campfire and then use the campfire to light a torch, certainly.
  3. No, I don't think that's a thing (at least not that I've found). I just looked at it again today... just to make sure it hadn't changed recently. It doesn't appear to be an option. However, I will check again when it's been sunny for a bit longer... right now it's in transition.
  4. I still have to wait out a blizzard... but I'm back on the move. I'll hole-up here for the night. I'll be heading for Cedar Falls Bridge tomorrow.
  5. @Asinine And fair enough then... perhaps I misread your comment. For me, I don't find the dark to be an issue, and I haven't really noticed a change (at least not compared to what I'm generally used to anyway). I don't really try to roam around in caves or structures without a light source, so if there is a notable difference... I haven't experienced it. I know others talk about mods and adjusting brightness as "solutions," but I don't feel that way. I just consider adjusting brightness as an alternative for those who choose it, that's all.
  6. @Leeanda yes, the cab walls are all currently made of barrels. Maybe not the most creative thing, but I kind of like the look and I couldn't argue with the utility. 🤭 Still not done yet... it's all still mostly just a framework. I feel like there is a lot more work to do (blend in more wood types... etc). Also did more caving... but now that the hotfix has been out a few days, I may get back to my main run soon.
  7. Still not sure what to do about the stairway... but the cab is coming along well. No shortage of storage. 🤭
  8. @Bloodskye I've lost many runs to instant kill walls... but I've never felt it was worth the energy to get upset about. I just start a new run... besides, I feel like the first few weeks of the survival struggle are the most fun. I get that losing a lot of progress to a bug or instant kill wall can be frustrating... but you're not alone. I had to restart one of my largest personal challenges four separate times due to things like this... sure it was a bummer, but I love the game... so ultimately, I never mind having to start again. Honestly bugs/glitches just happen sometimes, I recommend creating a support ticket... that way Hinterland can track and troubleshoot your particular situation.
  9. And that's okay. 🙂 @Asinine I mean, if we're starting a run and don't yet have a light source (not even a torch pulled from a fire), then perhaps we just don't going into dark caves and structures yet. It doesn't sound so unreasonable to me. I think it would be sort of like saying... "I just started a new Minecraft world and I wanna fly, even though I've not yet even been to The End..." 🤭 I think somethings we just need the right equipment for. Besides, as I mention before... there are more light sources than just a lantern. Torches, matches, lanterns, flares, flare gun w/flare shells, etc. If we don't have the right gear for the situation, then I'd say it's more than fair for us to face the difficulties of trying to do something we're not properly equipped for.
  10. @Nikitiitta I misread what you were asking then. Please forgive, I wasn't trying to tell you things you already knew; that's never my intention.
  11. Nearly done (with the framework anyway)... Grinding for the resources really is the slowest part. 🤭 Figuring out the stairway is going to be tedious part; I suppose that's why I've put it off.
  12. Well, even though I really needed to work on the stairway... I ended up finishing the core of the tower. The cab will be fairly straightforward, I think. It's not very much like the Forestry Lookouts of Great Bear Island, but more referenced from other common designs of Firewatch Towers. Perhaps when I find a good sight for another one, I'll try recreating the Forestry Lookout of Mystery Lake or the Pensive Lookout of Bleak Inlet. 🤔
  13. If anyone has thoughts/ideas on build pallet or structure, I'd be interested to know. I'm not much of a builder... and right now I'm just working out the framework (all oak for now, as it's really the only kind I'd collected any decent amount of to work with). 🤭🤔
  14. I've already started reshaping the design somewhat... already it feels stouter than the previous iteration. I still have yet to devise how I'll fit the stairway around the frame... I suppose I might replace the temporary water column with a ladder/trapdoor combo. I'm not sure yet, I'll have to think about it. As I took a break to gather more food/supplies... Another Pillager Patrol... or what's left of one. It seems the rest of this bunch had already fallen to their doom. I don't have the anymore arrows to spare this time, so these two are just going to have to be stuck there until they "fade away."
  15. The first level and half the second is done... or at least the framework. I don't know how I feel about it, and I still have to figure out the stairs. 🤭 I did also go hunt down the rest of that other Pillager Patrol. I did have two arrows to spare... so the bow I'd fished up much earlier finally came in handy. Maybe wasn't best idea (considering they had me three to one) but maneuvering around the trees proved useful. All that remains of them now...
  16. Yes... it does indeed have to be expanded. I forgot to account for the rails, and I still don't know how the stairs are going to look wrapping around the outside yet. It's also been three days, and those Pillagers are still searching the forest trying to find me. 🤭 I guess they're holding a grudge for their brethren that I lured to and left in that pit.
  17. Drat... there's more of them, and they are still hunting me. 🤔 See, now this is why I need to get this Lookout Tower up without delay.