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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. @FINDarkside I'm not being rude to you... you are expressing you opinion and I am expressing mine. Since you got on the forums today you've seemed intent on being hostile. I can't control that you read Raph's statements though a filter that bends/twists them to support your point of view, it's a natural and human thing to do. I'm just pointing out that your manor in these posts are not helpful or productive in any way. The more a person raves on about a thing the more it just sort of turns into to noise with no real impact. There is a difference between respectful discourse, and being openly hostile to any who don't conform to your view point. Like I said, it's not healthy
  2. @Amazombie That is entirely your propagative. You have to do what's right by you. I hope you come back around later. I wish you all the best.
  3. @FINDarkside It seems like you are just here to spit venom... that's not healthy.
  4. I think the main frustration comes from a misplaced sense of entitlement. Hopefully you read Raph's statements... did you? They don't seem at all offended or uninterested. People just need to accept that this is their intellectual property, not ours. They want to support mods, eventually and on their own terms. Which is both natural and correct. That this does not suit some, is not a Hinterland problem... I can't agree with your point of view because what you are using to prop up your argument is fundamentally and objectively not true.
  5. @FINDarkside That sounds like another bad internet rumor to me.
  6. @thekillergreece That's why I try to tell folks to take things in stride and not be concerned with what any random poster says (myself included). It's always best to hear from the source.
  7. Very well then... Please let us know if this is ever a possibility, I would love to support/contribute to your company and projects in any way I can.
  8. Alright folks, time to reasonable here First of all, whether or not Hinterland advocates people modifying their intellectual property is entirely up to them. Second, Hinterland has already stated that they want to integrate mod support and tools later on. So, I'm not sure what you are all up in arms about. Third, Hinterland has explained that the last update incorporated an update to the engine... and that this unintentially broke your mods as a unanticipated side effect. They weren't out to break your mods, they just weren't compatible with the update... and that's not Hinterlands fault. Mods are third party... Honestly folks need to take these things in stride. Nevermind, Raph has stepped in. Please disregard any part of my post that does not align. He of course knows the intentions of Hinterland better than any of us. You know, because they are his intentions.
  9. @GothSkunk @Kane Parry Neither have I... cruel fate, is cruel... but don't lose heart.
  10. With any change we have to give it time... for the player to get used to it and for the Devs to fine tune it, tweak it, and bug fix. The shooting mechanic is more nuanced now, and there are likely some pesky bugs that go along with that. Some of it will take practice on our part, some will take adjustments on Hinterland's part.
  11. @Dougie Great news, I hope you're able to overcome. It can be a hard fight, no question of that. That bear took my life more than a few times before I managed to put it to rest.
  12. Did the recent hotfix help?
  13. Feats give you bonuses so they do affect gameplay... Challenges, well just think of them as merit badges, a mark of accomplishment.
  14. RNG is being very cruel to me... I've searched the major locations in 5 regions, I have a satchel full of rounds... no revolver. I'm presently in on a death march to the top of Timberwolf. The route I opted for: I spawned in Hushed River Valley and passed though Milton, Forlorn Muskeg, Mystery Lake, Ravine, Costal Highway (current location). Next I'm off to Pleasant Valley before trying for the summit. I would have thought I would have found a Revolver by now. I suppose that's what random means though... maybe you'll find it, maybe you won't. Good news is I have all the gear I need to keep drifting. I can't even put into words how much I love this game...
  15. Oh that's right... I was just thinking about Bed Rolls not proper beds. Yeah I see what you mean, striping down to reduce wear but still making sure the bed bonus keeps you above 0*. Alright I feel silly now. Thanks for humoring me
  16. @UpUpAway95 Not to worry, the affliction description points out that the affliction will heal naturally (with rest), so I don't think there is any danger of them being a permanent affliction if left untreated. You can even naturally recover from food-poisoning if you can just manage to live something like 18 hours after infection (that is if your condition was in good shape when you started). There's only two afflictions that MUST be treated as far as I know...
  17. Yeah, most likely a bug, but Raph says the team is working the issue(s). I kind of find the pain mechanic a little odd... oh I mean it makes sense "treat pain with pain meds" intuitive and I like it. Their representation of pain is some blurry edges and a neat sound dampening effect - and I like that too. However, now I find that the pain part is not all that bad and I find myself option to just let it pass. So now I have no use for rose hips and painkillers... Treating the pain will still not allow you to resume your normal physical activity... and I am far to stingy with cloth to waste a bandage on anything other that a bleeding wound. This is not a complaint... Just an observation. I used to always make sure I had pain meds on me for sprains... now I don't carry any Heck I don't even bother to pick it up. I just keep an extra bandage on me in case I get a bad sprain and I really need to run.
  18. @kristaok You are being more than a little melodramatic. As I've mentioned before... whenever anything new gets implemented there are bound to be adjustments, tweaks to mechanics, rebalancing, etc... Raph already tweeted that they see what the systems is going and are working on it. Folks need to be patient when new content comes... there are always unexpected bugs or unintended side-effects of systems interacting with other systems. If you are having and emotional event over it, maybe you should consider taking a break for the sake of your mental health. I'm not judging you, I'm just offering you some advice that might help. Give the update sometime to settle in and for the team at Hinterland to squash all the bugs. Hang in there survivor... it's going to be okay.
  19. From what I read this first fix is for crashing issues... Here is what Raph posted earlier on Twitter: "Raphael van Lierop‏: Ok so we have a Steam hotfix going out right now, brings the game to version 1.48.1, is STEAM-ONLY, and is for a crash some of our players have been experiencing. We're also looking at Sprain tuning, Revolver tuning, and a few other things for the NEXT hotfix. #thelongdark"
  20. I slept 4 hours at a time to make sure I wasn't getting too cold... so I don't recall exactly when the afflictions lifted. I slept a total of 12 hours, but the afflictions were all gone long before then. I will no doubt do it again tonight... I am really stingy with cloth so I am not likely to ever use bandages unless I need to stop the bleeding
  21. I'm in no way being sarcastic, I am genuinely interested in this statement. How does wearing less clothing minimize the chances of freezing to death? (honestly curious about the rational and strategy)
  22. Pain and Sprains will both heal naturally over time... I was stuck in Milton Basin with a double sprain and no way to treat it. I slept off both sets of pain and sprain in the near by cave. I was able to climb back up and make my way back to Milton the next morning.
  23. @Carbon Again, I'm not saying you are incorrect... I'm just saying it's not a good argument to flat out deny another's observation while claiming to have seen empirical evidence that proves you right, but then offer no empirical evidence. It would have been better had you just presented how your experiences and observations differed, rather than telling other people they are flat out wrong.
  24. They were only expressing that they were not experiencing an increase... that is to say that their experiences differ from yours. You say there is an increase compared to the norm... exactly what is your baseline for this statement? What is the norm... and what is the increase in proportion to it?