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Everything posted by BareSkin

  1. Yes, there's a patrol that sometimes comes "mountain side" at the Cave choke point. But you're warm from the cave so you can spend some time hearing for footsteps, and if heard, back to warm cave waiting a bit. The Pond side is safer, but has not much sticks near the mountain. If you have a lot of time (wolf jacket), it's definitely a better option, are sticks are everywhere just before you arrive at the Pond. Your sticks mathematics are good on a rabbit-only hypothesis. I'd stay on my idea of killing 4 wolves, and the 3 deers that spawn at your doorsteps. Venison is another matter, much more fuel-efficient. The wolf jacket and deer pants greatly extends your late-game range, an allows for post-day50 runs to DeadFall and Pond Cabin for fuel. After day 50, there's not much anything more than sticks to speak to anyway...
  2. That's exactly it: Or the Camp/Cabins for easy fuel but you have to hunt wolves, or Trapper's for easy calories. I ended up swinging these two bases until I got a wolf jacket. The rabbits, are at Overlook, but it becomes cold very fast...
  3. I guess that could be implemented as a Challenge quite easily. The code is simple: Make the user click "Challenge/Deadman", Start Survival game with deadman settings, make the latter spawn if player survives for 30days. Description: "The catastrophe has seen you heavily contaminated with radiation. You want to realize your dream of killing a wolf before dying in your Trapper's Cabin. No time limit, who knows, you might even survive?"
  4. On a warm day and with pause in the cave, you can reach sticks quite safely keeping the edge of the map towards the Rail Tunnel. And have a chance of a re spawned coal. The Pond side is too dangerous, and not that much stick-y. There's also some stuff to brake at Trapper's, if decoration is not your thing. The barn is the same as the Spence's, but I wouldn't bet it is Holy Ground. I'd bet it is if you're staying in the "crouched" part, but I never tried. I made a protected fire inside it and attracted the wolves with rabbit carcasses. You get several tries protected by the fire, plus the arrows are grabbed back easily. The Cabin Pond, I don't see another strategy, I ended up doing this for a reason (necessity). The path is safe as far as as you if you keep kissing the left mountain, then run down to the Cabin when you're above. I even took some smellies once, but the sleepwalker detection range of wolves is the same as Loper. Best practice is leaving some cooked food and water as soon as you can (there's rabbits nearby, and deers). The thing is, the next days are more dangerous than any other next ones: wildlife disappears with dropping temperatures. The wolf jackets and deer pants might be key items to make safe trips for the Pond Cabin firewood later on.
  5. Yep. And last one I think. I only have one real-life heart, and it's precious
  6. No spoilers about Bareskins, but I'm pretty sure you can live there forever. They have to be well fed every hour too, like deadmens, and if the settings are the same you should be OK, at some point I even stopped trapping the rabbits. Later, you'll actually want wolves to spawn because you'll be cooking 5 and they are food. Yes, the fuel will lack. What I did was: 1/ keep the rabbit carcasses for their Scent potential 2/ when you are sure the Max's wolves are here, light a protected maglens in the burnt barn just nearby, and lure them by picking 3 or more carcasses, hunt the 2 wolves, don't eat the meat yet but start curing the skins to make a jacket (1 whetstone= 1 knife) 3/ Since the 2 Max wolves are dead, go for the branches there. Firewood is more important than raw meat, you'll deal with the nearby dear and rabbits later. Also, on early game make sure you grab the coal that respawn in the cave. 4/ Stockpile meat as soon as you can by hunting the deers that spawn in front of your doorstep. 5/ Rinse and repeat with the wolf patrolling the hill going to the Pond, draw the wolf by Scent, staying at your doorstep, and shoot it. Once dead for sure (get skin if you can), go for firewood there, and asap go for the Pond Cabin: lots of sticks on the way, and neat the Cabin itself. I would transfer following the edge of the map, since other wolves patrol on the Deadfall side. You can't be attacked if you follow the edge with no scent. 6/ Concentrate the firewood in the cabin for it to respawn later, and grab all you can back to Trapper's. Make sure you make water stockpile as soon as weather is sunny. 7/ Once you have deer pants and wolfskin coats, the trip to the Pond cabin is super-safe in warm hours. The Pond Cabin is your fuel source and will be your most dangerous activity in the beginning, but soon enough all wildlife will disappear. Good thing you stockpile cooked venison and water. -You might even see a Moose at Trapper's, or bear at the Pond, but as a deadman I would strongly avoid making them angry. The coats and pants you have are already enough to survive Deadman, and you have no cabin fever risk. One of the BareSkins is at Trapper's, waiting for the Skaters adventures to end, with 150 sticks in the locker, 20-ish coals, 15L water, some cooked food... his main problem now, is to know when the cloth will lack to repair head gear, since Sleepwalking includes cabin fever.
  7. Simple: I hate it. To me it's not a map, it's a puzzle, with a very un-natural feeling. Despite the graphics being wonderful as usual with Hinterland, the layout is horrible, it's just a maze. Later in the game, there'll be more incentve to go there since it's been said it will connect another map instead of being a dead end. My 2 cents. Make sure to bring a hatchet in there, and don't explore on interloper. And have fun
  8. OMG it this a real pumpkin? At first I thought it was some kind of photoshop picture... Impressive!
  9. Oh man, you did it! I just hope Trapper's good enough to sustain a deadman (lived for days on Sleepwalker mode, maybe you'll need more snares). I'd turn every rabbit into snares until I reach at least 10. The more the better, anyway you'll soon have nothing else to do in your days (except jackets of course, and wait for the Moose). 1 last advice if I may: don't pick rabbits before putting the snares back: sometimes Trapper's has this "deadly" wolfy that is never here except to kill you once every two weeks: be it from Max, there's a patrol on your side of the hill, or from the Pond, same, sometimes a wolf will patrol your side. Since there's no cabin fever in deadman, I'd put the snares back, then pick up the rabbits and run to the indoors. It's fascinating how you pull up challenges in 10 runs. Next try "Deader Still" mode you proposed, if I remember correctly?
  10. Only few hours before my Prophecy comes true. That's the way I always take to the forge (to avoid the front of Spence's), and yes, experience told me ending frozen but alive is better than dying warm. The next choke point is if you follow the edge of the map, just before the exit. From where you are I usually go straight to the railway for better visibility, then follow the tracks to Trapper's, looking mainly on my right for the patrolling wolf near the exit. Didn't know you could come from Milton, interesting. I think Bareskin 11 has seen the rope point down from the farm/river, but at the time was not interested in exploring the "below", despite for once having a bedroll.
  11. Tomorrow is Cattails Paradise!
  12. The Game knows when you need it. Evil Rabbits.
  13. That's the difference between a very long run, and eternity. I wouldn't be that brave
  14. I wanted to flag you in thread for this exact purpose, but already too late. Did you mention in your CV you're a descendant of Flash? @Savra, chapeau bas, as we say in France and maybe even in Quebec (= congrats!)
  15. That's the way. Keep'em aligned just like the picture shows, and 3,2,1, ignition! (Or just get to Trapper's and let the snare do your job definitely)
  16. To me, it sounds as if the First DeadMan To Retire Ever is on its way.
  17. BareSkin12- D1 [DeadMan 8MHI-/z8M-Dw+/-wSWm-bAAA] [Cold Fusion][FreeRunner][random start] Random spawn brings me at the coldest hour, pre-dawn near some vast iced water. Coastal Highway? I grab a stone, and let’s go! Hum, this is not coastal highway. There’s a small bay with a deer, it resembles Crumbling Highway maybe. Bad souvenirs, lots of weak ice and wolves involved, and no exit to be found in Hopless Rescue. Oh no, there’s the lighthouse: Desolation Point. I guess it’s the nearest shelter and bed, and I’m surprised there is no wolf here, it’s usually packed with them at the bridge entrance. I’ll take some time/warmth to herd the deer in front of me, you know, just in case. I sprint since my tempbar is already nearly finish, I’m lucky the deer is cooperative and goes straight to the road, clearing the way for me. Or so I thought. When I arrive at the road from the ice, I get attacked by a wolf who jumps on me literally after microseconds. For whatever reason, the deadman wolves don't like deers. I survive the struggle, and end up with 14% health. The blood loss creates a second bark, again in microseconds. While trying to escape down hill, I go “airbone” and the wolf attack stops. On my way to the Lighthouse, I fade into the long dark on the ice, from the freezing red temperature bar. 24 minutes. That was quick.
  18. Totally agree. Or maybe have some kind of non-year ones instead, like "Hey, don't forget to come back next year, this will be the same badge".
  19. That's impressive, I couldn't even saw a cargo container at the Wing on my regular interloper It's also annoying with matches, you're with a torch, you click for 1ms, 1 match spent. I'd be glad to have maybe a 1s protection (like opening containers or doors) where you need to continue clicking to spend the match.
  20. More that that, you've screenshot its perfect definition. Warm, reassuring, precarious.