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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. Actually bearskin cloak, bedroll, wolfskin coat, and moosehide cloak all require a knife or hatchet. Deerskin boots/pants, rabbitskin hat/mittens, moose satchel, and improvised head/hand wraps though, yeah you can craft them 20% faster with fishing tackle vs. sewing kit.
  2. Admittedly I've wondered why there are no bicycles on Great Bear. Especially those fat-tire bikes that seem to be all the rage nowadays.
  3. Digestive issues aside if you were to fire a gun into the ground a foot away from a dog OR cat, they'd both jump and scamper away. Timberwolves are evidently blind AND deaf.
  4. Wearing Mukluks. I have dozens of deer hides in other regions, hundreds of scrap leather, and a couple thousand scrap cloth.... I ain't hurting for resources lol
  5. I've noticed that Timberwolves don't actually hunt deer for food, they simply hunt to kill. I didn't witness the kill, but I found a 100% frozen deer carcass up by the lookout tower. I did not shoot this deer (Fishing 5 = easy eats), but the interesting thing is that unlike deer dropped by Wolves, this was not a Ravaged Deer Carcass. It was merely a Deer Carcass. Edit: And I am 100% positive it was not a placed carcass. This was definitely a deer that was once alive, and is no more. It also despawned after a few days. (I was swimming in salmon, didn't need it.)
  6. Oh good call. This is a "destroy everything" run. I'm going to have to work out the logistics of how to break down everything down there, AND escape.... Probably gonna involve leaving a lot of emergency rations, and breaking down just ONE thing per aurora, so I don't get trapped, and then spending all my remaining time outdoors just so if I DO get trapped, I can afford a bit of leeway before CF prevents me from sleeping. Hmm...this might be my toughest caper yet.
  7. It was a surprisingly detailed dream tbh, but moose didn't exist yet. Basically just like Pokemon Go you walk around the real world and major hotspots were lootable locations. You would see wolves represented on the map on your phone, and if you got close to one you could hold up your phone and see the wolf superimposed over the terrain. Then you line up the crosshairs on your screen with the digital wolf and tap the "fire" button to take a shot with whatever weapon you had equipped. The dream didn't involve a wolf struggle or bears though, I just remember shooting the wolf in AR, and looting the local businesses for food and clothing. Not a complete game idea, but again as dreams go, surprisingly detailed.
  8. Not a loper fan personally but I would have to agree with this sentiment. Proximity to the Ravine is huge. Set up a stupid amount of traps, like 30, and you'll be swimming in rabbit meat.
  9. If it were within the perimeter of the fenced-in area yeah, that would be borderline useless. But on the other hand if it were a climbing rope that takes you directly to that segregated area of pier that the wolves can't reach, that would make more sense. You could either sneak your way in and out, or charge in fast and loud and just wait out the aggression indoors.
  10. Don't have a screenshot to show for it but the other day I shot a deer in Pleasant Valley, followed the blood trail/hoof prints, and they just stopped in the middle of an open field. The next day there were crows overhead, circling an empty spot of ground, so that deer was completely buried. Not even a clue as to its location if not for the crows. (I was more upset about the loss of the arrow than the deer.)
  11. Pretty sure this is the new normal. Wolf pathing AI was improved recently to allow them to enter fishing huts without a door, or the Mountaineering Hut. Basically it improved their intelligence from that of a newborn infant to about a 2 year old, in terms of their ability to get to you. They no longer treat tree limbs as "aww gee, he's slightly above ground level, guess he's off limits" and now will come after you. They also seem to remember that you exist even after you get to an unreachable area. I had a wolf retain aggro for a few minutes after I shut the door, instead of instantly resuming his patrol. Now on the other hand, if they attack you THROUGH the door, or through a wall, that is definitely a bug. That was an issue shortly after the errant pilgrim release, but they added in some line-of-sight logic which should have fixed the issue. Still, I don't make a habit of hugging the wall if there's an aggroed wolf right outside, just in case.
  12. Well they're only in one region, so that hassle is easily avoided by not visiting that region. If they are added to the rest of the regions in their current state, well...that would be different.
  13. Nice if you get there in time. I found Improvised Food Poisoning, on account of the fact I'm pushing day 500 and there was some food laying around that had gone bad by the time I found it.
  14. I've decided that unless compelling evidence is presented to the contrary, this is a massive misunderstanding and no such shortcut exists. I'm officially abandoning the search, because...frankly I think it's a unicorn hunt. Good luck to those of you who choose to persist. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  15. Just want to clarify for anyone that may be new to the game, this is a joke. This is not a thing that can happen.
  16. And unfortunately so will I...I was really hoping you'd concede the point because it would've given me the excuse I need to abandon ship lol. Bleh.
  17. The fact that the survivor is walking towards that specific building doesn't mean that is a shortcut to the Workshop specifically. I mean I found a climbing rope in that building, which fits the bill of being a clue in the context of the "shortcut" being a way down from the Lookout. Nothing I've seen indicates a shortcut to the Workshop specifically, and I've Spider-Manned alllllll over this place six ways 'til Tuesday looking for one.
  18. Again, that's not the workshop specifically. The Cannery is the entire complex consisting of multiple buildings. Sorry just with how much time I've dedicated to poking around the Cannery, I'm just not sold that there's any sort of shortcut to the Workshop specifically.
  19. But does he specifically state that there's an unlockable shortcut to access the workshop after you've navigated the obstacle course? Everything they've said so far seems to point to the rope climb leading down from the radio tower, and there is indeed a clue to that in the video. (The rope hanging on the outside of the lookout tower.)
  20. Lit a campfire, was shuffling around trying to find a valid spot to place my bedroll, backed right over the campfire and fwoosh, burnt to a crisp.
  21. Well ordinarily no but in this region it would make sense, since it's impossible to run the course without catching the attention of the wolves in the area. So unless you deal with them ahead of time, you'll end up having to deal with them after you leave the workshop, unless you're willing to completely wait them out. Putting a back way in would allow you the option of slinking in undetected, and making your way back out without a confrontation.
  22. Checked--nada. I did another sweep of the area and found a rather interesting outdoor office I had somehow missed the first 2,037,837.7 passes through the area however, right around the corner from that first rope climb. Makes for a much nicer "wait for an aurora" spot than the truck in the center of the yard, that's for sure. But unfortunately, no rope tie-off points anywhere that I can find, no aurora-only interactives apart from the milling machine and that keypad, and no new crafting recipes. Edit: I even precariously made my way out onto that crane thing in the middle of the last warehouse prior to the workshop wondering if maybe there was a way to lower that. I would be absolutely 100% certain there is no shortcut, if not for that one tweet. And even then I'm wondering if Raph maybe just saw the part about "drop down" and the "You can" meant "You can drop down". As in, just walk off the pier. That's your shortcut out.
  23. I have what I'm now convinced is a false memory of finding a candy bar glued to the back of one. Probably happened in a dream and I mistook that memory for reality. Sorta like when I dreamed about The Long Dark Go, during the Pokemon Go craze.