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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. You may be right, but how do you actually know that is the case with @peteloud? Don't presume to know...
  2. Crows are a good indicator, unless you're in an area with some static carcasses/corpses, then it can be tough (listening at least). When crows aren't working, I will start scouting the general area where you hit them at, in particular the direction they ran when you hit them. Good luck!
  3. My Archery skill is so good, my arrows don't even need to make contact to cause a bleed-out! 😉
  4. If Bleak Inlet does connect to CH, this road sure doesn't seem to do it. I see no indication of a continuation, but then of course, I'm out of bounds! TheLongDark 2021-04-20 17-25-51.mp4
  5. That would be very nice but I imagine also much more difficult to implement.
  6. 50% to average fish weight = Fish would weigh 50% more I suppose "catching more fish per hour" could be a viable benefit as well. That having both would be OP though.
  7. No one is saying you need to have the feat - they are optional.
  8. Quarter Bear & Moose - harvest the rest.
  9. 1226454816_TheLongDark2021-04-2016-47-00.mp4
  10. I was thinking the same thing but have you noticed there are many bare-looking bushes which could be rosehips they have eaten? What about the static carcasses in the game? They could be the one who caught and ate those?
  11. Might be hard to get you a definitive answer to that question due to the RNG I assume is used. Conduct an experiment and let us know
  12. I wasn't really conducting this experiment for efficiency, but more for curiosity. I do understand snares are not the most effective means to gather food.
  13. Come on, let's be reasonable here...do I really need to include in my question, "...where there are rabbits..."?
  14. I love to hear what the in-game radios are playing during an aurora event. Unfortunately, I need to turn up the other audio volumes (master and sound) so high that it can drown out the radio music.
  15. So far, mine has to be: Ravine --> Ravine (near transition to BI). Trap line: Results after one day (3): results after day 2 (zero): Okay, recent edit...can't get any worse than this. Trap line at BI near Ravine transition: Day 1 results (zero): day 2 results (zero):
  16. Master Angler You've caught 1,000 fish Benefit 50% to average fish weight
  17. And the canyon below needs a sign - "Warning: Bombs from Above!"
  18. Can't this be said for most mods for most games?
  19. Thought this looked pretty cool - almost like a bioluminescence...
  20. Always wondered where they go, so...
  21. Have to admit, I did stage the newspaper and coffee, but I have seen newspaper next to porta-pottys in mines.