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Everything posted by Renn

  1. There's a thread collecting bugs here: maybe they've heard of it there
  2. Chiming in to say I'm currently stuck inside the Lone Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake with the "failed to load previous save" bug. Tried saving inside by passing time and have restared the game multiple times and verified integrity of game files through Steam. Just really hoping this can be fixed and doesn't mean the end of my save...
  3. Currently stuck in the Lone Lake Cabin in Mystery Lake, every time I leave it tells me "Failed to Restore the game from a previous Save. Press Confirm to return to Main Menu." I know other people are having this bug, thought I'd report mine here too. Do you need me to make a ticket for it too? I imagine you've gotten a few already. Anyone found a workaround yet? Already tried restarting the game.
  4. I do love that I got called out for posting "spoilers" with no specific locations/items in them, but not a single peep on the comments that do "spoil" specific items in specific locations. Let's just say I'm one of those new ingredients right now...
  5. Also, I forgot to say, I was looking forward to this update so much, when I saw the Upcoming video on my subscription page I squealed and greatly confused my dog. I've never done that before 😂
  6. There are many houses in Milton Just because I know there were people worried about finding ingredients in their older, more thoroughly explored runs so I thought I'd let people know.
  7. My food stocks in Mystery Lake right now, just in case I need them for pancakes:
  8. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! This stuff looks AWESOME! My birthday was just two days ago and I'm gonna consider this a bonus present! Also going to be saving up whatever peaches I have left, just in case
  9. Started a new custom-Loper run yesterday and my random starting location was Bleak Inlet, with a pack of Timber Wolves right around the corner. Hardest first few days I've ever had in all of my games. Just barely made it to the Farmstead in FM with about 4% condition left. So I do not envy you and your challenge, good luck, survivor!
  10. Yeah always either played on Interloper or interloper made harder in custom. I was always of the understanding that as long as you only eat one piece and keep the risk at 1%, your chance of actually getting it is virtually none. And now I'm in the middle of Ash Canyon, probably the worst place to contract it 😂
  11. Posting it here because I'm not sure if it's an actual bug/issue/changed how it works or if I'm just THE MOST UNLUCKY SURVIVOR this run. I've gotten Intestinal Parasites TWICE in one run (Custom settings but didn't touch the illnesses sliders) from eating just one piece of wolf meat (so <1% risk) and I've genuinely never even had it happen once in well over 1000 hours of playing 😂
  12. I just posted about this exact issue in the Known Issues thread. One solution offered that worked for me, is to throw a lit torch at/on it. thread here, page three.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, this worked! Only as long as the torch is still near the corpse tho, if I pick it up the bug comes back.
  14. This issue just started this evening for me. I can't interact with any animal corpses. Not the wolf that had died in an earlier session nor the deer I shot in this session. Restarting didn't help. Anyone had this before?
  15. I, for one, am grateful. Thank you, Hinterland, for listening to your community!
  16. I share others' opinion. I would do it even if there was just a stick in the end. Altough I admit I've never personally found a revolver or hunting knife on Interloper and wouldn't mind finding a ruined revolver/knife that then sent me on a quest to Bleak Inlet or Blackrock
  17. I'm not sure why other people are still bothering to discuss this with you to be honest, you clearly don't want to understand our side 🤷‍♀️
  18. This is awesome! I love the modding community!
  19. The problem is that the "single custom option" does not just affect the Tale. It affects ALL the available loot. I've done this, and found so many non-loper items without even looking for them I was all decked out in 3 in game days and stopped. Insulated Boots (no need to hunt deer), a Hunting Knife (skip the forge), a Mariner's Pea Coat (Blizzards be damned), Peanut Butter and Condensed Milk (goodbye scavenging) Specifically saying without looking because I wouldn't mind finding an op gear or food item as a reward on the Tale. I guess I'm just going to be playing The Last of Us until Hinterlands comes out with some kind of communication on the matter, or modders fix it for them. Sucks that this update is basically worthless for me, especially after waiting much longer than was promised already, something I overlooked because the updates used to be so exciting. Now I'm all of a sudden going to have to pray I didn't waste my €20 on this altogether.
  20. Which is currently not the case, as Tales are not available as a separate custom setting. Nor is Glimmer Fog, also a recent addition.