Ice Hole

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Everything posted by Ice Hole

  1. I like it and so it shall be known. The fire was placed so that the bedroll could be used. There were not many options. It is too bad that the Snow Shelter is so finicky to place. Went looking for another cave that was displayed on the map All I found were a couple of holes in the wall. This Hole in the wall does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of the fire warmth bonus. The fire is wind proof. Unable to build the Snow Shelter that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus. This Aperture does allow a fire and a bedroll that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus. The fire is almost wind proof. The opening allows too much wind. Unable to build the Snow Shelter that is within reach of the fire warmth bonus.
  2. The "tiny cave" (TheladyPancake-> what would you like to name it?) does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of warmth bonus. The fire does seem to be wind proof. Unable to build the Snow Shelter. There is a shortcut above the cave to an important location. Both caves are already on public maps. The Kennel does allow a fire and a bedroll and is within reach of warmth bonus. The fire is not wind proof. Unable to build the Snow Shelter.
  3. I got the number of that tiny cave. That looks so familiar. Still I needed to double check.
  4. The clue was that most people would know about this cave which indicates it is on a map that is from a pre 1.0 release This hidden cave does have a resource so maybe its location should be documented. The location will be revealed after a few more days. So another clue to tide you over. Perhaps the dog food was for the lone wolf. With the Lone Wolf, the water puddle and the dog food this cave should really be named The Kennel.
  5. Have you ever found a hidden cave? These types of caves are usually overlooked and forgotten about. Post pictures of cave interiors but do not give away any location spoilers. Cave Entrance Dog Food Cave This is an open cave most people should recognize. There are two openings but it does block the wind. There is always a can of dog food inside. I had forgotten about this cave for quite some time. How many people found this cave? Pretty sure that these hidden caves are lairs for cougars.
  6. The dam is almost vertical maybe around 80 degrees. That would seem to be quite a feat to pull off for anybody else but spederman. The only reason I can think I fell before is that I must have tried to go down with out crouching. A deathwall is still too an abrupt death so maybe the character should tumble down the slope and take significant damage. That might deter would be spedermen.\ The Bait Wolf Issue The idea of dropping bait works but can be exploited. The bait can be as tiny as 0.1 kg and the wolf will take a long time to consume it. The wolf approaches the bait without hesitation and then consumes it on the spot. Instead of throwing (which I like the idea of) maybe the wolf continues to pursue until the character is far away from the bait then the wolf returns quickly to the bait and then consumes it or runs off with it depending on the size of the bait.
  7. Yeah that is mysterious. Perhaps it is the reason for Mystery Lake. But when I tried this a few version ago I remember falling and dying. Carter Dam has undergone an extensive construction lately maybe this now a bug. Was descending down the dam possible before the renovations?
  8. Climbing up is already balanced due to lack of jump. Ascending a slope is difficult when the character cannot jump. The switch back technique is a slow solution for ascension and also seems realistic. In other games such as Skyrim the ability to jump makes any slope ridiculously easy. The simple solution most game developers take is to put an invisible barrier to prevent access always breaks immersion. Small obstacles on the path can be frustrating at times but still the climbing mechanic in TLD is better than anything else I have come across simply because the character lacks the ability to jump. Descending slopes within the game has little risk and I would have to agree that it needs improving. Climbing down ropes does seem meaningless especially when encumbered. Ascending in TLD already is challenging due to lack of a in game jump mechanic and descending needs some tuning by possibly introducing chance of a misstep.
  9. The fire animation has changed and looks better than ever. What were the issues that were overcome to make it look so authentic? Did you study artificial gas fireplaces? Maybe show a montage of the fire animation evolution. Thanks
  10. Noticing the new crow animations has made me wonder will there will be any further expansion. Will crows be able to swoop down and interact with a carcass? Will there be a need to scare crows away? Will crows become agitated and nasty during an aurora and attack the player? Will crows warn us about an impending cougar attack?
  11. The patch notes mentioned improved waterfalls. That made me curious. So, after taking a refreshing shower inside Banner Falls I began wondering what new mechanics will come from the improved waterfall. Maybe use as a shower to clean. There seems to be water mist. Collecting non-potable water is the only thing that would make sense. Question; are you planning on expanding upon the improved waterfall? Still looking for my rainbow
  12. Too bad for losing multiple seasons. The idea of fishing huts sinking in the warm thaw would make the following Winter that much harder. Consider the game to have just a brief Spring/Summer and then back to Winter but now fishing huts are gone. The benefit could be that the vegetable and fungi replenish after the season. Then back to freezing with the fishing huts sunk to the bottom. To fish in the new winter a fishing hole would need to be created. Cannot see why we are unable to break ice and fish anywhere. We break weak ice already and a similar mechanic could be used to make new fishing holes. Fishing off the coast from Coastal Highway all the way to Desolation Point should also be introduced. If the new fishing area can be created then we are exposed on the open ice. The weather and elements will be tougher to manage. Now that you are no longer inside a hut the beasts also have a greater chance of attack. All these factors are making a fishing trip incredibly dangerous. Weak ice is another factor. As the freeze and thaw cycles this should make crossing frozen areas more dangerous because the weak ice patches transform their shape. Increasing and decreasing in size according to weather. Travelling on land becomes the safer choice. During the warm season weather is different and having a different set of clothing makes sense. Travelling will be harder. Muddy and swampy areas would make it slow going and easier to get sprains. The clothing worn will need to be lighter otherwise heat stroke. Now the beast injure greater because less clothing protection. Rain is now in the forecast and a light shell looks to me like it would also keep me dry. The proper footwear would also be important. Soakers are just awful. Makes your feet rot. Gathering snow is no longer an option. Water must be sought out and if from a muddy area will need the sediment filtered. Rain collecting is very important. Aurora could make lighting thunder storms incredible. Super exciting the discharge and igniting wood ablaze. Buildings that you have all your stuff in could be burnt down. I am thinking a new season would of made the game harder as each year progresses.
  13. Pretending to be a mountain goat. Finding unusual places.
  14. Had an exciting adventure in the Timberwolf Mountain area. Leap Of Faith Footprints Down Below Flying Mountain Goat Had a sinking feeling this was a bad idea and proceeding a couple more steps I fell from this height. Nearly died.
  15. Thanks for the reply but it was not too important. Like I said it was only gameplay audio that got the chop. No big deal for me. Just curious how it interprets these things.
  16. This is strange or is it normal. Streaming with no music and no mic. Only audio is from the game. Twitch muted the audio at 1:38:55 all I did was stoke the fire? Why would this happen? Is it a glitch in the AI that scans for copyright material? I wonder what it thinks it was?
  17. I really like the ideas of barometer and almanac. My grandfather had many German weather houses. These had a gut that would twist either the male or female figurine out of the door. Did it work based on humidity? Maybe remodel it into a blizzard predictor. Does anyone know if the moon phases have any impact on the duration of blizzards. It seems that just before new/full moon there is a storm that last longer than six hours.
  18. I call this "Stinky Britches" It looks as if there is a cremation ceremony was about to take place on this thermal gitch. This is the second time I have come across this loot layout. Both times I laughed. This time I was visiting Jackrabbit Island.