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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. just gotta make sure that you set it down every once in a while and create a new placement point. I was walking from the townhouse by the the town hall up to the transition cave and when I encountered a wolf and switched to guns. book teleported back to front of the house where I had set it down originally. good thing that I hadn't walked that far just yet.
  2. Decided that Hybernia Processing plant offered me the best amenities for building out the library effort. Spent a huge amount of time schlepping this initial assortment especially the different covers, but I devised a method where I could actually carry two at a time as long as they weren't combined. So I'd put one book in my pack only and the other I would just carry using the placement tool mechanic until I reached a transition area. then I'd have to put that one i was carrying on the ground, do the transition, get to the other side, unload backpack and return. ohhh.... took me most of the week to get this far. Welcome to my reading area. how about a little nosh while brushing up on your technical skills or whatnot...
  3. damn thing is all around me... How is it that it can run like the wind outside and it cant keep up, but if I sprint thru a cave, it just keeps pace? I hate this bastard!
  4. This one's for @Screenshot Pilgrim and @peteloud Living the dream!
  5. That actually leaves you with the Hunting Lodge in Broken Railroad. It also makes it one of the oldest intact buildings on the island all things being relative to the lore if I understand the history correctly. Supposedly built by a wealthy land baron probably right around the time Mountain Town burgeoned into a thriving mining community. That probably would have been a lot sooner than any of the churches were built on the island. Considering it's age the building is in surprising excellent condition and could probably be considered a historic landmark as it relates to the Island's history. Some pretty good shelf and table space available there also for display purposes?
  6. I've shared your sentiments a few times on these forums and I too have mixed feelings about this event. But, as a diversion from the self imposed quest of another vanilla run in the sandbox, it does kinda have some appeal. At any rate, if you wanna make it just a little more interesting and challenging for yourself, try finding a bottle of syrup in each of the regions you find note in. Just adds another layer of fun if you ask me!
  7. so what I hear you saying is that if I walk backwards the whole time, it'll still be following me? 💀
  8. Outstanding, I just loved that book when I read it the first time. my most vivid memory from that story was when they decided to copy one of the original pieces and fabricated this beautiful gilded document intended as a gift if I recall correctly, using their precious colored inks and handcraft parchment paper only to have it stolen by vagabonds who mistook it's fancy appearance for something of importance only to have dismissed the priceless original as garbage. The Church as a repository for all this collected knowledge is indeed a worthy destination.
  9. it's all good... it's about the only thing that I remember being taught in college... Dr. Taylor, probably one of the best orators I've ever had the privilege to hear lecture, loved that anthropology class!
  10. Apparently the practice was fairly thoroughly documented by cultural anthropologists who studied reindeer herding tribes in Europe and Siberia. Supposedly the practice began centuries ago when the the Tribal Shamans began using it for religious practices when the hallucinatory effects were discovered. Some scientists, think these mushrooms were the inspiration for Santa Claus and other Christmas traditions, because Siberian shamans would give out bags of toadstools as presents in late December. Typically found growing under an evergreen tree, the red-and-white fungi were given as presents and many folklorists claim that the origins of our Christmas story about a man and his flying reindeer may have been due to the hallucinations the users experienced, however not all experts agree with the Santa-shamanism theory. At any rate, I think I'll pass on drinking toadstool laced deer piss as I prefer Tequila if I'm gonna get toasted!
  11. Reminds me of an excellent movie from the olden days! "Flight of the Phoenix" I was a wee lad when the first movie aired but as I recall the story takes place in the middle east during the heyday of crude oil exploration and development where a group of oil workers subsequently crash land in the deep desert and in order to survive must band together and repair their aircraft or risk a slow death from exposure. I think the original movie had Jimmie Stewart as the lead character and a subsequent remake of the film starred Dennis Quaid.
  12. Here's another one for you... Amanita muscaria aka The Toadstool With its bright red hue and distinctive white spots, this mushroom looks like the quintessential toadstool of children's fairy tales. In this case our hero has unknowingly ingested the active ingredient, Ibotenic acid, the primary active ingredient that is the main cause of the unpleasant effects being experienced by our hero. Ibotenic acid, is known for causing confusion provoking profound visual and auditory hallucinations and distortions as it effects the body's central nervous system provoking euphoria and visual and auditory distortions. How they came to be "poisoned" is more of a story in itself. But the explanation is feasible and realistically possible as well. Turns out that the forests in the Pacific Northwest are some of the best fertile grounds for growing toadstools and Great Bear Island is no exception. The fungi is often found growing among stumps and downed trees and just so happen to be some of the favorite foods craved by many deer species. Apparently the toadstools give off quite an unmistakable order that the deer are attracted to and therefore the deer are able to find them and forage for them even thru some layers of snow. Given the scarcity of other food sources, the deer on Great Bear Island have been dining on toadstools for quite a while and their urine is saturated with the accumulations of Ibotenic acid. You've probably heard that old saying... "don't you eat that yellow snow, cause that's where the huskies go!" Well you can imagine the rest... Our hero thirsty and almost suffering from dehydration unknowingly packs his two liter pot with tainted snow and slowly melts it. Regardless of treating the water with purification pills, it does nothing to remove the psycho active toxins and by this time our hero has possibly ingested a liter of this tainted brew. Probably even made some coffee and tea as well. Their immediate water supply now entirely compromised with a hallucination inducing agent they are not aware of. Combine accidental "poisoning" with the island lore of the Wenidgo and you have one powerful mind bending experience that could potentially last for days. Btw, just as an fyi, the reindeer herders have been known to intentionally drink their herds urine after feeding them toadstools as the substances that cause vomiting and nausea are filtered out by the deer's kidneys and only the hallucination causing substances are passed providing a "cleaner" high when intentionally consumed. Some would tell you that the traditional garb worn by Santa Clause and the story of his flying reindeer is a tribute to the toadstool.
  13. Can somebody clarify how these wards are supposed to work? So if I spray one on the outside of a building for example and then go inside is it still working or has it been deactivated? Conversely, if I spray one inside a building that I've just entered does it still work if I exit the building before the time is up? And, If I'm by a green fire and the 3 hour ward expires, can I paint another in the snow there and start another 3 hours?
  14. yeah, you're probably not gonna need a prybar or the hacksaw all that much and the heavy hammer is heavy after all. But I coulda/shoulda paid attention to picking up that handy revolver and all those cartridges I came across as that might come in handy on those two wolves that jumped in during my last run. Well at least I didn't drop the knife...
  15. @Glflegolas, are you still in DP now? If so, what about the two deer carcasses in the cave under the broken bridge? I sometimes find an old sleeping bag in there as well. And what about the carcass up in Katie's clearing? I dont play much Interloper so not sure if those spawn regularly there or not. But if they do, that's a good start on a pair of boots or pants if you've got the time and the resources to go harvest them? I'd say deer hides first whilst looking for that elusive bedroll.
  16. how many threads are you gonna spam with your diatribe?
  17. sure the fog is real and so are the animals. but the perception of things by our hero is skewed. During my game play, the deer ran away when spooked by my movement. And those few times I managed to encounter a wolf they attacked just like they do in the "normal" game. Wolf struggle ensued, damage was taken and given, first aide rendered, the standard drill of the game. The DarkWalker isn't killing everything in it's path... it's all in your mind and it's coming for you!
  18. With the displays, it looks almost like a museum! most of the time when I use the F10 key to capture a screen shot the resulting size is typically 12mb and when you have many pictures to upload they tend to stall and sometimes error out. I usually resize using Microsoft's Paint and reduce their size roughly 2.5mb for quicker upload speeds. I also use Paint to embellish some of the items like it appears you did with the book you captioned "the Farmstead in Winter." For the purposes of creating your library, it does indeed add tremendous depth to the project. I don't think you're violating any rules since your not using any mods and are actually creating Fan Art. Go for it, good sir. This will be a laborious endeavor if your willing to put that much detail into the quest!
  19. Yeah, good one. Aliens are real and they already walk among us... But they can't scan my brain as long as I can keep this tinfoil hat maintained!
  20. the fact that his madness chooses to begin to manifest itself during the Halloween season when the cosmic vibrations of the universe begin to open the doors between the realms of the living and the dead only make it more real and horrifying if you ask me
  21. It's all due to diet induced Schizophrenia and Color blindness Extreme Vitamin depletion has been linked to the development of schizophrenia in many individuals. Considering our hero hasn't had an fresh fruits or vegetable for a considerable long time, they'd be lacking in a ton of essential Vitamins like, C, A, D and B12. All sorts of physical ailments would be developing as a result. Lack of Vitamin C effects on mental functioning is impacted as dopamine levels are affected in the brain in turn developing into elementary schizophrenia. Symptoms would/could be delusions and hallucinations, both auditory and visual explaining the noises that our hero hears as things go "bump" in the night. As to why the fires seem green, well that too is a result of diet insufficiency. Seems our hero's diet doesn't have enough Vitamin A in it either so their eyesight has been affected as well. In our hero's case, with a color shift from the red to green spectrum. Hallucinations, feelings of paranoia and delusions have been linked to Vitamin D depletion and apparently Vitamin B12 depletion can exacerbate any mental illness symptom from anxiety to depression and panic. Yeah, so the DarkWalker is a very real manifestation of hero becoming consumed by his own mental illness brought on by extreme vitamin deficiencies due to their diet. As their physical and cognitive functions are impaired, they begin to hear and see things. Delusions begin to emerge in their thinking further inflaming their descent into madness. How else would you explain thinking that spray painting some squiggely symbols on a wall is going to ward away evil. Now combine that with impaired vision, everything you see is green now and as our hero's physical health begins to be affected, eyesight failure ie, feelings of paranoia that something is out to get you. All the while your spinning out of control you begin to pump your self full of stimulants. You begin quaffing energy drinks and caffeine. You only sleep in small increments, 2 hours max, not allowing enough time for REM sleep so you aren't really getting any rest. As the disease continues to eat away the mind of our beloved survivor, their descent into madness continues as they seek to escape the darkness of the emptiness of their own soul. Eventually of course you can't run anymore, your cold, tired, thirsty and hungry. You've run as far as you can run. With no where else to turn, no where else to run, your blood slowly creeping in your veins, your organs begin to shut down... Death is Inevitable ...The DarkWalker approaches
  22. ...why was I under the impression that the DarkWalker was the only thing stalking me? But then Fluffy's progeny appeared after I had cleared DP and CH only to jump me outside of Trapper's? Should have known something was up when both Spectral fires yielded a firearm with ammo... enough anxiety coping with an anxiety inducing entity bent on killing me...