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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. good idea for a new thread... the sleeping dead... not to be confused with the sitting dead...
  2. who knows what episode 4 will bring us? probably takes quite a while to redo the entire coastal highway shore line from scratch! keep your fingers crossed!
  3. I was thinking that a prepper cache would make a great repository for knowledge. Hidden away and preserved for future generations... at least you gotta a lotta tools out of there, eh?
  4. Unfortunately they cannot be moved. They either sit where you find them or disappear into side quest missions if you pick them up. I had the same thought of bringing them altogether but the idea didn't pan out. sorry
  5. I'd second that notion! I've always figured that there is a vast complex of tunnels and corridors linking the various regions together and if only those metal gates weren't in the way. Maybe parts that are blocked could be "re-opened" by having to move some materials around? maybe even a few lifts that would require you carry around a couple or three of those fuses like in Episode 3, to get them operational just long enough to transition into the next regions underground network.
  6. I was thinking maybe you could photo shop them into a small area in your library?
  7. Here you go... 4th and final book of the Tall Tales Series I kinda wish there were more books like this in game. Maybe a couple per region? Timberwolf Mountain could have the story of the Canadian Yeti or better yet Hushed River Valley with tales of the Wendigo!
  8. So many dead bodies, so many untold stories... I'm pretty sure there are still some undiscovered sitting dead, please feel free to add your discoveries when you come across them. Still lots of regions to explore and with the new regions coming, even more opportunities to add to the collection!
  9. You know what's been growing on me lately for a long term lair is the Hunting Lodge in the Broken Railway Region. It's also one of the oldest intact buildings on the island all things being relative to the lore if I understand the history correctly. Supposedly built by a wealthy land baron probably right around the time Mountain Town burgeoned into a thriving mining community. Considering it's age the building is in surprising excellent condition and could probably be considered a historic landmark as it relates to the Island's history. Some pretty good shelf and table space available there also for storage and display purposes? So, considering the age of the building and the changes in tenancy over the years, the ole lodge apparently has weathered quite well all things considered! You have all the amenities that you might need including 6 burner stove, stone fire place with gun rack. Downstairs you have plenty of shelving for bulk storage, materials and of course the ever functional workbench. I kinda figured the maybe that the wealthy owner of the railroad yard was responsible for some of the modernization. Besides bringing the power and phone lines up, they managed to bring in a luxurious soaking tub. considering there wasn't any plumbing, somebody had to heat water on the stove down below and bring it up to fill the tub. hence the three buckets in the tub. 🛀 Directly outside your doors, both forward and rear entrances you have access to ample fuel sources and supplies. The nearby rabbit population is prolific enough to keep you satiated and you'll have an endless supply of pelts and hides with which to craft many mittens and caps. The occasional patrolling wolf is easily dispatched also providing your domicile with fresh meat and pelts further helping to feed and cloth you regularly. The immediate vicinity is also features a known moose spawn point practically outside your door and with a quick glance off the ledge you can eyeball the bear cave down below in the valley to see if ole grumpy is on the prowl. With an easily accessible hunters blind just outside the protected fenced in area, you have a covered structure from which you can survey the lake and surroundings for game. The only downside is no fishing shack, so if your planning on using lanterns for lighting, you must plan to bring a good supply of lamp fuel oil. I was just there recently and wasn't in a hurry to leave anytime soon...
  10. I don't necessarily think that Green Survivor mode is giving you any more loot than the next level up. There does seem to be quite a bit effect on how aggressive wovles and timberwolves are in the game between the various difficulties so dont be surprised if you have to work a little harder staying alive in Capable mode. It's pretty satisfying though when you get that first shot kill shot and you can just see all the wolf morale just pop like a bubble! Game on!
  11. Another fine read from story mode Booklet entitled "Ghost Stag"
  12. 🎶 There was twenty feet between them When they stopped to make their play And the swiftness of the Doctor is still talked about today Ole Timber had not pounced yet fore the bullets they all hit And the Doctor's aim was deadly, with the big iron on her hip Big iron on her hip 🎶
  13. Books got me chasing the side quests within side quests now... Here's another for the library found this in one of Joplin's bunkers I wish they would port these over into survival mode. I'd collect them that's for sure
  14. Wintermute Episode 3 You've heard of Lover's Leap? or is it Lover's Lament? I recently discovered the bodies of two missing Pleasant Valley teens who apparently thought it was a good idea to make their date night rendezvous a romantic adventure deep in the recesses of the mountains behind a deadly underground waterfall. From the looks of things, they had a nice meal of grilled rabbit and cooked beans. I think the empty bottle of Crown Royal nearby was the catalyst of their demise.
  15. story mode, episode 2 access creek between Carter Hydro and Mystery Lake
  16. Found this today as I was starting Episode 3 was thinking of how cool would this be for the library!
  17. lol, Drunken me ..."is it just my imagination but do these taste kinda fishy to you too?"
  18. Wintermute Episode 2 I wonder how long this guy has been stuck in this elevator? Fairly long, I'm certain. His backpack was empty, a candy bar wrapper on the floor and an empty tin can. he died a slow and lonely death with only the banging sounds of the decaying dam constantly reminding him he is locked in this icy metal coffin.
  19. Coming across another corpse in this game isn't a new thing but finding a corpse kneeling to death is definitely a new one for me! Another one of those escape's from the prison, this guy died pretty much from exposure. When I looted his lifeless body his backpack contained a new bag of Beef Jerky. Found a note while turning out his pockets, seems he was aware that his crimes and poor decisions had led him to this end. RIP Convict
  20. yeah, we all wish it was too... Been talked about many many times since it was introduced back in the redux of story mode. some interesting threads if you feel like it's worth your time looking them up
  21. Found the perfect spot to hunker down and avoid the onslaught of this bear's blood lust. I was able to crouch under the railing bars at the antenna and found a little cozy spot where the beast couldn't reach me. I watched for quite some time as he reared up trying to intimidate me, but I took my time. Ate a little snack, had a nice cup of cold coffee before I finally stepped outside the confines of my metal bear cage and stabbed and jabbed his royal highness until he finally gave up the fight. I just know he'll be back...
  22. Wintermute Episode 2 In the Bear's Den I'm pretty banged up from getting my ass drug across halfway across FM and as I'm slowly creeping about the bear cave trying to find a way out, I come across this poor soul. Looks like he too was a victim to this bear's ravenous appetite for human flesh! His name was Eliza and he was Desperately trying to meet up with some companions out on CH according to a note I found on him as I was looting an unused bandage and some antiseptic from his lifeless body. but as you can see he never made it that far. At least he deprived that old bear of a meal or two... RIP Eliza