Outside snow is VERY bright??


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To my knowledge I have not changed any settings on The Long Dark and when I go outside the snowscape is EXTREMELY bright, almost to the point that I cannot see anything. I checked my display settings and nothing has been changed. Everything else on my system looks normal - just the outside environment in TLD.

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I had the same problem lately, but it only happened once so far - during sunshine + wind at noon. A few rl minutes later the sky became cloudy and the brightness level returned to normal again. (I did neither change any TLD nor graphic card nor monitor gamma settings at any point.)

I'm thus not sure if this is really a graphics bug... it might also be the Dev's attempt to simulate some kind of snow blindness. But it's definitely pretty painful to watch if you're sensitive to brightness.

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I have this issue sometimes.

Mainly when I wake up after a sleep in the Timberwolf Hut, if the weather is sunny, the snow from outside is really bright.

It's reajusted few seconds after i walk outside.

It might be a feature, but the execution is not right, imho, because that looks much more like a bug

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What I did was to completely log out of TLD and when I got back in, everything was fine. This obviously is a bug and should be looked at by the devs. I know that the devs are very busy, but it does not appear that they are answering any questions in the forum anymore, has anybody else noticed this?

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For me when I look directly down onto the snow in front of my feet, gamma gets severely darkened instantly. Once I look up to the horizon, the brightness is increased again. Looks kinda odd, since these changes appear instantly, instead of being some kind of smooth transition, in which case it would be fine since this could simulate the players' retina absorbing more light.

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I noticed that too and thought (think) that it is intentional. Sunlight reflected off snow can be blinding. I'm worried, though, what this game might do to human eyesight in the long run. Especially when support for VR (Oculus Rift and the like) is introduced.

Not that any work with PC is good for your eyes, but I haven't seen screens so bright for so long periods of time in another game/application.

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Drifter Man - has Hinterland stated that they will support Oculus Rift? I am familiar with it but do not know what it entails for a software manufacturer to become compatible? Wouldn't that be amazing! You would feel like you are completely immersed in the environment.

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yeah I have noticed it does looks a lot brighter on a sunny day as well v3.02

Maybe they experimenting with new brightness and need to source eye protection. Sun glasses or make them yourself type like i mentioned in this post yonks ago.


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Intentional or not, the snow & ice can get way too bright under certain lighting conditions, completely swamping any textural detail and making the game unpleasant to play. It feels much more like a bug (or visual design overstatement) than an attempt to imitate actual conditions. A glare of that intensity would be highly dependent on sun position and view direction, but instead is present for all views. Should be reduced/fixed.

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