TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, Part Five -- "Last Horizon", Launches June 24th at 10AM Pacific


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On 6/20/2024 at 12:32 PM, thekillergreece said:

And a second DLC soon after.

Right? ….. right?


Looking forward for the last part and episode! Late 2024 is gonna be great, whenever they come.

I hope this is the case too @Raphael van Lieropdid say that the light at the end of all things would be the end of Wintermute but not the end of the long dark so I’m holding out hope we will either see the continuation of will and Astrid’s story or continue to have dlcs that continue to change and grow the island and it’s mysteries 

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3 minutes ago, Enigmaecho said:

I hope this is the case too @Raphael van Lieropdid say that the light at the end of all things would be the end of Wintermute but not the end of the long dark so I’m holding out hope we will either see the continuation of will and Astrid’s story or continue to have dlcs that continue to change and grow the island and it’s mysteries 

It could be either more DLC for survival/story of which I'll gladly pay or a potential sequel in the future. Perhaps after their next upcoming game which was teased on the Twitter.

Looking forward to them in either case.

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On 6/18/2024 at 4:42 PM, dominik89 said:

Dude, will the next DLC update come in September? Because he has a goal of releasing the 5th Episode by the end of this year and December, choosing which one to release and how will be a big challenge.It was also said that there was a possibility that surprises that were not on the list when the DLC was released would come to the expansion pack. I hope there will be things that will add color to the game.For example, Food part 2, Clothes, new mechanics etc.

Raph mentioned when part four dropped that harvesting and clothing on hands was a first venture and they were targeting other animations as well I’m hoping to see ones for climbing(just the presence of arms and legs over the floating camera not an animation like harvest) , fire making and fishing but will like whatever animations they drop in, I hope we get a few more recipes for the can I like that we have bannock now, and I’ll hope for binoculars until the last lol

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2 minutes ago, thekillergreece said:

It could be either more DLC for survival/story of which I'll gladly pay or a potential sequel in the future. Perhaps after their next upcoming game which was teased on the Twitter.

Looking forward to them in either case.

100% honesty I will be greatly disappointed if we were to have a sequel separate from the original, I’d happily pay 80$ for a sequel within the game have have it be something like an ESO where we can explore all of great bear as it exists now and then explore a dozen new regions and new story within the same game but a sequel separate where it’s still great bear but you can’t go to any of the old locations or you can but they just get the destroyed remains treatment then it’ll miss the mark, I’m probably an outlier though, I have a lot of sentiment tied into the decade I’ve grown with the game 

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1 hour ago, Enigmaecho said:

100% honesty I will be greatly disappointed if we were to have a sequel separate from the original, I’d happily pay 80$ for a sequel within the game have have it be something like an ESO where we can explore all of great bear as it exists now and then explore a dozen new regions and new story within the same game but a sequel separate where it’s still great bear but you can’t go to any of the old locations or you can but they just get the destroyed remains treatment then it’ll miss the mark, I’m probably an outlier though, I have a lot of sentiment tied into the decade I’ve grown with the game 

Well count me in. There's literally nothing else like this game, so I hope for further content post Wintermute and TFTFT DLC. If the studio have to kickstart it so those like us can put in a bunch of money then I'm all for it. As far as I am concerned the money spent on TLD is miniscule when compared to the value I have got from it. As you say I doubt there are enough of us who would pay a high price for a 2nd DLC for that to be viable as a flat asking price, but there may be enough who would back it with it being sold for a more normal DLC price. Anyway I will keep my fingers crossed for the future. At the end of the day it also depends on HL's desire to continue after so long and whether they have new ideas that gets their creative juices flowing.

Time will tell I guess. :)

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23 minutes ago, borishu said:

The numerous comments... Do you mean all the ones from most recently? Sure yeah they have posts saying that Nintendo has made it difficult in the past month or two. But that doesn't negate my point about months long spans of job updates, no information on the FAQ or commonly known issues page. There literally STILL isn't anything on the switch support pages, despite there being a statement "this was updated June 24, 2024 and is updated monthly". No other platform is treated this way. 


The updates given for EVERY other console are extensive, explaining content, work process, what's to come, what's been fixed, etc. 


Every single "update" we get for switch is just "we tried and failed to send anything out. Check back in a few weeks to months" and then the exact same disclaimer. 


I'm not saying it's unreasonable to take more time for switch since dev work for it is difficult. But acting like the Switch community has been kept in the loop or upkept to the same level of any other platform is a blatant lie. 


Yes you are a mod. Your volunteer duty is to make sure people play nice. That's great, happy for you. That doesn't change that the devs and staff of the game have ignored and shoved Switch players aside again and again, and again, and continue to show disregard to any of the players. Looking through the "numerous comments" on the entire forum, the only responses Switch players have received from devs in the past year have been "check the dev diary" or "we'll get to it when we can"

There is constant prioritization of everyone else but Switch. Every other platform there is commentary and conversation about the process. Switch players? Get fucked I guess. 


But yeah sure. My one comment about being a grandma before the game is finished definitely negates all of that. 

Being sarcastic,rude and antagonistic is unnecessary . So is swearing,and also against forum rules.

Besides that I can't speak for what's going on with the switch internally..  in my experience they share news when they have a definite answer..  @Raphael van Lierop has said himself the very same thing.


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  • Hinterland

@borishu The mods aren't here to be your punching bag. We've shared info on the Switch status and when we have more to say about it we'll share more. 

As @Leeanda said, it's ok to be upset on unhappy, but it's not ok to be rude or hostile. Take a breath, and if you don't think you can operate according to Community Guidelines, perhaps you'd prefer to hang out in one of the other TLD communities that is "less moderated".

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  • Hinterland
On 6/26/2024 at 11:04 AM, Enigmaecho said:

I hope this is the case too @Raphael van Lieropdid say that the light at the end of all things would be the end of Wintermute but not the end of the long dark so I’m holding out hope we will either see the continuation of will and Astrid’s story or continue to have dlcs that continue to change and grow the island and it’s mysteries 

Episode Five will definitely be the end of WINTERMUTE.

As for what comes after Episode Five -- not sure yet. If I'm being brutally honest, the last few years of TLD development haven't been much fun. Increasingly it feels like we are at odds with a part of our community -- the whole "I love the game but hate the studio" crowd -- that has become increasingly hostile and vocal against us, and it makes it tough to look forward to releasing more stuff.

At the end of the day, TLD is a labour of love for us but the love maybe isn't quite as strong as it was in the past. We've definitely made some mistakes along the way and if I had to do it over again I'd approach some things differently, no doubt. I'm not sure I see more DLC in the future, at least not the way things feel right now.

For the time being, we're focused on finishing Episode Five, and getting TALES wrapped up, and then we'll see what happens. There's certainly no shortage of ideas or opportunities to expand TLD. We could work on it for 100 more years if we wanted to, and never run out of things to do. But based on the past 10+ years, 10 more years of getting browbeaten by folks is maybe not the best way to spend your life?

We'll see I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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That's a very sad statement ..I can only imagine how disheartening it must be for you all..

But there are a lot of us who do really love the game and not just that but all you've done for it ,and your players..   your love for the game comes through loud and clear to me..

But maybe if you feel you need a break ,know there'll be people waiting for whatever you bring..

If it's over then it's been one hell of a run...and you should be extremely proud of what you've achieved.

My money will be sitting there ready to buy the next dlc😊 especially if we can throw snowballs at the bears




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14 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

But based on the past 10+ years, 10 more years of getting browbeaten by folks is maybe not the best way to spend your life?

It can't be that bad, is it? I mostly see only praise for the Studio and the Game on Social and here in the forum whenever you release something new, apart from "that" streamer and his followers maybe. Be proud of what you accomplished and try to ignore the hate of some, the Internet is not a nice place for the most part. And maybe don't release any games on Switch anymore, people can't complain to Nintendo so they bash you 😕

But TLD means a lot to many players all over the world and it was life changing for me in so many ways. I've never encountered a Studio which communicated more clearly and honest than Hinterland, right from the first alpha release and through v1.0 and beyond. Where other Studios become silent once they've got some success, Hinterland turned the nob to 11 and engaged even more with the community. I know I am not the only one when I say that I have nothing but Love for Hinterland, which is the first time I've ever felt this way for a gaming company.

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17 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

At the end of the day, TLD is a labour of love for us but the love maybe isn't quite as strong as it was in the past. We've definitely made some mistakes along the way and if I had to do it over again I'd approach some things differently, no doubt. I'm not sure I see more DLC in the future, at least not the way things feel right now.


We could work on it for 100 more years if we wanted to, and never run out of things to do. But based on the past 10+ years, 10 more years of getting browbeaten by folks is maybe not the best way to spend your life?

We'll see I guess. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Not trying to say you shouldn't feel the way you feel about this. Your creation, your feelings and of course, that means that if you've put some love in, it's going to hurt if people piss on that.

That said, the internet allows people to speak to each other in ways they would never dream of in real life. And unfortunately, that social media way of not actually discussing and not listening then reflects back on real life and makes social media even worse.

Essentially, all this means it doesn't matter whether you continue with DLC for TLD or work on something new entirely - some people will not like it and will think the fact they've paid $xx for it gives them the right to tell you that in language that isn't acceptable. Sad to say, that can't be avoided.

Ignore the idiots. Of course those who can't contain their anger have the loudest voices. But the continued sales tell you they're the minority.

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@borishu, icymi they did say they'd likely be releasing the dlc and other updates middle of this month.

It's at the start of this thread in fact.


"The Switch version of TALES, launching with Parts One-Four, has unfortunately been delayed by a week due to complications with the Nintendo certification process. We are now aiming for a mid-July launch of Parts One-Four on Switch, with Part Five launching approximately a month afterwards."

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Sad reading in this thread today. 

FWIW @Raphael van Lierop - there are many many more players who love the game & the studio & who don't sweat the schedule or the hiccups along the way. Too bad that the negative voices are loudest. This is a great game & has been an awesome journey to see all the new content & how it's absolutely blossomed over the many years. Sorry that the community experience has soured... send my kudos & appreciation for what it's worth. :coffee:


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@borishu.... Man.... I say this as a fellow Switch owner & avid gamer on both PC & Switch: how can you be surprised?? I have seen so, so many PC -> Switch ports get mired in delays, technical challenges, bugs, poor performance, more delays, and just mess. This isn't an HL issue. Do you really need to be told over & over again, "not ready yet"? 

As Switch owners & adult gamers, it's really become on us to recognise that buying in-development games that are being ported to Switch is a gamble.

Heck - Minecraft - a game that must have an unfathomable budget, staff & importance.... is a buggy, slow, dumpster fire on Switch & my money is on the fact that porting big PC games to Switch is a near impossible slog. Green Hell has the same problem. I could name more.

((Sadly I think Green Hell gave up on pushing the rest of their updates to Switch. 🤣😭))

Put a pin in it.... play something else, and someday maybe you'll get a pleasant surprise when it's finished & launched to Switch. Don't just wait around gnashing teeth about it.


Life is too short for this grief over a game.

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In fact, all of this ridiculous grief and CONSTANT complaining being pushed on the Devs resulted in me losing out on playing the Cougar at all.  I logged back in on Steam to continue my run in Sundered Pass only to discover I was being updated onto a removal of the Cougar.  
Thanks Complainers.  Solid work.  Not.  

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