TALES, Part Five, tease...

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3 hours ago, turtle777 said:

Expert players never travel without at least a few coal. 


There are many many ways to play the game, not just one. And what you think of as "expert player" will be defined differently by different people.

I often travel without coal, especially in the more mild regions like MT or ML, where there isn't a ton of coal to be found. I always have 20 sticks and accelerant or lamp oil with me, but only carry coal in the really cold and blizzard-prone regions. Though I will stockpile it in caves or containers found along travel paths I use often, if I have enough. Corpses can be used as permanent containers in out of the way places, to hold water, food with low or no decay, and firestarting materials like books, coal, and matches.

But that's *my* playstyle in Stalker runs, which varies from my Pilgrim, Voyageur, and Interloper playstyles. (Totally different playstyles and strategies for different modes, which can also change depending on what circumstances I find myself in, in any of them.) What works for me may not work for you or anyone else.

"Some players rarely travel without at least a few coal." might be a better way to put it. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/5/2024 at 11:02 PM, Frantz70 said:

what you will bring with yourself venturing in the new region ? i am playing a custom stalker with a few interloper elements (and a slower item decay because i like to collect food). Since is a 800 days old game i dont want to take risks... so Vaughn's Rifle with at least 30 rounds, some good wood (at the end freezing is always the bigger risk), at least 6 cloth, 2 leather, 6 antibiotics, at least 6 bandages, 6 flares, one 100% for each repair item, modified bedroll... i dont want to die.

Stalker here! 

I've entered the zone of contamination region a few days ago myself!( real life days😁) and am almost finished with the quest. 

The region is not that cold, although with the clothes I have on I'm rarely cold anywhere (bear coat, puffed rad jacket, snow pants, leather beige gloves and boots, and so on). Ballistic vest + bear coat and you can take all the punching the region is throwing at you! I would take a bit of food though...you will find plenty eventually but I found myself almost starving in some portions of the map and being super paranoid by wolves at first made me less prone to stick my nose around every corner. I've entered with around 30 rounds and almost ran out before I started finding more. I usually opt for arrows but I was too nervous and wasn't taking any chances 😁

All on all, 3/4 of the region is mapped out and I'm much less jumpy by now :)

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2 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:


But that's *my* playstyle in Stalker runs, which varies from my Pilgrim, Voyageur, and Interloper playstyles. (Totally different playstyles and strategies for different modes, which can also change depending on what circumstances I find myself in, in any of them.) 

Oh totally 

I used to play almost exclusively on interloper and used to always carry at least one piece of coal with me in case I need a quick warm-me-up or protection- against-a-wolf-or-a-bear bonfire. And because the hatchet is such a precious thing I would use it only when it's absolutely necessary, wasting its condition on branches just felt unacceptable! 😁 but now I'm on stalker and carrying a rather heavy coal around felt just stupid. Why would I? When there are hatchets  lying around, I'm bursting with loot, instead of a bonfire I have a Rifle for protection strutting around In the best clothes there are almost never cold 

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On 5/6/2024 at 11:18 AM, Frantz70 said:

 (but i dont know if i will carry a lantern...) 

I think you will find one 😬 

Btw, I found a ridiculous amount of flares 

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On 5/5/2024 at 5:15 PM, Leeanda said:

You'd need a lot of gold nuggets to get that much money😊

Btw, I found one!! For the first time ever!! What do I do with it?....it's useless,  isn't it? Maybe once the trader is introduced we will be able to use it?

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3 hours ago, turtle777 said:

Ok, let me put it like this:

If you think you are an expert player, and you get caught in a blizzard without fuel, and then die, then you are no expert player. Don't give me a bad luck spiel, the point about being good at TLD is that you always have a plan B, plan C and Plan D. 


Well, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this. How you think of yourself as a player is your opinion. Other players are allowed to hold their own opinions of themselves- IMHO, you do not get to tell other people how to play the game or think of themselves.

Mistakes in the game happen. Something that you did or did not do 5 in-game days ago can come back to ruin you if the game gives you a run of bad RNG. Using mods, everyone can be a "perfect" player, but playing a vanilla game without Custom settings or third party mods- bad luck and bad decisions made days ago can kill a run. Absolutely for newer players still learning the game, and even for "expert" players trying something new or going into a new region they do not yet know well.

3 hours ago, turtle777 said:

But you will also not die on Pilgrim in a blizzard. You know what you're doing.


Maybe not @ManicManiac 😉, but long-time players who play only Pilgrim, or play mostly Pilgrim do so all the time, especially on really long runs, where they have become a bit complacent. Again, you don't get to decide how people play the game, or how they feel about their knowledge of the game and their ability to play it. I disagree with you on this. And that's fine. If we all thought exactly alike and played every game the exact same way... what a boring world we would be in.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, turtle777 said:

Agreed. But you will also not die on Pilgrim in a blizzard. You know what you're doing.


And the rest of us don't?   Rather insulting I think.  

And what ThePancakeLady said...

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6 hours ago, bysinda said:

Btw, I found one!! For the first time ever!! What do I do with it?....it's useless,  isn't it? Maybe once the trader is introduced we will be able to use it?

It seems to have no use, at least for now anyway..   mine is in the fridge lol.. not sure if it has a decay rate or not actually.

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

It seems to have no use, at least for now anyway..   mine is in the fridge lol.. not sure if it has a decay rate or not actually.

Would be wierd if it did😁


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5 hours ago, turtle777 said:

Ok, let me put it like this:

If you think you are an expert player, and you get caught in a blizzard without fuel, and then die, then you are no expert player. Don't give me a bad luck spiel, the point about being good at TLD is that you always have a plan B, plan C and Plan D. 


Is not that easy. When you have played for years there are countless times you have left for a trip not fully equipped because mainly over-confidence, and :

A) you want to check a spot before returning to base... you dont want to make the long trip again, so you venture with some of your items depleted, even fuel. Lets not forget that in a blizzard and at night you need A LOT of fuel to not freeze outdoor (if you got lost for example). 

B) simply being lazy, "i can do that without problem" , but then you meet a bear behind a turn, you fall from a rock, a struggle with a wolf .... 

C) many incidents at work happen for people being over-confident , so expert workers (or players in this case) are even more prone to errors because of over confidence. 

D) at Stalker for example loot is a big motivation to play, so you tend to go light to be able to carry more... And often you carry less "fuel" that is one of the most heavy thing. 

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Frantz70 said:

Is not that easy. When you have played for years there are countless times you have left for a trip not fully equipped because mainly over-confidence, and :

A) you want to check a spot before returning to base... you dont want to make the long trip again, so you venture with some of your items depleted, even fuel. Lets not forget that in a blizzard and at night you need A LOT of fuel to not freeze outdoor (if you got lost for example). 

B) simply being lazy, "i can do that without problem" , but then you meet a bear behind a turn, you fall from a rock, a struggle with a wolf .... 

C) many incidents at work happen for people being over-confident , so expert workers (or players in this case) are even more prone to errors because of over confidence. 

D) at Stalker for example loot is a big motivation to play, so you tend to go light to be able to carry more... And often you carry less "fuel" that is one of the most heavy thing. 

I agree on this, I died in stalker mode once on Bleak Inlet, entirely due to over confidence and basically being greedy, and it was a reminder for me after 1000s of hours of play you can get things wrong,.

But then even now one still takes risks, my main character got suprised by a bear in fog and stumbled back on about 15% condition, but thats what makes the game great, with no fast travel and hacks, sometimes you just think, its a quick walk, I don't need to take x and y, and of course 9 times out of 10, you don't need to take them.

That said, I think the main thing that saves 'expert' players IMHO is map knowledge, when you know the maps really well, you can very often get yourself out of most scrapes, and I suspect that has saved my life more than any bit of kit.

Edited by chrislacruz
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

I did none of that. I did not mention or direct my comments at anyone in particular, and made just general comments. 

I might have different standards to what I consider an expert, but that’s neither rude, insulting or condescending.   


Your comments are implying that how others play is not  right,or expert enough..   myself included.. 

Whether intended or not that is how it sounds.

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Posted (edited)


I can respect anybody's opinion... but I just don't think you are qualified to sit in judgement of other people's playstyles or as Gate Keeper of what/who qualifies as an "expert player."

The issue I find with your statements is that you seem to be suggesting that folks who don't play the way you envision an "expert" would... this implies that those who don't play with those particular strategies, then you are essentially calling their skills into question.  Even though you yourself have no idea of the skill level of any other player (apart from perhaps some YouTubers that you perhaps might watch). 


[This bit is intended for everyone]
I suggest we all move on now...
I don't think this particular side bar is constructive in any way. 

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Posted (edited)

[Posts removed]
Again... let's not continue to stir up this sidebar.  
No one player has the right to sit in judgement of other people's playstyles.
So, let's let it alone now.


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Anyways, back to the topic lol...


Far fetched theory, but... every time we've gotten a new predator, we've also gotten a new weapon... 

Wolf --> Rifle (obviously, that's how it started)

Bear --> Bow

Timberwolves --> Revolver

Cougar --> ??? 

(Moose isn't a predator so that doesn't count)

What if we get the bear spear this update!? Of course, I doubt it, but you never know. Also wondering if the bear spear is still a possibility in the future or if that was simply abandoned a long time ago. What if it's in the Hunted part 3?

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Posted (edited)

I tend to agree...
I do think we have more than enough weapons in the game already.

That being said... if Hinterland did choose to add another [firearm], I would of course respect that (and simply choose for myself if I ever want to use it or just ignore/scrap it).

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Pencil said:

Anyways, back to the topic lol...


Far fetched theory, but... every time we've gotten a new predator, we've also gotten a new weapon... 

Wolf --> Rifle (obviously, that's how it started)

Bear --> Bow

Timberwolves --> Revolver

Cougar --> ??? 

(Moose isn't a predator so that doesn't count)

What if we get the bear spear this update!? Of course, I doubt it, but you never know. Also wondering if the bear spear is still a possibility in the future or if that was simply abandoned a long time ago. What if it's in the Hunted part 3?

I would love to have the bear spear, but am not sure how it would work against a Cougar. Will we have enough time to set it and plant it before it springs? Getting the timing and placement right on that was a bit tricky against the bear in Episode 2 of Wintermute. It could work though, but it really depends on how the Cougar attacks and where from (on the ground or from above).

And don't forget the new flash-bangs (noisemakers) we got with the timberwolves. Not great for hunting, but as a defensive tool? Those things work great to break pack morale and send them running, and if landed in the right spot, they kill timbies and regular wolves pretty easily.

Edited by ThePancakeLady
Typo correction, what else?
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Posted (edited)

I agree that the game doesn't need another weapon. But I mention it since the original plan was to eventually add in the bear spear several years ago. It would have it's strengths and weaknesses similar to something like the revolver and have it's own purpose, so it wouldn't be out of place. 

The game does not have a non-firearm/shooting weapon yet, so I think it would be fitting. 


9 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

And don't forget the new flash-bangs (noisemakers) we got with the timberwolves. Not great for hunting, but as a defensive tool? Those thing work great to break pack morale and send them running, and if landed in the right spot, they kill timbies and regular wolves pretty easily.

Yes and those. Since the revolver was already added when noisemakers came about, they seemed to be rarely used and underrated. I hope they become more valuable with the cougar. A sure way to deter them.

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3 minutes ago, Pencil said:

I agree that the game doesn't need another weapon. But I mention it since the original plan was to eventually add in the bear spear several years ago. It would have it's strengths and weaknesses similar to something like the revolver and have it's own purpose, so it wouldn't be out of place. 

The game does not have a non-firearm/shooting weapon yet, so I think it would be fitting. 


Yes and those. Since the revolver was already added when noisemakers came about, they seemed to be rarely used and underrated. I hope they become more valuable with the cougar. A sure way to deter them.

The noisemakers are great for multiple ptarmigan kills. One can kill the whole lot in one go if you land it right

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1 minute ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Nice! I honestly never even thought to try that. Now I will! :D

It's better if they're not walking around so much, you might tend to hold onto the noisemaker too long if they are 😁. Nearly blew myself up once or twice because of that.

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7 hours ago, Pencil said:

I agree that the game doesn't need another weapon. But I mention it since the original plan was to eventually add in the bear spear several years ago. It would have it's strengths and weaknesses similar to something like the revolver and have it's own purpose, so it wouldn't be out of place. 

The game does not have a non-firearm/shooting weapon yet, so I think it would be fitting. 


Yes and those. Since the revolver was already added when noisemakers came about, they seemed to be rarely used and underrated. I hope they become more valuable with the cougar. A sure way to deter them.

I am totally in favour for the bear spear.

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