TALES, Part Five, tease...

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Now, that’s what I like: teases while we wait!

my theory was that we would get cougars with mountain pass release.

cougars confirmed for part 5, yay. If the new region doesn’t come this part, I would imagine we will encounter it in existing mountain regions. Hopefully it won’t be DLC-regions exclusive!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, thekillergreece said:

Now, that’s what I like: teases while we wait!

my theory was that we would get cougars with mountain pass release.

cougars confirmed for part 5, yay. If the new region doesn’t come this part, I would imagine we will encounter it in existing mountain regions. Hopefully it won’t be DLC-regions exclusive!

I have a feeling it won't be region exclusive but it will be restricted to paid content like the Ptarmigans.


Also I hope the update is happening soon, I'm getting tired of jokers out there saying it's not going to happen till next year.

Edited by rush247
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I do have a new theory with the cougars. I think with their addition, we'll also get global wildlife refresh. Imo, it wouldn't make much sense to add new cougar spawn points but not refresh the existing (very old!) wildlife spawn points. :)

Hope my theory is proved right 😁

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8 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

Hah, no don't worry 

The cougar will (probably) ignore you if you are playing on pilgrim. Just like bears, wolves, timbies, or moose.

The DLC already makes the game easier because of many of its features, so i wouldn't worry about it.

You'll be able to enjoy a peaceful stroll through great bear just fine.
Just be careful with blizzards, it's the one thing that consistently kills pilgrim players because they last longer than usual

I don't think I've ever died from a blizzard..   or heard of many other pilgrimers doing so either..


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5 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

I see new players who play on pilgrim dying from blizzards all the time

They don't know the maps yet so they get lost and die from the cold. In pilgrim the weather variability is low, so when a weather pattern shows up (sun, snow, fog), it will last longer until something else comes. This also applies to blizzards, which makes it harder to survive a blizzard without shelter because it will last for longer than on voyager or stalker.

The cold is like the one thing that can kill you on pilgrim, so blizzards are basically the only thing you have to worry about

You do?  On ytube ?  I don't think I've seen anyone playing pilgrim ,except zak..

I can understand new players dying from them ,or the cold that comes with it anyway,but I don't think that's just pilgrim players.. most new players will die regardless of difficulty early on ...   I know what you mean though and I get why you said that but I don't think it is the biggest killer on pilgrim overall..

I'd rather suspect that it's either they kill themselves, for whatever reason or an unexpected mauling .. 




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7 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

You do?  On ytube ?  I don't think I've seen anyone playing pilgrim ,except zak..

I have several friends on Steam who only play Pilgrim, and have thousands of hours into the game in Pilgrim only. They don't stream, but document their adventures via screenshots, often making special rules for themselves or using the Pilgrim Template in the Custom Toolbox and changing just a setting or 2 or 3. Dying of cold or dehydration seems to be the most common way they fade into The Long Dark, though starvation happens from time to time if they set a rule for themselves to do a Vegan Challenge (no eating any animal products of any kind and no crafting any animal hide clothing). Zappy Zappy Fry Fry by stepping on wires during an Aurora too- that will kill any of us, in any mode.

There's a million ways to play this game (thankfully). 

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

@Leeanda On discord

Also can you even get mauled on pilgrim?


Yes you can....  I did my 'i finally got mauled ' thread on pilgrim...  And even though they are on passive it still states that only if they're not provoked..

I've had many a bear try and get me,and even had a good stomping twice..😁


I should say ,that Astrid is one tough lady... I've killed her off many times and sometimes it's taken quite a while ..

I once stripped her off and let her sleep in the middle of the field near PV farm.. for 12 hours,and it only took about a third of her life off. I then ran her ragged until completely exhausted ,thirsty and starving ,and made her sleep again and it still took a full on blizzard the second morning to finally finish her off

Edited by Leeanda
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5 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

I have several friends on Steam who only play Pilgrim, and have thousands of hours into the game in Pilgrim only. They don't stream, but document their adventures via screenshots, often making special rules for themselves or using the Pilgrim Template in the Custom Toolbox and changing just a setting or 2 or 3. Dying of cold or dehydration seems to be the most common way they fade into The Long Dark, though starvation happens from time to time if they set a rule for themselves to do a Vegan Challenge (no eating any animal products of any kind and no crafting any animal hide clothing). Zappy Zappy Fry Fry by stepping on wires during an Aurora too- that will kill any of us, in any mode.

There's a million ways to play this game (thankfully). 

Ah I see. I don't use my PC so I don't use steam..   I do play custom though ,and I up the weather a bit too...   

I suppose it does depend on player style and choices ..  

I'm happy to stand corrected though.. I've just never seen it ,or heard that,not even on here.

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Posted (edited)

Let's also try not to be condescending about Pilgrim.
I think too often folks seem to get so wrapped up in "harder" is "better" and start getting a bit dismissive & can get a rather belittling tone towards Pilgrim.

There's no wrong way to play... just because it's Pilgrim doesn't mean is lesser, and difficulty is subjective to every player.

Let's please keep it polite and inclusive.

Edited by ManicManiac
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5 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

Also can you even get mauled on pilgrim?

Yes, but you really have to make a huge mistake for it to happen. Like stepping backward onto a wolf who just killed a bunny or deer- you can get into a struggle that way (happened to me one time in Pilgrim in Mountain Town- heard the wolf kill a deer behind me, but walked backwards instead of turning the character around to face it- wolf was not pleased), or if you rush up to a wolf guarding its kill and don't stop long enough for it to lose aggro and flee. Not frequent, but it can happen- it takes a lot to provoke a wolf or bear, but it can be done.

Moose will still stomp you if you aggressively move toward them and don't let them decide to take off- they aren't hostile, but they are still very territorial in Pilgrim. (My first Moose stomping happened in Pilgrim mode, because I though it would run from me- it didn't, lol. This was right after they were added to the game, so their behavior may have been changed between then and now? I also beaned it in the nose with a stone, so it had a right to be a little mad at me.)

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5 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

Let's also try not to be condescending about Pilgrim.

Completely, one of the pleasures of TLD is the different difficulties make for very different play, our main run is on stalker, but we have others on the other difficulties because they present a different style.

I really like pilgrim sometimes as it's a really nice exploring, and organising experience because sometimes I am not in the mood for constant trials of interloper which can be repetitive.

Also, after the third time of trying I finally have 500 days!! All PS4 achievements complete!!  My first try ended at 250 days with a game save corruption, the second interrupted by the new update but finally!!



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1 hour ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:


Monke brain sees big floof, monke brain lets big floof inside 

If not friend, why friend shape? 😁

Au contraire, the monke brain would recognize the danger 😬 monke brain supposed to remember jungle floofs

There was a joke following it, it went something like this :

*a big wild cat*

everyone: "danger!"

white women: "kitty!"

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