Running should raise your body temperature.


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Obviously, when you run you should warm yourself if you have like all clothes slots used. I mean you can't tell if in real life you run with this (Screenshot) clothes on you with some 20 kg bag pack wont warm you at all.


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Well I suppose it will at first but sweating cools you down sooner or later..with that much loot on your back I'd say sooner.. but still at least a temporary warmth bonus maybe😊

Edited by Leeanda
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Last I was aware, sprinting did provide a small warmth bonus... just like holding a lit lantern.  However, those effects are small/subtle... and I think it's best that way.

Also... I don't think the game needs to get so pedantic that every quibbled detail from reality should be expected to be painstakingly reproduced in any video game.  As I often say... sometimes a video game, just has to video game.  I don't think any video game should be expected to be a 1-1 simulation of reality.  One, that's just not practical... and two, that would likely give us a game that was very mundane and not much fun to play (kind of like real life).

However, while I do appreciate folks musing about this sort of thing... but honestly, I just don't see it providing enough benefit or value to justify Hinterland spending all the time and resources to change/add them.

Edited by ManicManiac
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As stated it does....but as soon as you stop it goes away from what I recall. They could always just add like a longer timer to it or something...time to start it and time to stop. I don't think it matters since it's so tiny anyways.

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I agree it should be a feature. If it is already, I personally think it's too subtle. I've never seen a temperature difference. When at -0C, I've haven't seen the temperature change to an up arrow from running. So if it is a feature it's rarely noticeable. 

But I think running should decrease your body temperature faster after a certain point. It'd be cool to see hypothermia risk increase faster while running too. 

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On 4/22/2024 at 12:29 PM, Pencil said:

I agree it should be a feature. If it is already, I personally think it's too subtle. I've never seen a temperature difference. When at -0C, I've haven't seen the temperature change to an up arrow from running. So if it is a feature it's rarely noticeable. 

But I think running should decrease your body temperature faster after a certain point. It'd be cool to see hypothermia risk increase faster while running too. 

It was a long time ago that I played so it could have been removed, I am not sure.

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As someone who used to participate (at a much younger age) in mountaineering, ice climbing, and dog sledding you don't need to run to keep warm doing things in the cold and snow. Hiking with a 15-20kg pack wearing snowshoes I'd wear something like thermal underwear, shell pants, and a wind-stopper jacket on days with highs of -10 to -15C. Not 2 bear skin coats, 2 sweaters, 2 layers of thermals etc. Most players (minus those doing interloper etc) are probably wearing way too much clothing most of the time to be active and not be soaked in sweat. Now stopping for lunch or to belay your partner is a whole other thing. All the layers get piled on. Then off again to start climbing/walking. Exercise in freezing environments is a rather delicate balance of being too hot and sweaty or too wet and cold. Be careful what you wish for. Micromanaging your heat and sweat in the cold is even less fun than it sounds.

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