Do ptarmigans not spawn in custom mode?

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I haven't seen a single bird yet, hinterlands please hire some QA testers to check these sorts of things prior to pushing out content. I've been supporting the game for a long time, but, I think it makes sense to provide this feedback so you can grow and deploy things better going forward.

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I can confirm that their are no Ptarmigans in custom. I have searched PV, TWM, MT, ML, FA, AC, HRV, BR, BLR, BI, FM and I have found nothing at all. 

from what I can tell they haven’t been added as if you go to the workbench the option to even craft the new items arnt there.

I have reported a ticket to hinterland 3 days ago @Admin saying this needs to be on their top priority list as it has removed a large chunk of the new content out of the reach of custom players such as much self.

I know it must be hard for them to try and fix the bugs but I do feel this is a major issue, far worse than when my character decides to do an excellent impression of McKenzie 🤣

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@TwoFatCatz - I'm also playing custom and I'm getting the option to craft the down sleeping bag and insulation, also the new food items including all of the ptarmigan recipes. Obviously, I can't do any of those things as there's no ptarmigans, but the options do show up.

Separately, I now cannot do anything with acorns,,,,,,

And just pretend Astrid has decided to transition and is working on her man voice.

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8 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

I had them up near the Cave that overlooks the lake where the Revolver can often spawn.

Just curious ,but you're playing on pc aren't you?    I'm just thinking it's a possible console issue..

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7 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:


They have also been reported to show up at the ML Bunker and in front of Camp Office...I will be checking out the Bunker tomorrow in my Custom Save.


I've been to all three locations and not seen them. That said, I am assuming they are like rabbits - sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not - so I'll do another couple of circuits.

So far as I can work out, we're both on custom and both on PC, the only difference is you're on a new, post Part 3 run and I'm on an old run?

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So if this is the case they only spawn in new custom games?? 

Because like I said I don't even have the option of crafting the work bench bird items. 


I've found all the recipes except lily's pancakes and all the guns. Crafted all the fishing things and fished just fine. I just can't find those birds anywhere at all. 


There is something not right at all. 

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19 minutes ago, TwoFatCatz said:

There is something not right at all. 

How are you getting on with the acorns?

Apart from the ptarmigan issue, I can't do anything with the acorns. The recipes show up, including the new ones, but I can't grind the acorns up.....

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As of this morning I've tried an old custom save, a new regular pilgrim and now a new custom pilgrim run. No birds anywhere. 

The new custom run this morning I covered all high  areas in mystery lake, mountain town and even hrv....  I got up to the mysterious signal fire, I suspect the long way round.... There was nothing anywhere... 

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4 minutes ago, James Hickok said:

The birds spawn just outside the camp office in my current loper runs. But sometimes only one of them respawns - not all 4. 

I went past and in the office several times, .  Still nothing..   I've done up near the cache, lake overlook,round the towers ,trappers area and up past unnamed pond .all round every high point I could...  Hrv I got to signal fire ,the long way round,  rope climbing at the moment is highly dangerous in some places.😁

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8 minutes ago, past caring said:

@Leeanda - and what about acorns. I've posted about this elsewhere but no responses so far - I suspect it may be because there's limited people experiencing the issue, but i also think the lack of ptarmigans and inability to do anything with acorns might be linked.....

I haven't tried the acorns since the update. But I will this afternoon..   I'll let you know😊

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