Unofficial Location Names


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While there are many locations on Great Bear Island that are officially named, there are some quite noteable locations that aren't named officially. Allow me to introduce a few.

Archer Cave: This cave is located a rope climb down from Mammoth Falls in the Hushed River Valley. I call it that because it's a very common spawn for the survival bow.

Crash Site: Located in Pleasant Valley, this crashed turboprop plays a critical part in Episode 3. I often like to search here for clothing and food, as both are plentiful here.

Island Cave: The only cave in The Long Dark that's located on an island other than Great Bear, this small cave is on an island just offshore of Bleak Inlet.

Misty Falls Cave: In Pleasant Valley, near Misty Falls itself, lies a large explorable cave. It can serve as a good shelter, and plays a role in a side quest in Episode 3.

Scruffy's Cave: The large cave in Desolation Point, who is known to have a very particular inhabitant that can give new players a very hard time...

Shortwave Tower West: the westernmost shortwave tower in Forlorn Muskeg. This tower has toppled, and is a source of radio components in Wintermute Episode 2.

Trailers West of the Cannery: A group of trailers not far west of the Last Resort Cannery, and north of Island Cave.

Do you have any other unofficial locations that deserve to be named? Please tell share your secrets in the comments below!

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First 3 , not too creative, but easily rememberable names:

ML: "Unnamed pond Cabin"    Cabin to east from unnamed pond.

ML: "Lake cabins Cave"   at Mystery lake western access

FM: "bunkhouse cave"  Cave between bunkhouses and Bleak inlet trans cave


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This probably doesn't quite fit but I'm reminded of a fan-fiction in-character journal I wrote a few years ago, where my survivor (a military recruit fresh out of boot and on special advanced hostile environment training) had shacked up in an old abandoned whale processing plant out near Desaulnier Point. Which the jaded and cynical locals had taken to calling it "Desolation Point".

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Great post @Glflegolas!

Hmm... I will have to ponder this as I wander round, instant information recall is not my strong point.

However one is shouting very loudly at me.

Pleasant Valley

Bear cave on the river, near to the Winding River/ML entrance 


I hate that bear. More than any other. Really really really hate it .... 🤨

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Guest jeffpeng

I've got a few from my days writing survival stories snowballing on TWM. They are more utilitarian names, but they helped communicating where I was.


The cave .... half way ^^... to the summit when you are coming from the TWM hut. It's also half-way between the fallen tree bridge and Deer Clearing, and not too far from ....


Which is the big, open cave between one of the traversal cave entrances (aka Cave of Engines) and the "Half-Way-Cave". I believe @Drifter Manoriginally coined that name, and also Cave of Engines.

The Summit Prep Cave

The little cave-let on the penultimate plateau before making the final climb to the summit.

The Engine Gorge

The... gorge... with the... engine in it. I know, breathtaking.

The Death Bowl

The depression up the hill between the Forest-Cave-Forest and the hut. Has a wolf that has the most impossible angles from where it jumps you. Also strolls down to the hut and onto the ice if you carry stinkies. Wolf with the single highest kill count in TLD for me. So, since a lot of dying took place there ... I guess.... Death Bowl is kinda deserved.

The Ramp

One of the Interloper spawns. Connects the plateau north of the hut with ....

Hide'n'Seek Hill

If you pass the cave coming from the western engine below Andre's Peak, below the climb to Eric's Falls you have a small hill with a wolf on it. You can play amazing hide and seek with that wolf running around the hill. Sometimes you even win.


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Coastal Highway Townsite

I always refer to it as:

"Lupine Lunatic Asylum"

or, for short

"Lupine Lunacy"

Not my favourite place, you can probably tell!

Raven Falls Bridge

For obvious reasons, this I call

"The Dead Drop"

Edited by Sgt Socks
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Here's two I forgot:

Summit Cave. This is the small cave located near the summit of Timberwolf Mountain.

Monolith Lake Lookoff: Located a short stroll northwest of Peak Cave in the Hushed River Valley, this is a ledge that overlooks Monolith Lake and the waterfalls surrounding it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Said in another post:

- the Cave Across the Bridges, in AC the cave found by going from Miner's Folly to High Meadow.

- also in AC, the Shattered Cave can be found uphill from the Shattered Cove.

- the spawn points at Mountaineer's Hut and Landing Gear: The Goblin Starts.

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