Favourite pastime?

Stinky socks

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Because there's so much loot on pilgrim I don't look everywhere first time round ,I mainly just look for the necessities. Once I'm settled though ,I go back through the map and search most of what I missed .  Once I've done that ,I'll spend my time hunting bear/moose while trying to get my skills up. .  

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Mostly, crafting. Clothes, arrows, bows. Honestly, I wish there were more things to craft, long-term projects like a spear or a tent.
And when I'm done crafting, I un-hunker and go to explore other locations. Even if I looted them completely, there's a Faithful Cartographer achievement.

Honestly, in my latest run I haven't returned to my main base in Coastal Highway in ~100 days. I probably should. But that's kind of my playstyle, instead of hoarding all the resources in one place I create a bunch of mini-bases around different regions.

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Now that I think about it, my favourite thing to do is going to my different bases and cook food there. Whenever I'm in bleak inlet, I pick a bunch of firewood, kill a deer or a wolf and in the evening, start up that little stove and just cook meat one by one as the sun sets and blizzard begins to roll in.

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Yeah, what do you do once you've met all your basic needs?  
That's where a survivor has to become very creative with how they spend their time.  Probably a big reason why Hinterland put Cabin Fever in the game, dontch'a think?

I spend most of my days outside gathering and stacking firewood in preperation for those long days and nights when the blizzards are bound to force me to stay indoors.  When inside and I've got the fire going, I boil water.  Sure wish I could fill one of those bathtubs and take a hot bath.  I don't think I've had a proper shower or bath since Astrid asked me to fly her ass out here...

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6 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

I’m a chef at heart, so I would agree with @Stinky socks on this one. Cooking up a big batch of meat and tea, and then laying it out neatly, is so satisfying.

Whenever I’m in Milton and bored, I grab my hatchet and go wolf wrestling... I always win... except for when I don’t.

6 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

😅that is very encouraging!

Jesus be careful at least have a sharpened hatchet if you sometimes don't win then learn from your mistakes (I'm just messing with ya kill an with your hands show an who's boss)

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If I have nothing else to do at the moment, I will go out and collect sticks.  I have had containers, drawers, cabinets, car trunks, lockers, and more filled with sticks as well as a pile or two near stoves, fire barrels, campfires, and fire places.  

I once had so many sticks heaped on the floor of the Camp Office that it took me (I timed it) almost a minute to exit from the building.  Once I made a bunch of piles (100 sticks each) of the sticks instead of one big heap, getting out of the Camp Office went back to normal.  😅

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After 1800+ days on Voyageur I occupied myself for about 300 days revisiting all regions explored so far to re-loot. A fair number of items turned up including overlooked saplings and valuable loot - a fire striker at Dam, packs of matches, overlooked cloth and scattered bullets being the best examples.

Now at 2100+ days I am relocating all valuable resources out of HRV, Milton, Mystery Lake,  Forlorn Muskeg, Broken Railroad and Desolation Point in order to concentrate them at three main bases (CH Fishing Village, PV Farmhouse and TWM Mountaineers Hut). This "loot and leave" plan is possible since I don't need to spend any more time in HRV, Milton, Mystery Lake,  Forlorn Muskeg, Broken Railroad or Desolation Point.

These three bases are fairly close to each other and share one big advantage, i.e. easy to kill bears. The PV and TWM bases will both serve as jump off points for my next region to explore - that being Blackrock.

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I've embraced mods whole-heartedly. There's one called DIY by Santana that lets you craft certain objects, like furniture...but more importantly, boards. Used in conjunction with the Placing Anywhere mod, you can craft functional shelters anywhere (windproof but at the mercy of outdoor temps), or make certain improvements to existing ones. For instance, I added a loft to the Mountaineering Hut. It's nothing fancy, but affords me more place to store stuff like stacks of animal hides. Also, I used the same mod to patch the hole in the roof.

My current project is trying to construct a more direct path to get from the Blackrock prison entrance to the Warden's office, that doesn't involve snaking through the wolf-infested back 40, and climbing a rope.

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10 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

It's not much, but it's mine.

Nice, I like your ramp!  What a clever way to access the space!  The loft looks like the perfect place to cure pelts and hides and also act as additional storage space.
Remember back when the best we could do was to cure some hides on the wall using the curing in place glitch you discovered?  Ah, those were the days...
Looking how far the game has progressed and now we're playing with mods,  makes me wonder what's coming next and when are we gonna get it?

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48 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

Well now I feel like an old decroded turd lol

Oh noooo!  
You set the bar for what was possible and set in motion the chain of events that brought us to where we are today.  I honestly woulda quit playing this game years ago had it not been for your discovery.  If anything at all, you are Jedi Master, and I your humble padawan...

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since most of my current runs are relentless nights base interloper with wolves/bears/moose turned up i tend to safeguard a lot of books to read. If i get lucky with a hacksaw/hammer and its past day 30 sometimes day 60 i will choose a spot like maint yard/hib/riken and just forge tons of arrow heads/break down everything and read the books when it hits night time. if i finish all that i go out and hunt wolves if possible. try to get a ton of fresh pelts before hand as well so that way i can craft things while waiting till day time. Other times.....i just sit there and pass time since by day 30+ i have taken out a few bears wolves deer and have a load of food and just twildle my thumbs while waiting.

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On 8/15/2022 at 5:12 PM, Stinky socks said:

I wouldn't take stuff from HRV, there will come a moment when you'll miss it and revisit. Itll be an overjoy when you arrive during a blizzard into your old cave and find some rusty sardines and a ragged bedroll😊

Stinky socks, I cannot rule out anything but the likelihood that I will miss HRV and choose to wander about are slim.  I may revisit the cave below Stairsteps Lake just long enough to retrieve a few cattails, cloth and flares.  Then I leave for good.  I want nothing more to do with HRV.

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Ouch😊I sense some bitter memories from your last visit there.

While HRV is gorgeous, it is very complex area and wandering around it without fandom map is quite difficult in my opinion. Another thing I never liked about that map is lack of workbench or a proper home. I get that developers wanted to make it raw nature exploration, but c'mon, at least include some half demolished clunker house somewhere. I never enjoyed living in a cave🙃💁‍♂️

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