Most annoying phrase?


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New most annoying phrase as of today:

I enter the hunting lodge in BR right after dropping into hypothermia risk. Immediately warming up, temp bar turns back to white and message appears in bottom right “hypothermia risk healed”.

And then…

“Gotta find some place to escape this cold”

Cmon man, you just entered a place to escape the cold not two seconds ago 🤦🏻‍♂️

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"I'll take it!" No, you won't. Why would you even need that piece of scrap metal? I'm not taking it! Who do you think you are to tell me how to play?!

"I need to find water/food". Okay... Have you looked in your backpack?

And the most annoying one...

"I need some first ai- OUCH! Damn, it hu- AUGHHHG. I can't t- ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH"

EDIT: Almost forgot...

"Hope, nobody needs this anymore"

Me, looking at the corpse I took this thing from: Yeah... About that...

Edited by Ghurcb
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On 11/19/2021 at 3:06 PM, Serenity said:

I'd pay for a Positive Attitude DLC

Hello Serenity,

it's a good idea! DLC's or mod's are welcome! I have bought TLD 3 times (2 times on Steam for me and my wife, 1 time a TLD given to a friend via Steam and once on GoG on Linux). The best game ever!


I think appropriate monologues or dialogues are the salt in the soup in TLD and enhance the game. Who remembers the lines from Duke Nukem?

When looking in a mirror "Damn I'm look good".
When meeting enemies "Time to kick asses".
When something went wrong, "Shit happens."
When the player doesn't act for a short time "Are you waiting for Christmas?"

Will could say when threatened by bears or sneaking wolves if in inventory:

A firearm:
"Ok, come on, but remember.... There are two kinds of men... one is afraid - the other has a loaded gun!"

No firearm:
"Run, Will, Run"
"Today is not my day"
"I haven't had a good feeling all day"

No firearm, bandage and medicine
"Time to die"
"The best men must die young"

"Oh Lord, stand by me"


If one of the programmers could analyse the contents of the inventory of the situation and trigger the appropriate phrase, the monologues would be entertaining!


What are you think about my suggestion?

Best reagards




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On 5/27/2022 at 3:49 PM, APixelatedLemon said:

Like yes William, the can of peaches is indeed food. What else would it be?

Reminds me of this old grocery store in Chicago back in the 80's that had a mystery rack where they'd sell all their canned goods that had lost their labels. I don't think you can get away with that today of course, but back then since we were already broke as a joke and living on food stamps, that mystery rack was our go-to for food. I mean to be fair you KNOW it's food of some variety, you just don't know what it is exactly.

I am pretty sure I have in fact eaten dog food at some point in my life. The only times I've seen meat chunks and gravy in 4oz cans that looked quite like that, was like Purina or something. But I ate it, over plain white toast, with a handful of mixed veggies thrown in.

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59 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

Reminds me of this old grocery store in Chicago back in the 80's that had a mystery rack where they'd sell all their canned goods that had lost their labels. I don't think you can get away with that today of course, but back then since we were already broke as a joke and living on food stamps, that mystery rack was our go-to for food. I mean to be fair you KNOW it's food of some variety, you just don't know what it is exactly.

I am pretty sure I have in fact eaten dog food at some point in my life. The only times I've seen meat chunks and gravy in 4oz cans that looked quite like that, was like Purina or something. But I ate it, over plain white toast, with a handful of mixed veggies thrown in.

I remember back when I was growing up there was this local business that me and my parents went to frequently to do our grocery shopping, and it had a table exactly like that. Fortunately while my parents at the time were by no means rich, we were able to avoid taking stuff off that table. Even as a kid I always questioned how that was legal...

Every couple of years I would pass by that store by some chance, and to my surprise it stayed open a lot longer than I expected. It finally shut it's doors sometime in 2020 or early 2021 I believe (I imagine Covid played a role in that). Part of me wishes I went inside to see if it still had that "Mystery can table" before it closed down.

Anyways back on topic, another line I found funny was the "Can you eat trees?" line Astrid has when hungry. My response is sometimes "Well no, but we can in a way DRINK trees... Because birch bark tea exists" 

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On 11/19/2021 at 6:21 PM, Stone said:

I find Astrid way less annoying than Will. The most annoying phrases for me are the cries when walking on a sprained ankle. Maybe they don't count.

On a tangent - I'd like a Bruce Willis Die Hard (1) DLC. "Think I just ate million year old granola bar.." - "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..." - "Now I have a survival bow... Ho ho ho"



I personally think that is an excellent idea. A good mod would be more “character customization” of looks, voice, attitude, etc.

Hudson from Aliens (without meds after being mauled): ”Game over man, game over!”

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Did I ever mention that I hate being cold? Because I really do."

Yeah, Astrid, you did mention it - like five minutes ago. And five minutes before that. You go to a rural part of Canada in the depths of winter and then complain that it's cold? What do you expect?

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Just now, conanjaguar said:

Another funny one for me:

Will picks up a Summit Soda, says: “I’m just out of this stuff.”
Uh... no you are not. You have at least one in your pack, and two more at your base.

I've not played as Will for quite a while but I don't remember him saying that?   Is that one of the new ones?

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Something that happens to me a lot is when I pick something out of a trash can, and Mackenzie says “I hope nobody needs this anymore.” REALLY? ARE YOU BLIND. CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT YOU JUST GOT THAT OUT OF A TRASH CAN?! THAT’S LITERALLY WHERE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO PUT STUFF YOU DON’T NEED! HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID?!

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