Is pathing changed?


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No, that bear has always been able to do that...

I always assumed I was safe in there, but no!  It does help to have a fire going in the burn barrel and be standing right behind it.  but not always.  He once walked in while I was sleeping and kicked my ass!  But since his approach is pretty direct, ie. line of sight, hiding behind the burn barrel is kinda outta his view and reach.  The safest place to be or course is on top of the railcar.  You can clamber up the fallen tree and drop down onto the roof.  Sometimes I make a 12 hour fire in the burn barrel and then go climb up to the roof outside.  The heat from the barrel below is enough to keep you warm, as you are in close proximity so you get the heat buff making sleeping under the stars possible.  Plus you get to take pot shots at the bear from relative safety!  Been a while however since I bivouac in the ole poacher's camp.

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On 11/10/2021 at 6:52 PM, DiscoJonny said:

The safest place to be or course is on top of the railcar.

Might be a change since the update, but I just watched Thedeadp00l get mauled by the bear on top of that railcar last week on Twitch. He thought it was safe, too. He climbed up, stuck an arrow into the bear from distance, then watched in horror as the bear ran towards the back end of the boxcar, then suddenly showed up on top of it.

So no, it's not safe (anymore).

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I'm finding wolves following me super close and then sort of jogging at me, so close they'd normally be charging but going slow enough to run from..!?! Is that normal now?

Pathing seems the same at least for Spence's farm and high hides around the place. 

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13 minutes ago, Stone said:

I'm finding wolves following me super close and then sort of jogging at me, so close they'd normally be charging but going slow enough to run from..!?! Is that normal now?

Were you holding a torch when this was happening? They do this if you have a lit torch in hand. Usually, they won't attack you. They will stop a few steps away from you and growl (sometimes). It is a little different with a flare, since they keep there distance when you're holding one. They get closer with torches though. 

Now I'm scared; I always use that railcar... never thought the bear could get in. I assume he won't notice you unless you are smelly, but still; I might not be staying there as much anymore lol. 

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@Pencil yeah, I had a torch, so thats good - just haven't needed to get so close to wolves for a while but having to in this Zero run. Since I posted I had to resort to chucking torches at two wolves with good effect and with you're confirmation this feels a lot less sketchy now :)

The railcar news is worrying. I've never had problems camping inside behind the barrel though (and I make a point not to sleep covered in steaks)

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