NPC Survivor in survival mode


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I would love to see the addition of a NPC survivor in survival mode. Perhaps introduced around day 50 - 100. The same rescue mechanics seen in story mode (Episode 3 - Coming Storm) can be used to introduce the survivor. The NPC could cook food like Grey mother, require additional supplies to give the player additional goals to focus on, and long term thinking perhaps even allow the addition of relationship mechanics.

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Requests like this and the co-op have been on the forum for years. A few months ago, I brought up something like this, and no one wants it. I'm sorry, that's true. 


They're going to change one day. 

NPCs are more likely and moderate and can be nice, if done right. Or are you on a hunt and the NPC next to you is standing and how are you going to hunt while you bend over? 

Well, if they do it right. 

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22 hours ago, Veclar said:

perhaps even allow the addition of relationship mechanics.

I guess Hinterland could somehow mod 'pregnancy risk' to work like parasite risk where depending on female's period timing, she would get this warning if getting rest with male NPC?. But then if you wanted to prevent it, they'd have to add some sort of contraceptive. Some plants maybe?


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lol, I was thinking something a bit more subtle, A good relation with the NPC could result in the NPC ocassionally bring the player minor supplies (rose hips, wood, etc.) where a bad relation could result in the NPC leaving (and taking some of your supplies) ... But If the developers want to throw a full blown family table, all the power to them :P . 

And if request like this have been around for years I would think that there must be a group of people that do want to see this feature added to the game. Lets think positive :) 

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On 3/11/2021 at 2:59 PM, Sherlock Holmes 18 said:

Requests like this and the co-op have been on the forum for years. A few months ago, I brought up something like this, and no one wants it. I'm sorry, that's true. 

For multiplayer it isn't that we don't want it it is just that hinterland themselves said they won't be adding it as the long dark was designed to be a single player experience they did however say they would consider it for a future game. (See below quoted post) As for the addition of NPCs I mean it would be interesting but would also get rid of the isolated feeling of the long dark and that's one thing I really enjoy about the game. If they added npcs personally I would want them to limit it to custom mode where you have to toggle a setting called "random npc encounters"

On 2/2/2021 at 1:56 PM, Admin said:

Moving to Wish List sub-forum.

Just as a note while we encourage you to talk about your desire to see co-op added to the game and your ideas for how it would best work it is not something currently planned for The Long Dark.

The Long Dark was designed from the beginning to be a single-player experience and we don't have any plans to add multiplayer. It doesn't quite fit with type of experience we are trying to build and yes, the technical challenges of trying to add multiplayer to the existing game would be pretty significant.

However we do understand many people are interested in a multiplayer experience, and don't fault anyone for finding the idea compelling (it IS fun to imagine). We've seen quite a few requests for it, and it might be something we consider for a future game -- but not this one.


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I think The Long Dark really works well as a lonely desperate survival experience.  It's supposed to be dreary as all heck.  

Wouldn't mind cabin fever effecting the character to the point of delusions though.  That may be interesting.

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31 minutes ago, Veclar said:

Maybe the NPC  could be a Dog that helps hunt rabbits. Thinking outside the box here lol

I was thinking it'd be fun it you could befriend a wolf somehow, but only to the point where they hang around you and maybe help fight off other wolves or something 

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15 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

I guess Hinterland could somehow mod 'pregnancy risk' to work like parasite risk where depending on female's period timing, she would get this warning if getting rest with male NPC?. But then if you wanted to prevent it, they'd have to add some sort of contraceptive. Some plants maybe?


I believe the cured gut could be modified.

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