Lost in Winter's Embrace...


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Oh wow, 4 in Mountain Town?  That's a relatively big haul.
So far, I've only found 2 in MT.

In my session today, there was one randomly in a locker and I found the other at the Paradise Meadows Farm.
(but that still only brings my total up to 6)

I'm not sure if I should hit Forlorn Muskeg & Broken Railroad... or Desolation Point.  Either way it's a long walk.

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3 hours ago, ManicManiac said:


Oh wow, 4 in Mountain Town?  That's a relatively big haul.
So far, I've only found 2 in MT.

I've just found another, that's 5 in MT.

And I managed to get my Rifle skill to 5, I'm sure that my Fire-starting will go to 5 on next fire, got my Cooking to 5.  But I only have 4 for Archery and Revolver.  That is not good, I much prefer Bow & Arrow to carrying around that 4Kg rifle.  (I am at Day 189.)

From now on the game will get easier.  I might risk a full search around PV and a trip the Cannery to make some ammo.

I'm feeling so good about all that that I have started on the red wine earlier than usual, and it's going down very easily. 


I do not expect to get 25 syrup.  It doesn't bother me, I'm not into collecting badges.  I ga=ve that up when I left the Cub Scouts at 10 year old.


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My Astrid is back from vacation on Bahamas. She went through Mountain town and found nothing. Now she rests in maintenance yard in Broken Railroad. And still nothing. To be precise. She found three chips bags. But no golden nectar.

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I know what you mean.  My Astrid is searching like a fiend but so far her efforts have been frustrated. :D
That's alright though, taking a walking tour in the bitter cold of Great Bear has really been a lot of fun.  If I can get a merit badge, then great... if not, it's still been a hell of a run.


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Now she found a bottle 10% Syrup in the Hunting Lodge kitchen. She did not know if the 10% meant alcohol level because it was already fermented or it meant it is spoiled. She knew it will give her stomach ache for sure. So she tried to drink it bit by bit to see whether Great Bear big designer did not forget this in his scheme. It seems like he did not forget. 

Funny thing. She noticed 5 times from 10 she was getting food poison.

But after some pills and good sleep, she is able to get out from the Hunting Lodge.  The only meaningful place seems to be Bleak Inlet. The Forlong Muskeg could be good way. But it would mean she could not get access to workshop.

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I was able to make a little more headway today.  I've also had to have 3 concurrent runs going.  I spend a bit of time on each run, roaming from place to place.  I'm hoping that will be enough to give me a good shot at getting 25 bottles before the end of the month.  As I mentioned it's been good so far.  After missing out on a little bit of sleep (I stayed up pretty late for an especially long session :D), I ended up boosting my total count by another six bottles.

So I guess I'm just about half way to the goal...

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With three concurrent runs (each started in a different region), the odds of finding what I'm looking for have been better.  I've had to start carving out two hours a night and divvy that time up between the three of them.  I'm starting to average about 2-3 bottles per day this way.  While I try to divide the time up evenly, I will linger a little bit in one particular run if I find more than one bottle (in the 35-40 minutes generally allotted for each) to see how many I can find.  :D

If this rate continues I should be within striking distance in a couple more days.  I'm glad the other two runs have been kinder to me in terms of the random rolls for cabinets/containers/backpacks.


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I didn't manage to find any more than my earlier mentioned 5 syrup in MT.  So I have moved on towards BI.

Earlier in the game, (it is a WE games starting in PV), when I had poor quality clothes, weapons and skills,  I headed in this direction but once I got to the Ravine there were so many blizzards and it was so cold that I turned back. Now, at Day 202, with weatherproof clothes and skills mostly at  level 5, I am in a much better position.  The weather is still bad but I have built up good resources of firewood and meat, so with a bearskin coat I can cope with it. In a day or two I shall go to BI and face the Timberwolves.  It will be interesting to see what it is like. In Stalker games the BI Timberwolves were nasty, but in this WE games the wolves are a manageable.

This brings me back to an issue that I have brought up a few times. I think that HTL have got it wrong making the start of each game difficult due to starting with low or no skills, poor clothing, weapons etc. then having the game get easier as you build up these assets.  Whenever I have difficulties at the start of a game I can not help thinking, this is not fun and not enjoyable, "This must turn off many new players, who then give up.".  Even with thousands of game days under my belt, do not find difficult starts much fun or enjoyable.  I go on to ask myself, "How much goodwill and sales does Hinterland lose because of this?".



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55 minutes ago, peteloud said:

Even with thousands of game days under my belt, do not find difficult starts much fun or enjoyable

I can understand feeling that way, and I can respect that point of view...

But for me, I really enjoy that struggle early in a run.  It's when I feel like I'm having to fight the hardest for each new day, and I (for one) love that about this game.  Each new day I earn is incredibly satisfying to me.  :)

I think that for those who like difficult challenges, Hinterland has been building all kinds of goodwill with their choices.
Sure, perhaps those who don't enjoy that early run difficulty spike might be put off... but this game's not necessarily going to suit everyone's taste; and that's okay.

I'm not sure it's really fair to try to speculate on the opinions of others and/or the future of a company solely based on our own subjective points of view...  Now despite having said that, I will briefly offer another point of view relating to your last question:
I don't think Hinterland really loses anything, and I don't think it's bad for Hinterland to stay true to their creative vision in making the game they want to make.  I think that folks who bought the game and quit, have already given their support.  Those who love it will likely go on to buy other copies as gifts, buy soundtracks, even maybe buy other merchandise, or at least just enjoy the game and perhaps give good positive word of mouth as they discuss the game they like with friends/quintessences. 

Those who don't like this kind of game and never buy it... Hinterland didn't lose anything, they just didn't gain anything from that prospective customer. :D  Which is fine, not all products are going to be liked by all people.

I think if Hinterland tried to make something to please every single person... it might very likely end up so watered down it would be like playing Ecco Jr.  Which is a game for young children where it's impossible to die and there is no real challenge or consequences.  I would hate to see that kind of thing happen to The Long Dark.

I say we let the game be what it is, so those who like it can enjoy it... and those who don't like it can move on if they want to. :)

I say, to each their own.  I love this game for what it is, and I love the struggle... especially when starting a new run when my character is at it's most vulnerable.  :)

Edited by ManicManiac
Edited to expand on a few statements. :)
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25 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

But for me, I really enjoy that struggle early in a run.  It's when I feel like I'm having to fight the hardest for each new day, and I (for one) love that about this game.  Each new day I earn is incredibly satisfying to me.  :)


I feel the same way! The first 2 or 3 days of a run are just about my favorite. The rush of seeing where you spawned, the race to make decisions "Do I press on for the better supplies and lose condition, or do I hunker down here and starve for a night?" Damn! I love this game.

I was super excited to catch this event (albeit late). I work in the medical field so it's been hard lately to find the time and energy to play. But something new was a welcome surprise when I did finally log in.

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I gave up a little more sleep so I could devote one hour to each of my three concurrent runs.
In total I was able to find 4 more bottles, not bad all things considered.  At this rate, I think might make it after all.

I've managed to avoid most wildlife and just kept to eating whatever I find at each new location to keep my well fed buff up.  I've not really gotten into any really dangerous situations or close calls, so I suppose there's not been much to chronicle.  In my original run, I decided to go weapons free... so on the rare occasion that I came across a wolf I couldn't avoid, I just shot it.

With luck, I'll find the rest of what I'm looking for in the next day or two, and escape Winter's Embrace. :)

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  I started Winter's Embrace in the Broken Railroad Maintenance Shed area.  Can't remember if it was inside or outside, but it was already late afternoon.  I got a few things from the shed (hacksaw & tools - awesome), then it got pretty dark in there so I took a chance heading up to the Hunting Lodge.  Made it okay with a wolf dodge or two.  Found a rifle and a few rounds, decent clothing items and food.  Had two wolf struggles outside the Lodge, but stole a few bunnies from them and later killed one wolf with the rifle.  Went back to the Maintenance Shed to scout it properly and scored a hunting knife and better boots.  Back to the Lodge, collecting the dead deer carcasses around the area, then what do ya know - a moose standing around the pond.  Killed it with two rifle rounds, so had food covered for a while + pelt curing.  I wasn't going to bother with the chips and syrup hunt, but decided to take a tour anyway, since I had such a good beginning.... 

  It got even better on my route:  Straight across the Muskeg (only stop at Poacher's Camp), all around Mystery Lake region, through the Ravine, all around the Coastal Highway, out to Desolation Point and back, then up to Pleasant Valley - 2 pea coats, deer pants, mukluks, gauntlets, snow pants, 2 wool underwear, bunny hat, 2 fisherman sweaters, revolver + lots of ammo, hatchet, pry bar, etc.. 20 - 30 ketchup chips, and maybe about 10 syrups.   The Mystery Lake wolves (not the lake wolves but the sneaky ones along the tracks) were enjoying themselves and got me 3 times within 24 hours, but I always had enough food stay put somewhere and recover.

  Now I'm trapped for a while at the Mountaineer's Hut with 4 broken ribs.  Can't climb down out of the region or up to Summit until after many hours of rest.  The moose by the Wing section was not giving up on squashing me.  Sure, I could have slunk away after the first two stompings, but I had so much ammo I figured to keep it off until I had at least looted the cargo boxes there.  I staggered off eventually and made it past a bear to get back to the cabin.  Been fishing and gathering lots of wood, though carrying capacity is shot.  Worst part is I forgot to bring a toolbox to Timberwolf Mt. and hacksaw is down to 23%.  Once healed, I'll probably go down to Echo and get the cargo boxes near the Engine.  Saw will be used up after that and I'll be heading out of the region.

51979335_Angrymoose.thumb.png.61bc96aed049be97133ec11bd4ce32e1.png    Yeah, and don't come back.

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I spent another hour on each of my three runs today.  Since letting myself go weapons free, I've not had any close calls with the wildlife.  Usually I will only kill what I need to survive... but with time still ticking down on my scavenger hunt for syrup, I've been taking the most direct paths and putting down any furry woodland friends that get in the way.  I don't really like this style of play, but it seems speed counts for this event. :D

I did take a break yesterday, and had an amazingly tense few game-days back in my personal challenge survival run... it was so great to get back to it, but I still want to get the rest of this task done.

Today fortune smiled as I returned to the icy chill of Winter's Embrace.
I've found and consumed 22 bottles of syrup now... just 3 more to go. :)


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2 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

Today fortune smiled as I returned to the icy chill of Winter's Embrace.

I've found and consumed 22 bottles of syrup now... just 3 more to go. :)

You are doing a lot better than I am. In my single, (PV start), game I am on Day 243 and have covered 68% of the world.  I doubt if I have found 12 syrups. I haven't been particularly searching for syrups but I thought that I would have come across more than that by now. I haven't yet visited Broken Railway, my visit to TWM was in and out to the Mountaineers Hut only, I didn't even spend a night there. My trip to FM was only because weather in that swampy area of BI forced me to leave BI by the cave to FM.  I now need to return to collect gear I'd built up BI.  I doubt if I'll get 25 syrups, but there are worse things in life than that.

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I only started making any real progress once I started three concurrent runs (that is to say, two more in addition to my original).  Not only did it turn out to be more productive, but I got to relish in the struggles of day one (of the challenge) three times. :)

But then, I think those first two harrowing days are just the best. :D

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It took 3 weeks, but all my broken ribs healed, and I was finally able to leave the Timberwolf Mt. region.  I took a few chances before I was healed:  Found another hacksaw next to the corpse by the Wing, and visited both Engines to open the containers and crates there.  No syrups at either location, but found some useful items nonetheless.  I had one close call with a bear but got away even though my injuries made running very limited. 

I decided not to go for the Summit after my ribs healed, but to leave it for later if necessary.  I'll likely return to a more reckless style going forward (like the one that got me stomped by a moose 😄).  What the hell...I've got plenty of ammo.   Truth be told, I enjoyed being laid up in the Mountaineer's Hut for a stretch.  

The Long Dark is what you make of it.   At least until it kills you.

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It was a long haul, but finally earned my syrup chugging merit badge.  :D

Ended up finding one in my main run in a cabinet, two more in my tertiary run.  I ended up taking the final bottle from the Hunting Lodge, all the way back across the map to the Pleasant Valley Farmstead; where my quest for Maple Syrup truly began.  I chugged the final bottle before collapsing into the warm bed upstairs and slept victoriously... all warm and full of sugar.  :D

All in all, a wonderful event.  I've had a lot of fun, and it was refreshing to find myself in a situation where I really needed to step outside my normal playstyle in order to be successful.  For me this, event was a great and unexpected treat... Thank you Hinterland, you  folks always manage to find new ways to surprise me in the most delightful ways.  :)

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Good badge work, @ManicManiac.  I've enjoyed reading along, hooked by your excellent thread title.  🙂:coffee:

By the way, broken ribs guy is toast.  A series of mistakes starting with overreaching zeal to move on, forgetfulness (pills for bad food not taken right away), and thinking a warm cave would stay that way for long enough without a fire.  It was bad morning for him.  I kind of knew this survivor was going to buy it eventually.  He should have had a "Mistakes Can Kill You" patch sewed on the forearm of his pea coat.  I'll put it on his grave stone and start up a new guy where he left off, searching the regions he would have gone to next.  Maybe try for the badge without revisiting any location he went to.   😉  

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@Screenshot Pilgrim

Thank you, and I've very much enjoyed following along with your adventures/misadventures as well. :)

Believe me I can relate... in my attempts at my current personal challenge over in survival, I've had plenty of mishaps that I would consider to be me just making silly mistakes.   I mean, in my current run I've gotten frostbite twice and let myself get ambushed by a wolf once. :D
In previous attempts I'd sometimes get food poisoning and forget to take the meds I had in my pocket and spend the next few days trying to recover condition.  Heck, in my previous attempts I've lost track of now many silly mishaps I've subjected myself too.

I look forward to reading more about your exploits as Great Bear continues to hold us tightly in Winter's Embrace 

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My Astrid failed to understand the gravity of this event and she took a leave to spa. But now she is back. Broken Railroad was a bit disappoitment so she decided to head to Bleak Inlet directly. She went directly but a blizzard stopped her in the Ravine. Lucky her, she found a rope there and hapilly went down the the Bleak Inlet. She knew there are different wolves, vicious ones. But she had the revolver and no fear. She should train more. First encounter cost her dearly. She crawled to the radio hut in the BI almost dead. As consolation there was a book with guidance how to use revolver. Now she is reading it and licking her wounds. Some of those wolves were not so lucky though. Its been 25 days since she started this run.

If there is no rope in the Pensive Lookout she will try to goat way down. The clock is ticking and much is at stake.

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Broken ribs guy's cousin must have made his mistakes earlier in life.  He spawned right next to the prisoner bus south of Milton.  After scouring the region, kit is decent, but could be better.  Blue underwear, wool mittens, a pea coat and a mackinaw, insulated boots, snow pants + combat pants, two fisherman sweaters, 2 climbing socks, rifle w about 10 rounds, knife, hacksaw, prybar.  No hatchet or revolver yet.  Searched everywhere (except Basin) but only 2 syrups.  Had one pretty bad wolf scuffle, but otherwise avoided them.  Put two rounds into the Spruce Bridge bear, took a car nap, then scouted the plane crash.  Got the pelt curing in the north trailer.  

Decided to make a trek into Hushed River Valley next.  Would like to have waited until better equipped, but determined not to revisit locations looted by broken ribs guy (at least not until it becomes necessary).  That leaves the Valley, the Muskeg, Bleak Inlet, down the ravine in Broken Railroad, plus the Summit & Deer Clearing cargo at Timberwolf Mt. 

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2 hours ago, Screenshot Pilgrim said:

Broken ribs guy's cousin must have made his mistakes earlier in life.  He spawned right next to the prisoner bus south of Milton. 

I wonder if the game could give special clothing in this spawn. You know, orange trousers, orange jacket with target on the back. 😁 Or maybe the guard uniform.

So what was the cousin story? Inmate or driver?

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