Pass Time Hotkey


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  • 2 weeks later...

He probably means like a way to press and hold the pass time button to speed up time. I personally never pass time anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. However, it makes sense that the character takes out the cards to pass time, so I guess no from me too.

Edited by Aurimas
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On 4/25/2020 at 11:44 AM, Aurimas said:

He probably means like a way to press and hold the pass time button to speed up time. I personally never pass time anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. However, it makes sense that the character takes out the cards to pass time, so I guess no from me too.

I do think it would be cool if we could actually do stuff like play with a virtual card deck or read some royalty-free books.

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Pressing a button to pass time would be pretty deliberate? I mean times that I do not do things deliberately are throwing rocks trying to pick rabbits up but that's probably the consolitis coming into play more than anything. And for that exact same reason I don't think we will ever see a button to pass time. That would require more buttons on a controller, or for them to allow PC players to bind actions properly like you could do back in 1996 in games like quake. It's a long lost time, unfortunately.

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16 hours ago, Admin said:

Please keep in mind that it is possible to debate and disagree without resorting to insults. Posts hidden.

Now I want to know what he said. The long dark isn't about clicking as many buttons in a precise order, so not having hotkeys for every action is a nice change of pass from the other game I have been playing for years Starcraft two. If it's really bugging you though, just think of the extra click as you having to get out your deck of cards.

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In 1996 quake you could bind a key to a whole bunch of actions. For TLD it would be

Bind mouse1 "+attack; +use"....I probably left a few out there but you could just keep adding them in no problem

People could then choose to bind everything to one key or not. I am sure you could make it all nice in the GUI too.

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