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Would be cool to see glowsticks in the game as a somewhat rare item 1-2 per map they could be used as a long lasting light source and last 4-8 hours. They should come in multiple colors green, blue, yellow, red, purple, and be in packs of five.

They would not give off much light but enough to read a book or sow clothing. Also could be used to scare off wolves at night if you have good luck.

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3 hours ago, Hotzn said:

Nice idea, but I would much prefer candles. Which would fit the theme of TLD a little better as well, at least in my view.

I'm prefer this.  How many households really keep a supply of glowsticks at all times?  I don't.  Candles, on the other hand...  I have several.  I also have two oil lamps.  The only time we have glowsticks is Halloween. 

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I've gone back and forth on this topic myself.  I actually did once suggest this exact same thing in the wish list on the Steam forums.  While these are commonly used as a party accessory, military-grade versions of these do exist for silent, cold illumination, path marking in the dark, etc.  They can last 12 hours in normal temperatures, but in extreme cold the reaction is inhibited, reducing the illumination while extending the reaction time.  Because of this, I'm no longer in support of this idea, because in the environment of The Long Dark, the temperatures are so low that these glow sticks would be functionally useless.

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1 hour ago, Khan_Drichthyes said:

I'm prefer this.  How many households really keep a supply of glowsticks at all times?  I don't.  Candles, on the other hand...  I have several.  I also have two oil lamps.  The only time we have glowsticks is Halloween. 

For some reason, I do... lol. But they are primarily for Halloween I guess I just always have them year round, then the kids use em for trick or treating. haha
I'd rather see bug lamps before glowsticks, and the bugs aren't even an issue in the winter. lol (please don't put buglamps in the game, please please don't)

Candles would be awesome, and fitting. I'm all for that idea. 

If we had alcohol in the game we could throw molotov cocktails at wolves and bears, but nooooo... (I'm kidding... ...mostly)

Now that we have glow sticks, let's get toe socks. :D

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18 minutes ago, Soul Sojourner said:

If we had alcohol in the game we could throw molotov cocktails at wolves and bears, but nooooo... (I'm kidding... ...mostly)

For better results try to read it aloud with the same emphasis of the storytelling in Manowar's "The warrior's prayer".

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