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Just checking whether or not the Aurora has been disabled or not in survival mode on the Xbox One console. I have been playing a normal sandbox I started recently from Forlorn Muskeg and so far at around 20 days I have witnessed no Aurora. I understand their frequency has beeen reduced to increase rarity but this feels slightly too unlikely.

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3 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

Perhaps its because it sometimes doesnt happen a full night? Ive had them only be a couple hours long before.

This pretty much sums it up. It's really not the frequency that's the problem. It's the duration.

The way I play, I'm usually up more than half the night (this is so I'm most active during the warmest parts of the day). I seem to encounter auroras quite frequently, every 10-12 nights or so, but they don't seem to last longer than 3 hours, and they seem to most frequently appear during the midnight hours. So if someone were to play and sleep early enough to just catch the daylight then auroras will be very rare for them (according to my experience).

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