crafting update

lone wolf

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i got amaizing idea for game could you guys make annoying crafting loading screen or cooking screen like you need actually craft item not just like craft and wait some time if you can craft it moving knife if you make some arrows and stuff that would be more interesting than wait some hours?

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IF I read this right then I guess you want to see your character crafting instead of a loading screen and well that's on its way already (100% sure on fire starting and cooking at least.

It was on the roadmap before they removed it but I think they will still add it for the immersion. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh boy, it needs to be in the game. Also, what about mending? Let's say you have a screen of currently mended clothing, and you need to pass your needle through the "holes" in clothing. Or rifle cleaning? Something like in struggle, where you need to make it in a proper rhythm. Or can opening. Like via can opener, you need to make a decent circle-ish shape, otherwise, your character could suffer from cuts. Or opening can by the knife when you need to make it in the perfect height of a can to not waste calories.  Or forging, where you will need to beat the metal by a hammer in the SPECIFIC PLACE, where punishment would be a lower condition at the start. OR MAPS DRAWING! Actual map drawing. I NEED THESE!

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