Tree felling.


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Just like @Fuarian said, there was never an option like the one you are describing. Forage for wood was an option you opened up in a menu, and it just "speeded up time", similar to way fishing works, and in the end, you got a piece of wood, depending on what type of wood you wanted to get. It was an easily abusable mechanic, as you could simply go out to the ruined building by Trappers, strip naked, and forage for wood to conserve your clothes for hours of a day due to no wind.

And no, I don't want to see tree felling in the game. Because if that happened, more people will demand structure building, and that is not what TLD should be about. On top of that, gathering firewood is simple enough now - there is no way to make it easier now.

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5 minutes ago, StrayCat said:

Well, I just would like to have the sound of tree falling far away. A sudden crackle in the distance, breaking the silence. Maybe seeing it fall. Nothing else.

I'm sure they have or had tree sounds cracking falling before, then come to think of it I have not heard any for a while! maybe something broke or they removed that sounds effect! need to hear for them next time I play.

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You would need to let the freshly cut wood to dry first. And also you would need a saw. But there already are big pieces of fallen trees on the map that could be harvested by a saw and hatchet. Currently they offer no action to player. That would give more firewood.

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1 hour ago, Tomcat2 said:

You would need to let the freshly cut wood to dry first. And also you would need a saw. But there already are big pieces of fallen trees on the map that could be harvested by a saw and hatchet. Currently they offer no action to player. That would give more firewood.

This could be accomplished with the current mechanics of curing Maple & Birch saplings, although it would take significantly longer...

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