Companions? :)


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I'm sure at some point this may have been brought up, but I went through a lot of topics and pages to see what anyone said and couldn't find anything... but

I'd honestly would love to see the concept of working with nature to a whole new level. 

If anyone has ever seen 'Life Below Zero' it documents the life of several people living off the land in desolate areas in Alaska; they hunt and use every piece of their kill to their advantage. Seal fat, antlers, trading system with other families (meat for meat, meat for a handmade coat out of wolf skin ect.) and this one particular man who lives alone with a pack of his sled dogs got me to thinking of TLD and how it would be awesome to have a companion. Maybe not a whole pack of sled dogs, but more so being able to find a bear cub or a wolf pup thats been abandoned and you're able to care for it and raise it. Once it is able to fend for itself, he/she can hunt for you, maybe even keep you warm when you can't find shelter (those snow shelters aren't doing it for me when I'm stuck somewhere and in need of some heat), or keeping you a little safer when you don't have a weapon available or you run out of bullets or bows. 


I just like the idea that you aren't totally alone out there, yes it is fun, but something about being able to connect with nature on that level always makes it a little more interesting. 

I know there is talk about NPC's, but maybe this can some how be incorporated in a trading system. Never know. So many IDEAS! :)



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Only if the companion can't be killed, either by us or other animals. Otherwise it would (a) give opportunity to utilitarian cruelty ("hm, I'm starving and I've got nothing to eat, Toby...") or (b) I couldn't bear her death -- how depressing would it be to lose your only friend in a world of loneliness?

And yet I don't know; perhaps companions are best left for modders; or perhaps we should first see what roles NPCs are going to fill in.

By the way, can bears be domesticated?

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9 hours ago, PallasD said:

I'm sure at some point this may have been brought up, but I went through a lot of topics and pages to see what anyone said and couldn't find anything... but

I'd honestly would love to see the concept of working with nature to a whole new level. 

If anyone has ever seen 'Life Below Zero' it documents the life of several people living off the land in desolate areas in Alaska; they hunt and use every piece of their kill to their advantage. Seal fat, antlers, trading system with other families (meat for meat, meat for a handmade coat out of wolf skin ect.) and this one particular man who lives alone with a pack of his sled dogs got me to thinking of TLD and how it would be awesome to have a companion. Maybe not a whole pack of sled dogs, but more so being able to find a bear cub or a wolf pup thats been abandoned and you're able to care for it and raise it. Once it is able to fend for itself, he/she can hunt for you, maybe even keep you warm when you can't find shelter (those snow shelters aren't doing it for me when I'm stuck somewhere and in need of some heat), or keeping you a little safer when you don't have a weapon available or you run out of bullets or bows. 


I just like the idea that you aren't totally alone out there, yes it is fun, but something about being able to connect with nature on that level always makes it a little more interesting. 

I know there is talk about NPC's, but maybe this can some how be incorporated in a trading system. Never know. So many IDEAS! :)



Hi @PallasD !!!!:)
Welcome to forum!!!! ^_^
Don't forget to check " introduce yourself "  page !! it is on the main page !! :coffee:

And about topic ... 
We discuss about falconry and dog as companion !!  
And I like idea about Companion. being alone is not good. a dog can help you with wolfs:devil: and bears :durbear: !!!  :)
And about trading system ....


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Hey there, welcome to the forums!

This idea got brought up a lot of times and although it sounds interesting there are some problems...

1) I takes a LOT of work to implement both in the AI, the animation and gameplay balance department so I'm not sure if it would get added. Maybe in Story mode as a scripted "NPC", but even that seems unlikely.

2) The last time someone brought it up the discussion got so out of hand and was so TOXIC that the new member who brought it up actually left the forums. There are just too many "strong personalities" here who REALLY can't tolerate any unrealistic mechanics(taming a wild animal is a lot of work and most people said it's animal cruelty since it NEEDS to involve beating the cubs into submission and all other nonsense that wouldn't be needed in a game) so please if anyone turns negative don't get offended. Most of us here(especially the moderators) are pretty nice people. It's just that most of the nice guys only comment on ideas they agree with so it's harder to see them in negative situations. :/

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Just now, Hiemalis said:

I think Brutus really is one of a kind, but nonetheless impressive.

You people, how much in-game time do you think would be agreeable to tame/domesticate a bear cub?

It just a video for fun ^_^ !!!!
I don't want domestic bear!!! it is impossible in game!!!! 

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There will always be nay sayers no matter where you post an opinion, so it takes a lot to deter someone who knows these are ideas for a GAME. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. This is a forum so they can say what they want, but so can I.  

But I honestly don't get how taming/domesticating an animal leads to abusing it?? o.O

They're like small children, they need that nurturing from a guardian of some sort. You don't abuse children to get them to listen to you? Nonetheless, puppies or cubs that are given love and fed properly should have no problem with having a companion of that sort. 

My thought process is it being a game, you're giving ideas for a game. Yes you're trying to be realistic about it, but at the same time you can be realistic about the fact taming/domesticating bears and wolves happen all the time. They have a sanctuary for wolves in Colorado Springs that lets you feed and take pictures with them on tours for crying out loud. But never in my mind did I think that abusing an animal for it to become a companion would be okay, if people think that's true or that you'd have to do that in a game or in real life... should maybe get some help haha

I just like the idea because you're not totally alone and you're able to interact with nature on a whole new level. :x


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48 minutes ago, PallasD said:

There will always be nay sayers no matter where you post an opinion, so it takes a lot to deter someone who knows these are ideas for a GAME. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. This is a forum so they can say what they want, but so can I.  

But I honestly don't get how taming/domesticating an animal leads to abusing it?? o.O

They're like small children, they need that nurturing from a guardian of some sort. You don't abuse children to get them to listen to you? Nonetheless, puppies or cubs that are given love and fed properly should have no problem with having a companion of that sort. 

My thought process is it being a game, you're giving ideas for a game. Yes you're trying to be realistic about it, but at the same time you can be realistic about the fact taming/domesticating bears and wolves happen all the time. They have a sanctuary for wolves in Colorado Springs that lets you feed and take pictures with them on tours for crying out loud. But never in my mind did I think that abusing an animal for it to become a companion would be okay, if people think that's true or that you'd have to do that in a game or in real life... should maybe get some help haha

I just like the idea because you're not totally alone and you're able to interact with nature on a whole new level. :x


The developers said in 3-6 months they will add other survivors to the game.

also in this game nature is against you.

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On 8/11/2016 at 11:21 AM, Gaboris said:

2) The last time someone brought it up the discussion got so out of hand and was so TOXIC that the new member who brought it up actually left the forums. There are just too many "strong personalities" here who REALLY can't tolerate any unrealistic mechanics(taming a wild animal is a lot of work and most people said it's animal cruelty since it NEEDS to involve beating the cubs into submission and all other nonsense that wouldn't be needed in a game) so please if anyone turns negative don't get offended. Most of us here(especially the moderators) are pretty nice people. It's just that most of the nice guys only comment on ideas they agree with so it's harder to see them in negative situations. :/

*raises his scaled head and hisses, showing tongue*

Yesssss, here i am, watching, waiting to sssstrike.

And again, domesticating wild animal is impossible(yes, experts say so). Discussed lengthily and aggressively several times. Dog would be realistic and far more logical that finding wolf pup in the middle of the winter(wolfs dont have pups till spring) and making a companion out of it(best case scenario would be habituation, altho it would do more harm than good, to every1 involved).

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Yep. I'm all for dogs and cats as these animals are already domesticated. Domestication of wild animals is not really possible. Even "trained" and "tamed" wild animals will occasionally turn on their owners... with unfortunate results.

I am willing to concede that habituation is possible but not recommended. To put it another way, if a dog's master dies centuries of selective breeding to make said dog tame means that dog has a good chance of just curling up in front of the corpse and starving to death itself if it's not found. Do you think a starving bear or wolf would have that problem?

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You can "tame" a bear, and other wild animals, you can't  "domesticate" them.

Domestication is, at its most basic and easy-to-understand level, genetic modification. Dogs, and other domesticated animals, were selectively bred over centuries/thousands of years for specific traits. Not just physical traits, but behaviors and mental traits.

Not to mention, domesticating an animal often involves effectively rewriting an animals personality and thought processes. Dogs being submissive to every human they come across? They don't do that naturally. We train it into them, effectively forcing submission, and those that we can't train (aggressive dogs, feral dogs) we sterilize and euthanize. 

And that is with dogs, which are relatively easy to "train" as they naturally have social groups and readily recognize leaders in the form of dominance. Bears? ppppsssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

No. You would get your face clawed off. Either by the mother when you try to capture the cub, or when the cub gets older and starts refusing to listen to you.

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@Boston123  I came across a picture of someone with their "pet" fox recently and thought, hrmm, is that really possible?  It turns out some Russian researchers have been trying to domesticate foxes since the 1950s via selective breeding.  With quite limited success, actually, if you want a nice pet since they get to about 10 months old and no longer enjoy interaction with their owner.  The most fascinating thing is that breeding foxes for domestication traits like docility and sociability also changed the physical traits over the generations.  They started to look more like dogs!

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Lots of question must be answered !!!

for example:

  • There should be more dog house !! (it is not question !!! :D)
  • Are they gonna be edible ???? When situation get bad and you have nothing to eat. Will you kill your Companions??
  • Are they gonna be treatable?? OR  When your dog get injured by bear or wolf.  Will you treat it??
  • What do dog eat ???? Only :dog_food: ??? or granola bar and energy bar is OK
  • Which type of dog should it be??? (husky or German shepherd or Akita or ... )
  • Should it be sled dog?? 
  • How much calories do it need???????  
    according to link single husky (cause it is a most lightweight dog Between other choices): (for example: 22 kg) need same calories as you !!!!! 

So, what is your idea guys??????? :)

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While dog house would be nice, there is no actual need for it, as far as i can see. Also, depending on breed it may not be advisable to leave it outside due to low temperatures.

Wolves are edible, dont really see why dogs shouldnt be.

Imo dogs should have all same statuses as player, with same needs.

Dogs can eat pretty much everything.

While i do love german shepherds, they are imo way 2 big for this game. With caloric and space requirements they would be hard to accommodate properly. Huskys are imo best choice - they are bread for such conditions, extremely resilient, dont eat as much, altho need a lot of exercise(shouldnt be a problem) and they also look cool.

If its husky, then pulling sleds is one of their traits.

Huskys generally need less food that other dogs of same size and they are adapted to live off meat. Id say about 2/3 of player requirements. Generally they can eat a lot less and stay ok, but unless long term effects of sufficient/insufficient eating are implemented, there is no point to make those unrealistically low.

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27 minutes ago, Dirmagnos said:

While dog house would be nice, there is no actual need for it, as far as i can see. Also, depending on breed it may not be advisable to leave it outside due to low temperatures.

Wolves are edible, dont really see why dogs shouldnt be.

Imo dogs should have all same statuses as player, with same needs.

Dogs can eat pretty much everything.

While i do love german shepherds, they are imo way 2 big for this game. With caloric and space requirements they would be hard to accommodate properly. Huskys are imo best choice - they are bread for such conditions, extremely resilient, dont eat as much, altho need a lot of exercise(shouldnt be a problem) and they also look cool.

If its husky, then pulling sleds is one of their traits.

Huskys generally need less food that other dogs of same size and they are adapted to live off meat. Id say about 2/3 of player requirements. Generally they can eat a lot less and stay ok, but unless long term effects of sufficient/insufficient eating are implemented, there is no point to make those unrealistically low.

we can do lots of fun think with dogs too!! 

We Should have a big discussion about dog type!!!!!!!!!!!!

best for hunting deer : 

for protection:

For Cold weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

So , What kind of dog do you prefer??


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7 hours ago, alone sniper said:

Lots of question must be answered !!!

for example:

  • There should be more dog house !! (it is not question !!! :D)
  • Are they gonna be edible ???? When situation get bad and you have nothing to eat. Will you kill your Companions??
  • Are they gonna be treatable?? OR  When your dog get injured by bear or wolf.  Will you treat it??
  • What do dog eat ???? Only :dog_food: ??? or granola bar and energy bar is OK
  • Which type of dog should it be??? (husky or German shepherd or Akita or ... )
  • Should it be sled dog?? 
  • How much calories do it need???????  
    according to link single husky (cause it is a most lightweight dog Between other choices): (for example: 22 kg) need same calories as you !!!!! 

So, what is your idea guys??????? :)

  • A dog house wouldn't be appropriate unless you're leaving your dog out somewhere instead of traveling with it and or TLD includes some sort of build your own fort type of thing where you plan on building yourself a permanent home for you and your companion. 
  • In reality, any and all breathing things are edible. Some are looked down upon and maybe even illegal, but I wouldn't see a reason to eat my own dog because if it came to that point then I obviously suck at surviving in a game if I can't prepare myself for even the worst. 
  • Dogs can eat just about anything. Even today, people feed their dogs raw/cooked meat (beef, chicken, pork ect). In Alaska, they feed their sled dogs half dog food and fish that they catch in some chicken broth. So, I wouldn't worry at all what to feed the dog, but feeding for two is a little more challenging which is more exciting. 
  • I would like top of the top of breeds when it comes to being able to protect itself from wolves and even a bear if it may have to and be able to stand the cold and harsh winters. Sled dogs are good for traveling which would be amazing as a form of transportation in the game if they even considered it (it takes so long sometimes to travel from one place to another). A type of sled dog is an Alaskan Husky and or an Alaskan Malamute. Even an Eskimo Dog would be great for the harsh conditions and can even hunt side by side by you. I personally would like a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian Bear Dog) as my companion. Great for protection, great for transportation, great for harsh weather conditions. That dog is an overall beast compared to other dogs in TLD conditions. 
  • Depending on the dog, they may eat just as much as you if not more than you. Making the experience of surviving that much more thrilling. I don't really mind how much it eats, just as long as I have the food for it. Which is why building some type of fridge to store food would be ideal with or without a companion. Killing a bear would give you and your dog enough food for a few days if not a week without the need to hunt anything else.

But that's just me... I would just really enjoy some kind of interaction with someone or something else that doesn't include wolves or bears. :)

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5 minutes ago, PallasD said:

I personally would like a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian Bear Dog) as my companion.

THIS DOG IS HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 minute ago, alone sniper said:

THIS DOG IS HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's like a teddy bear, I absolutely love it! They can weigh anywhere from 130lbs to 220lbs!! Such an impressive dog and would be PERFECT for this type of environment!




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15 minutes ago, PallasD said:
  • In reality, any and all breathing things are edible. Some are looked down upon and maybe even illegal, but I wouldn't see a reason to eat my own dog because if it came to that point then I obviously suck at surviving in a game if I can't prepare myself for even the worst. 

Finally some1 who views survival for what it really is without all those mucus coming from everywhere "but im 2 civilized to eat this" or "ewww, that corpse stincks, please remove it" or "im so used to live in consumer society so every1 will be nice to every1 even if world has gone to shit".

  • I would like top of the top of breeds when it comes to being able to protect itself from wolves and even a bear if it may have to and be able to stand the cold and harsh winters. Sled dogs are good for traveling which would be amazing as a form of transportation in the game if they even considered it (it takes so long sometimes to travel from one place to another). A type of sled dog is an Alaskan Husky and or an Alaskan Malamute. Even an Eskimo Dog would be great for the harsh conditions and can even hunt side by side by you. I personally would like a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian Bear Dog) as my companion. Great for protection, great for transportation, great for harsh weather conditions. That dog is an overall beast compared to other dogs in TLD conditions. 

We need a topic with list of various dogs with their pros and cons with ability to vote.

  • Depending on the dog, they may eat just as much as you if not more than you. Making the experience of surviving that much more thrilling. I don't really mind how much it eats, just as long as I have the food for it. Which is why building some type of fridge to store food would be ideal with or without a companion. Killing a bear would give you and your dog enough food for a few days if not a week without the need to hunt anything else.

But that's just me... I would just really enjoy some kind of interaction with someone or something else that doesn't include wolves or bears. :)

It would be interesting to have a selection of dogs in game. Id prefer husky, since hunting for me is not a priority(altho any dog would be fairly good at tracking, at least far better than bipedal monkeys), and having canine companion who can pull sled and even skijorn me across map in no time, not to mention being fairly easy to maintain and require below average amount of food, is more important than size or ability to break a wolf.

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13 minutes ago, PallasD said:

He's like a teddy bear, I absolutely love it! They can weigh anywhere from 130lbs to 220lbs!! Such an impressive dog and would be PERFECT for this type of environment!

On the bright side youd never have to worry about meat spoiling with such tank. 8)

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