Cats, I think cats would be awesome


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Cats could be useful. If mice are ever added and food storage becomes a key mechanic I'd argue that they'd be essential ^_^

Still, a furry friend of any sort that's not trying to eat you would be a nice change :big_smile:

And welcome to the forums @Ubermensch


These cats are just defending their territory, but the videos are totally awesome.

As someone who has faced down ten pounds of feline fury, let me assure you, they are nothing to laugh at. Most of the scars on my hands are from cats. 

I agree with @cekivi that cats should be added to the game for rodent control once we start getting into stockpiling food. 


As a confirmed cat's lady, I can vouch for the morale boost one gets from kitty cuddles!

Especially once you get the fire going in the stove, sit down in the red glow from its grate, and start repairing your clothes/bedroll/footwear --

Guaranteed Cuddle Time!

And to go with this, can we please have a sit mechanic too? Then maybe I'll keep that easy chair in Trapper's!


Sounds like a good setup for storytime with Granpa Mackenzie...

"Well kids, let me tell you about that one time where I ate a granola bar at the top of a mountain only to contract food poisoning and use the resulting diarrhea to keep the bears away..."


So not being a Minecraft player, I had to look this one up!

16 hours ago, vancopower said:

I guess when they add creepers they'll have to add cats too :) Minecraft joke :P

On the Minecraft Wiki: 


Creepers will flee from ocelots and cats if one is too close, until they are approximately 16 blocks away from the feline(s).

Heh, heh, that will be useful when seasons come. Wonder if Kudzu does the same?


I like your idé, but it's not that realistic. A cat would have really hard time surviving in snowy, cold places. A cat in places like that would die really fast because it would not find any food, water and shelter. If a snow storm would occur it would not survive. Actually there is no pet that would survive in areas like this. Cool idé but not that realistic.


True but if there are livestock in the game (a roadmap item) barns would have enough warmth and mice to keep a cat alive. Keeping the horses and/or cows alive though would be another problem entirely...


Hmm, I beg to differ. Cats are incredibly tough and resilient, even in the winter months. 

Being small, they don't need much in the way of calories or shelter. 

Their coats are thick and insulating, almost like snow leopards. 

The "natural" long hair breeds - Maine Coon Cat, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Siberian Forest Cat were all naturally selected by cold winters to survive with a minimum of shelter.

Being evolved as desert animals initially, their water needs aren't as much as, say, a horse or a cow. They get by with very little water, and most of their water needs are met metabolically. By that I mean the biochemical processes that are driven by the food they eat produce water as a byproduct, hence "metabolic water."

And no, they don't drink urine or eat yellow snow . . .

A healthy cat that is not overbred (i.e. not Siamese, Oriental Shorthair or one of those long, stringy types) will survive the winters in Canada just as well as fox, voles and rabbits do. 

Of all the common house pets, cats are the least domesticated. They are not as dependent on us as they like us to think they are.

9 hours ago, cekivi said:

True but if there are livestock in the game (a roadmap item) barns would have enough warmth and mice to keep a cat alive. Keeping the horses and/or cows alive though would be another problem entirely...

That's true

5 hours ago, hauteecolerider said:

Hmm, I beg to differ. Cats are incredibly tough and resilient, even in the winter months. 

Being small, they don't need much in the way of calories or shelter. 

Their coats are thick and insulating, almost like snow leopards. 

The "natural" long hair breeds - Maine Coon Cat, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Siberian Forest Cat were all naturally selected by cold winters to survive with a minimum of shelter.

Being evolved as desert animals initially, their water needs aren't as much as, say, a horse or a cow. They get by with very little water, and most of their water needs are met metabolically. By that I mean the biochemical processes that are driven by the food they eat produce water as a byproduct, hence "metabolic water."

And no, they don't drink urine or eat yellow snow . . .

A healthy cat that is not overbred (i.e. not Siamese, Oriental Shorthair or one of those long, stringy types) will survive the winters in Canada just as well as fox, voles and rabbits do. 

Of all the common house pets, cats are the least domesticated. They are not as dependent on us as they like us to think they are.

Your right but think if a cat is taking a walk and a snow storm comes. The cat would not survive that. I know that snow storms just don't come that quickly but in the long dark the sometimes pop out of nowhere. The cat maybe doesn't need too eat or drink much but it still needs too have at least something per day. The best place for a cat to live in the long dark would be the barn. It is a good shelter with a probability of mice that could be food for the cat and it could sleep in hay bales. Outside there would not be any food for the cat.


I think that some cats could be hiding in the coastal highway, and corpses could be found. They would hiss at the player when close, and bat at the player when too close. 


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