Third Try

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Everything posted by Third Try

  1. lol, I'm just sitting here laughing about that argument earlier ๐Ÿ˜‚ like, I get both sides, but it's still funny. I really don't know what else you'd call this though without making the readers have any assumptions... ๐Ÿค”"Hinterland support numbers" maybe? Idk, still funny though.
  2. okay, thanks! If we're talking about other games, then y'all ever heard of Kona? Another, but completely unrelated, game that I like is Little Misfortune.
  3. Damn that was close! It would have to be pretty desperate for me to try that on a guy (although, now I wanna try it. Maybe I'll make a guy specifically to try doing that?)
  4. okay, wait, what game is this?! Also, isn't this the long dark forums? I'm confused, but I still like the posts!
  5. lol, weird. That's a big jump, but I would personally assume it's just a change in the number system, but if they are overwhelmed I give them my blessings ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Thanks you guys, this is really good input! I currently don't have access to The Long Dark on my computer, but I was wondering if there's any signs of position in the story mode scene at the very beginning with Will in the plane. Do you guys think that any of those numbers and dials and what-not actually mean anything? (take a screenshot if you find anything!) The general consensus seems to be that it is off the coast of British Colombia somewhere on a fictional island. And we can all agree that it is not based on the arctic, just the 'north.' The prisons have an almost eerie resemblance (just make the real one more... gray), and some of those bridges are also pretty accurate. I think that Will is near, but not in, Vancouver while Astrid is actually working in the city. If the island is an actual place I think that it is Banks Island, due to it's size, lack of population, shape and it's mountain(s). At least I like the idea of it being Banks Island. I don't think it's Bakers Island just because it's too close to Vancouver and I don't think it's Queen Charlottes island because it's really big (but then again, Great Bear Island might be a scaled down version and we only know of the southern tip, so maybe) Thanks again, y'all.
  7. @Glflegolas, another fellow mathematician! Do you have any ideas to post on my topic Where Is Great Bear Island? This is very interesting, and makes sense. The idea that it's a scaled down model is interesting, and would explain things like traveling between towns by foot through snow in one day.
  8. At first I had always assumed that it was in the Northwest Territory or Nunavut, north of the ocean shoreline. But there's two holes with this theory that I realized recently. One: There are no polar bears. Two: We don't have solar nights or days (except permanent night?) Three: The ocean ice is only near the shore, it doesn't extend out to the mainland. All of this means we probably aren't in the arctic circle. There is also very little reference to the Inuits. There is no refference to Hudson Bay either, nor Alaska. Are there any papers, notes, story mode hints of what latitude and longitude we're at? Red is my original theory (in Nunavut or Northwest), orange is my new one (closer to Quebec or Newfoundland). Is it possible it's on the west shore in British Colombia? Something else I keep wondering is if there's a map that shows the actual size comparison of various regions, because the world map in game seems to be more of a representation than anything to actually navigate with (maybe it was hand drawn?). Any idea how big certain regions are? How far is it from Blackrock to the shore? How big is Pleasant Valley? Another big question is this: Is the world map in-game showing just a tiny portion of a major island or is it showing 90% of the landmass? Is the entire game just in a little bay on some massive island? If you guys have any theories, please write them down!
  9. I've seem timber wolves do it, but they also had been lagging out a little for me a while ago. There was one I shot and it litterally just sunk into the snow, irretrevable except the arrow. Went back on my save and tried again, it worked that time. Also I really do like @UpUpAway95's idea. I've thought about the same thing. Maybe increased snow depth in canyons and the base of mountains?
  10. I had seen several of them this summer and my mother hadn't seen them since she was a child. Very cool. Edit: just watched the video. That's epic. Also, did you guys know that if you're far north enough and it's really strong, arouras make a noise?
  11. I had a simelar experience as @Just some guy being a dude, where I had shot and killed a wolf right near an ice fishing hut in Crumbling highway region (the one with the quonset garage) and finished harvesting it. When I got up a bear reared up just in front of me and I shot it square in the face with my only flare shell, stunning it. It ran off, stumbled and died right next to the hut. My younger siblings had been watching at the time and they full out screamed when they heard the roar, making it even more intense. In that same world (my first longish stalker run), I walked outside the Garage and saw a moose not too far away, and because it didn't notice me I went back inside, loaded up one of my last rifle bullets in my damaged and precious rifle, and walked outside. When I walked outside I couldn't see the moose, so I walked over to where I'd last seen it and just over a snow bank there it was, stomping the ground. I was already holding the rifle, but by the time the gun was on my shoulder it was charging at me. Shot it in the head, dropping it at my feet. That run was so epic ๐Ÿ˜(memories...)
  12. I like timberwolves how they are, (I also voted 'yes' thinking that's what it meant), but I do agree that decreasing timberwolves should slightly increase regular ones.
  13. Hahaha! 'Zombie wolves'...? These aren't zombie wolves @odium, they're desperately hungry wolves that have gone slightly crazy due to the large amounts of toxic metals that have accumulated in there brain and blood stream. Sorry @odium, you've already gotten a lot of hate for that comment, and you're opinion is respected, I just couldn't help but laugh when I saw 'Zombie Wolves' ๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think someone else had suggested it at some point; @Leeanda perhaps? Anyway, the idea is a new affliction called Addiction. This is caused by drinking two cups of coffee or energy drinks a day for a week (or something). once you're addicted and you don't have it your exhaustion will drain faster and you'll have headaches. You can also get addicted to pain killer pills (but not rose hip tea), and is caused by having some every day for a while. Once you're addicted to them and you don't have them it causes exhaustion and the pain affliction as well as not being able to fully rest (only sleep to 10 hours). Because this would add a level of inconvenience maybe on voyager and pilgrim it would be disabled for easier exploration.
  15. I'm very excited! This new region sounds exciting, and the poisened mines will be fun to explore. I also think that a more aggressive variety of wolves is a good idea (but keeping it in one location as well) I'm very pleased with the travois style. I imagined a plastic sled for one reason or another, but I like the look of that, and it seems like it will be balenced. i.e not being able to climb ropes with it, being slowed, still having scent... Honestly though, I'm most excited for the first-person visual updates. The gloves! The sleeves even! Someday I'll get a mug... (thanks for considering restocking that stuff!) p.s. anyone else's jaw drop when they saw that bow shot? ๐Ÿ˜
  16. @Abenico, yes, the gloves (so excited!) You should vote on the poll 'Do you want the trader?' And yeah, fallout is awesome ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. My first run over 30 days was lost to a save magically disapearing โ˜น๏ธ #Compassion (It was a cool custom setting -- pilgrim, timberwolf mountain, except wolf population really high and absolutely no wolf fear. If they saw you they would attack unless you could kill them. No wolf fear is scary...) I get the dislike of the constant needs of interloper, like water, but you need fire, so you need matches and fuel, and to get a hatchet... We all know how it goes ๐Ÿ˜ It was literally a couple months ago when I realized I could use stims to heal ๐Ÿ˜‚but once I learned that I gave those very high priority. Always have one on me, and use it in any tight spot (although, the exaustion afterward has proven to be more than annoying a few times)
  18. Good heck! 600 days? @Leeanda, tsk tsk, you're playing on a much too easy of a difficulty! (lol, jk jk, you do what you want๐Ÿ˜) My record is 70 something (maybe 80)
  19. A lot of us don't care for the idea of a trader, especially if it's an actual NPC becuase it would ruin the loneliness of the game a little, but others want the trader desperately. What's your opinion? Feel free to write more specific answers as a reply, or suggestions for another question. (I already know that @ManicManiac doesn't want it ๐Ÿ˜)
  20. Stickers for laptops, phone covers, water bottles, cars, etc of the Hinterland logo, the difficulty level logos, the jackrabbit transport logo, the hatchet (I'd snatch that in an instant) and maybe more. More hoodie designs Lots of mugs in stock (I still don't have one. Anyone willing to sell theres? ๐Ÿ˜…)
  21. No... that will ruin the cabin. I really hope hinterland has some way to explain trading without having an NPC