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Everything posted by artmunki

  1. I haven't tested this, or even made particularly careful notes tbh, but from experience my suspicion would be that the distribution of loose ropes on the island is determined by RNG, but the actual quantity will usually be just short of the number required to fill all the undeployed climbs. That's just a guess tho, but one tempered by a fair bit of time on GBI. In my current run (I'll likely hit 800 days today or tomorrow) I still have maybe 3 or 4 loose ropes available to be placed, and maybe 4 or 5 unroped climbs that I can think of (all in regions distant from the ropes current locations, of course), which feels pretty normal. Don't think I've ever made a point of trying to rope all the climbs on the island, but I do usually get all of TWM and AC sorted, and the more useful climbs elsewhere, and I'm pretty sure I've never bothered with that kinda pointless climb point in DP, or the one right behind the lodge in BRR, so I've never been too troubled by a lack. Just my own take on it tho - I'm sure there's someone out there who's actually crunched the numbers on it. On a side note, there's one other unroped climb that I just discovered for the first time recently, which has no way (yet!) to even see the climbing rock, let alone wrap a rope around it - anyone else know what I'm somewhat cryptically talking about? 😜
  2. In my current run (approaching 800 days) I've had respawned Vaughn's Rifle (three of them), Woodright's Bow (two so far), and a repeatedly spawning car battery in the Quonset Garage (8 or 9 before it finally stopped reappearing), as well as the usual multi-drop sticks & such. But no Curator's rifle yet, curiously. So yeah, there are still some spawn glitches at the moment.
  3. artmunki


    And you'd finally have an actual reason to wear those awful ski boots too! 😜
  4. Don't really see why this thread has been moved to the wishlist section. We're just speculating about what we think the trader might be like, not making requests for what we'd like to find when we get there. I for one am perfectly happy with whatever Hinterland chooses to give us, but it's fun to guess before we see what's in store.
  5. Not so sure about that. That would certainly hold true for when I found my second Woodright's Bow down at Moose Outlook (I'd finished the previous day's play in the cave in the valley), but I started yesterday's play in a cave in FM and found the rifles in the dam, which is obviously a different region altogether, not just a different area. Hadn't been through that part of the dam in a while actually (I was only there to see if there might be another flask), and haven't slept there at all since I first looted the building, so whatever's causing these respawns it isn't that.
  6. And I just found two copies of Vaughn's Rifle down in the Dam, to match the one I already found ages ago. I still haven't found the Curator's Rifle on this run, but I safe to say I've been more than compensated. Think I'll take these extra Vaughn's down to Bleak Inlet for repairs, then keep one for display, and maybe leave one up on the Mountain.
  7. Hah! Fantastic! Can't say I've ever actually noticed it myself, but given the way various flags around the island (and those little marker rags on staves near the Fallen Lighthouse) react to the wind, it doesn't surprise me in the least. That'll be something to look for next time I visit Milton. I love how good this game is at still surprising us, even when we think we know it well.
  8. As it happens, I now have 2 of each. Already had one each before the Zone dropped, found another Sport Bow in the new region, and just the other day I found a second Woodright's down at Moose Overlook in HRV. Unfortunately I can't remember if that's where I found my first one in this run tho, so I'm not sure if it's a respawn or a fresh one. You can be sure I'll be checking again next time I'm down in the valley, just in case...
  9. What about them? They're not active markers either - you spray them and they stay where you put them. Static marker, not active tracking.
  10. Guess we'll just have to wait & see!
  11. Yeah, but the rock cache stays in one place, and you only get to make 5 in any given region, so making them orienteering points as well does kinda make sense. The travois certainly can be used for storage - when it was added I think it immediately became the largest capacity container in the game, so I won't be the least surprised if a lot of folks use it that way - but its actual intended purpose is to help you transport stuff between locations, so putting it on the map would mean giving it an active marker, which just doesn't fit with how survivor works at all. Maybe in story mode, or some of the challenges, but active markers are contrary to the way mapping works in survival. If you drop it somewhere, you're just gonna have to remember to keep a note like with anything else.
  12. Not even if you get some charcoal out and map it - I just checked. That'd be way too easy for TLD! It's a portable piece of gear, not an orienteering point like the rock cache.
  13. I just kinda thought that the whole setup for Donner being this dangerous psycho, then we never even caught sight of him, felt a little ... Chekov's Gun-ish, especially in the runup to the endgame for Wintermute. I can't actually remember whether or not we know if Mathis survived the Pen, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Donner - possibly with his dad - appeared as the main antagonists for Will, Astrid and everyone in PM for the last chapter. I mean, if they're still alive, they're gonna want to get off the island too, right?
  14. Mathis's son may well have survived the explosive end of the Penitentiary, and he's even worse than Mathis, so we're told ...
  15. Well, technically speaking the world is already off axis and in an elliptical orbit, and the entire history of human civilization - right up to present day - has happened in an ice age. But we know there's still open water as far north as the Vancouver coast, so there's no way, realistically speaking, that we're talking a Snowball Earth situation, which is the only way there might be nowhere warm. The device may have somehow screwed with the climate, messed up the seasons, possibly somehow tweaked the earth's magnetic field a bit so the auroras are more active and impactful, but I can't really see this story going full-on science-fantasy with it actually impacting our procession round the sun. That just doesn't seem as grounded as what we've seen thus far.
  16. Remember that the Survival game is set a few years after Wintermute, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else left alive on the island. That ship's big enough to get a fair few people off - certainly everyone we've met in Wintermute so far, and then some (ok, maybe not Mathis) - so it doesn't seem like there's been too much rebuilding. I'm guessing that the close of Wintermute will see the end of Will and Astrid's story on Great Bear, along with everyone else who escapes with them, and any future TLD stories will have a new cast. Just my guess tho, obviously.
  17. But it's not just an old boat, is it? It's an old sailboat, rejigged to run on steam at some point, and more recently upgraded with whatever those pylon-looking outriggers are. Looks to me like it just might be the perfect vessel for this new world. They could even sail off somewhere warm!
  18. I have found a few more since my last update too. They mostly seem to be restricted to the larger, more resource-rich regions, which would make sense after all.
  19. Well, that goes without saying. Every hut, cabin and cave I use as a base always ends up with plush carpeting, at least in one corner. 😜 That actual URL did make me think tho - anyone think taxidermy might be an option for base decoration?
  20. I honestly thought the DLC was gonna have 5 chapters like the story, but I'll very happily take 6! My guess would be that the next part will bring base customisation and the camera/darkroom, then in the final part we'll get that fateful Mountain Pass, where we'll find the trader (whatever that turns out to be). And of course the cougar ... not sure which part that's more likely to show up in. Mountain Pass seems most obvious, but it might be nice to have the chance to get used to its behaviour a little before we tackle what's probably gonna be a challenging new region. And then, all going well, we can round off the year by finally tying off the story and sailing off into the aurora with Will and Astrid. Definitely works for me! But a very heartfelt congrats to the whole team on giving us all such a fun-filled year on Great Bear Island, and I'm sure we're all eagerly looking forward to what you have in store for us in the new year. Enjoy your holiday, then come back and put us through cold hell some more. Oh, and .... I don't think I could've hoped for better TLD news to end the year on. Fantastic!
  21. Or better yet, if someone else handles the overheads of running a store, we could could stick to what we already know and craft some wares for them to sell .... Yes, I'm talking about the Trader.
  22. Oh aye, I think that was clear in your comment already. Your restrictions didn't read like complaints, just a statement of the limitations of the tool. Another almost-advantage I thought of earlier - long game players will finally get some use out of all those extra deer hides we have lying around! Now we just need to find something new to do with moose & bear hides too.
  23. Hehe. I don't expect it to be quite that bad, but .... yeah.
  24. Yeah, I'd kinda like it if you could just drop it without deploying too, and the lighting issue others have mentioned can be a little frustrating, but it's a great addition. If only because I can now harvest a whole moose or bear in one go (or several deer, as I've also done already), load it all on the sled, and drag it back to somewhere better suited for cooking without having to make multiple trips. I'm getting used to the limitations - just takes a little forethought to consider your route.