James Hickok

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Everything posted by James Hickok

  1. Great ideas, great. It takes same amount of time and rewards with only one fish. Its not efficient enough to waste a fire. Deer grants 8-12 kgs of meat, bear around <30 and moose is a no brainer.
  2. Hello survivors !, I was wondering how many of You that play survival mode on Interloper and above use the Tip up system for fishing? I have tried it when it was introduced and never use it on my current runs. Why? It takes too much time to break the ice to get the fish out. The weather is so bad that most of the cases You have to light a fire to not get cold. Lighting a fire in the open especially when you max out the weather conditions (wind change rate) is not wise bcoz the fire will get blown out in no time. Lighting multiple fires is a bad choice as well bcoz you need it mostly for hunting and traveling and its not wise to use fuel and matches for a few fish. When i want to fish i use the classic fishing hut with fire on. And when im in a coastal region i dont need to fish - the fish washed out ashore are more than enough to keep my lantern fuel stock in good condition. What do you think? Do you have a smart method of using the tip ups?
  3. I would like that. Craftables are too easy to craft material wise IMO. Yeah if so that would mean its only intended for The Far Range Territory. That would suck a bit. Same here. Sticks are easy to refill and my fires are based on coal mostly anyway bcoz of the hard difficulty. I usually carry just a few sticks to start a fire and then use coal. When i need to keep a fire going for more time then i gather sticks around the fire to add up. I also like to gather coal from all the mines in game and place it in bases. Yeah. I do the same. Water and stick will be the first to go if im over the limit. After some time on the run the climbing spots have water and sticks + coal sometimes.
  4. Same here but i managed to loot it and escape in the last second (thank you crampons). Seems like some items washed ashore are now Hypothermia traps. Im wondering if its intended or they messed sth up.
  5. If i recall correctly: When You have bleed effect You character not only groans in pain but whines about using first aid asap, and something like "Im going to bleed out". And yes after any attack i ALWAYS check my condition and clothing condition.
  6. Ugh. I dont even try to count how many times i died in sleep bcoz i failed to drink, failed to put some wood in the fire etc. Its part of the game mechanic even if it feels unreal. You have to be aware what happened to Your char. The indications are noticable and while bleeding you leave a blood trail behind you not to mention your health bar going down really really fast. I know its frustrating but as i said its intended. There is a preset in custom mode settings that will wake you up when you are freezing but i dont think it works on bleed or if there is another preset for it. Maybe ask for it in wish list ?
  7. Yeah im thinking about this as well. If not i will craft multiple of those (if possible) and leave each one in crucial rope climbs.
  8. Im like that as well. I like to hoard stuff to main base and leave regional bases with minimum eq. When i loot an area i often end up with 55+ kgs of weight and cant climb ropes. I usually drop some of the stuff near a rope climb and get back to it later (goating - i know how to do it but i never use it. I feel like its cheating). That is why im waiting so bad for the travois.......
  9. True. Im on a similar run ( Max bar drainage, lowest possible day and night health regen, worst weather with winds maxed out, no perks, no birch bark) and i went to start a base in CH yesterday. I have found load of stuff and the blizzards are just so constant it respawns really fast. I have only noticed the increase in thin ice areas and graphic bug that came with it - when ur in a fishing boat washed ashore and enter the cabin the ice beneath starts to break and the crack graphic overlays on the boat/texture. Same with metal containers washed ashore. Item wise still OP. I even found one carabine shell which i never ever did on that difficulty so they did something.... but i dont really know what - no info in patch notes. Honestly - i dont feel a diffrence after the 150 bug fixes that occured. Maybe bcoz i havent had issues that occured on PC. It feels more broken - now when i press right on my controller the weapon that gets chosen is mostly flare gun and it was always bow. I dont see changes in snow lightning, no changes in interiors during diffrent weather conditions. I really dont know what was fixed. I still have to place the pot first to cook something and cant just cook str8 like with water boiling. Still i have silent blizzards. Waiting for next part of the update and we will see.
  10. I love it 😁 but still i suspect smth changed. The mode i play has worse weather than loper.
  11. Im playing right now and its still insane. Im starting to think this game wants to kill me so bad ATM. Crazy.
  12. I should indeed. Now im thinking if its related to Dolby atmos i installed like 3-4 months ago. But I doubt it. I shall check.
  13. Its like sometimes they are normal and sometimes quiet. Same on every map. Sometimes a blizzard starts and its Ok soundwise but after some time it gets silent. Sometimes whole blizzard with sound. Sometimes no sound from the start.
  14. That is strange indeed. Most of my blizzards are quiet as well but im 100% sure that is a bug. I hate this one tbh. Nope i cant play time capsules bcoz im on Xbox. Super Interlooper is just Custom mode that is significantly harder than interloper.
  15. Hello survivors, Is it just me but did the Blizzard frequency has increased after recent update? And anyone know if the "wind direction change" preset in custom option affects blizzard frequency ? Im currently on a Super Interloper run (worst possible weather, maxed out bar drainage, minimum day & night health regen, no perks, no birch bark tea, rest interloper settings) on day 61 and im ML finishing crafting clothes and the weather is INSANE ! Blizzards every day, every day. I dont remember having this bad weather in game especially in ML. I have played on this setting and even worse for some time now (before and after the updates) and i didnt recall that many blizzards in ML.
  16. Sorry to hear You lost ur run. It is known in the community that you cant goat down in this specific place even if it seems you can. There is an invisible wall of death there. The way to goat down to the lower ravine is on the left of the bridge leading to ML from CH (still ravine) and im not talking about the broken bridge. I remember when i lost my 748 ingame day Interloper char and was raging so bad. Uninstalled the game but after 15 minutes i installed it again and started a new run. I cant caount how many runs i lost up to date - its part of the game, part of the learning curve. Hope You will come back. This game is sooooooooo relaxing after hard days work for me. It calms my nerves really. I dont work like You do and i know truckdriving is hard work but im CEO in a ~ 500 ppl company and managing all of them is often very stressfull. TLD is like a nerve therapy for me really.
  17. This makes sense. Would be cool if they actually add a wind speed meter not just wind chill X degrees celcius. Than it would make sense that 90 KM wind will slow you down etc. It would create an opportunity to change the system so it would be dangerous to climb ropes if wind is severe (falling down/ increased stamina meter drainage) and traversing fallen logs (would be a chance to get blown off by the wind). Its a bit odd that when wind is strong that it decreases your walk speed severely it doesnt affect you when walking on logs. Something similar like the wobbling while redlining. Would be a really really nice adition.
  18. Yeah i heard that trick in one of recent @Zaknafein videos. Clever. I always hate when carrying two bows the system always picks the one with the most condition.
  19. Ugh, really. I hate them. They broke the game immersion for me. I would gladly play older version of the game without the update when it was not broken. I hate it that they didnt fixed it. But what can you do right? Take it or leave it it seems.