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Everything posted by Bearimpaler101

  1. I'm a knight. I used to be a crusader with my family but then family stopped playing all together. So now I play only on my own.
  2. Give up conanjaguar! Also... When an employee at hinterland suggests warmer weather when the sun is out.
  3. I'm Canadian! But unfortunately I don't know but those do look like 90s-2000s cars. Btw valid guesses but there are a few notes on wintermute that confirm it's 2000s. And survival is based after wintermute especially in the case of interloper.
  4. when is the long dark based? It's somewhere in the 2000s it's hard to judge because there are laptops and computers. But also floppy discs and tapes. What do yout hink?
  5. Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahhaahahhaabahhahahahaahahahahahwhahah!!!
  6. Mass killing wildlife. Butchering them then leaving their bones to rot. Also something dumb is you can see corpses having a cowichan sweater or something good. But then get just like painkillers off of them. So I guess that is preventing something messed up but still.
  7. ...what da hail?!? You didn't know flare guns don't auto reload?
  8. @bysinda it's the nights that are the hardest.
  9. Hi everyone. Recently I've started playing red dead redemption 1. (I have the first disc for the second one but I don't know where the 2nd disc is.) And I noticed the revolver in the long dark is a double action. And I have used the foresters revolver and normal one. And they are both double action. But what about the wardens revolver and the hunters revolver? Isn't the hunters one supposed to be vintage? If anyone knows please tell me.
  10. This happened to me with a bear. I wa s scared to go up to it.
  11. Cool man! @Tonza_98 keep doing your thing.
  12. if @ArrayKnight quotes and responds to me I'll do a frontflip. For real I'm not kidding. @ArrayKnight you are a legend of the forums!
  13. @Leeanda the veteran. Has a nice ring to it.